
Liangzhou District Notice on all personnel returning to Liangzhou to strictly implement epidemic prevention and control measures

author:Network information Liangzhou

Liangzhou District COVID-19 Joint Prevention and Control Leading Group Office

Notice on the strict implementation of epidemic prevention and control measures for all those who come to cool and return to cool

Recently, many places across the country have reported a number of new local confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia and asymptomatic infected people, and the epidemic prevention and control situation is grim, especially in Lanzhou City, Zhangye City, Jiayuguan City, Tianshui City, Longnan City and other places in our province, local confirmed cases have been found. In order to strictly implement various epidemic prevention and control measures, strictly prevent the import of the epidemic, effectively achieve scientific and accurate prevention and control of the epidemic, and effectively block the spread of the epidemic, the relevant epidemic prevention and control requirements are hereby notified as follows:

First, since October 9, all personnel who have returned to Liangliang (including the garrison troops, the central and provincial units stationed in Liangliang), especially those who have traveled through inner Mongolia's Ejina Banner Poplar Forest, Heicheng Ruoshui Poplar Forest Scenic Area, Tongnange Home Cooking Restaurant, Jiayuguan Guancheng Scenic Area, Zhangye City Ganzhou District, Pingshan Lake Scenic Area, Danxia Geological Park, Jinding Lake in Jinta County, Jiuquan City, Jinding Lake, Huyang Forest Scenic Area, etc.; or those who have intersected with the activity trajectory of confirmed cases and asymptomatic infected people; and those whose health codes are "red code" or "yellow code", You must take the initiative to report to your unit or the town, street, village (community) to which you belong at the first time, you must not conceal the trajectory of your activities, take the initiative to implement relevant prevention and control measures such as nucleic acid testing, accept health management, and truthfully inform your personal travel history and contact history.

The second is to continue to pay attention to the changes in personal health codes, once the health code and itinerary card become "red codes" or "yellow codes", they must report to their units or towns, streets, and communities (villages) at the first time, and cooperate with relevant departments to implement prevention and control measures such as nucleic acid testing and isolation and observation in accordance with relevant requirements.

Third, if there is fever, dry cough, fatigue, sore throat, decreased sense of smell (taste), diarrhea and other symptoms, please wear a mask as soon as possible to the nearest medical institution fever clinic for investigation and treatment, and avoid taking public transportation during the treatment process.

The fourth is to continue to do a good job in personal protection, carry masks with you, wear masks scientifically, try to avoid going to public places with dense crowds, closed or poor ventilation, and do not organize or participate in dinner gatherings and visit relatives and friends.

Fifth, if the fact of returning from other places is deliberately concealed, if the unit or the town, street, village (community) to which they belong is registered for the record, or if the relevant prevention and control measures are not implemented, the relevant responsibilities will be pursued in accordance with law. Where serious consequences are caused, criminal responsibility is to be pursued for the crime of endangering public security by dangerous means, the crime of obstructing public service, and other related crimes in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China. CPC members and public employees are transferred to discipline inspection and supervision organs for handling in accordance with discipline and regulations.

Joint prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic in Liangzhou District

Office of the Leading Group

October 24, 2021

Liangzhou District Notice on all personnel returning to Liangzhou to strictly implement epidemic prevention and control measures
Liangzhou District Notice on all personnel returning to Liangzhou to strictly implement epidemic prevention and control measures
Liangzhou District Notice on all personnel returning to Liangzhou to strictly implement epidemic prevention and control measures

Source: Liangzhou Rong Media

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