
Feng Zikai, the three floors of life, which floor is yours?


Mr. Feng Zikai once wrote in the book:

"I think that human life can be divided into three layers, one is material life, the other is spiritual life, and the third is soul life. Life is such a three-story building. ”

Life is alive and comes and goes. Decades of time have passed in the blink of an eye, and all we can do is to live every day, the richness of life and the joy of the spirit


The first layer: the material life of contentment and happiness

Chen Dajia said in "Just a Bowl of Human Fireworks": "Life in the world is nothing more than the word 'eating and drinking'. ”

In this life, people come and go in the wind and rain, and in the end it is only for these two words. There is food to eat, clothes to wear, room to live in, no need to worry about hunger, and no need to worry about the cold in winter.

In most people's minds, everything is a floating cloud, and it is the most real thing to make a little more money.

Life is easy, life is easy, life is not easy.

Lao Tzu said: "Contentment is not humiliating, knowledge is not lost", this is also the mentality of ordinary people, do not seek any great wealth and nobility, only for a happy family, healthy parents, and kind children, although such a life is plain, but there are still many people yearning for.

The older people are, the more they can experience contentment and happiness.

A rich man saw a fisherman on the beach basking in the sun on a small boat and asked him why he didn't work, didn't he want to change to a big boat?

The fisherman shook his head and said, "My goal for a day is ten kilograms of fish, enough for my life, and I can exchange some wine money, my day is happy and fulfilling, what else am I not satisfied?" “

Sometimes being content with the status quo is also a kind of wisdom of life, without desire you will not be trapped by desire. Contentment and gratitude for everything in front of you are content and happy every day.


The second layer: a rich and colorful spiritual life

Some people say: "Life in the world, not only for the pursuit of material life enjoyment, but also should have a higher pursuit and yearning for the spirit, this is a high-level realm." Some people have a rich life, but there is no spiritual pursuit, he can only be an upstart. ”

Liu Yuxi wrote in the "Buried Room Inscription": "The mountain is not high, and the immortal is named." The water is not deep, there are dragons and spirits. Si is the Burrow, but Wu Dexin. ”

Even if you are in the burrow, you can still find the inner peace of one side in a small and dilapidated space, which is a spiritual pursuit.

There is a poor man and a rich man arguing about what happiness is.

The poor man said, "I am happy as I am now." ”

The rich man was dismissive and said contemptuously: "You are wearing a single coat and live in a broken house, and I have a hundred houses and a thousand acres, so why do you say happiness?" “

Things were uncertain, and then a great fire burned the rich man's house to pieces; a flood washed the rich man's fertile land into a swamp.

Overnight the rich became beggars.

Later, when begging for food, I passed by the poor man's house and went forward to ask for a bowl of water to drink.

The poor man also recognized the beggar in front of him as the former rich man and asked him, "What do you think happiness is now?" ”

The beggar said, "Happiness is the bowl of water in your hand now." ”

Material happiness is limited, there is an inch to want a foot, there is a bowl to want a pot, happiness is not simply to see what I have, but to see what I want.

So the person who is worthless is the happiest, because he will have everything.

When people live to old age, they do not look at what they lack, but at what they have. Maintain such a mentality, so that you will not resent and complain, sit in the courtyard, ask a few friends to get together, watch the flowers and admire the moon, what kind of life is better than this?

The pursuit of spiritual happiness is the greatest happiness, encounter setbacks indifferently, maintain an optimistic attitude, a person is rich in spiritual pleasure, even if penniless, is also the richest person in the world.



The third level: a rich and powerful soul life

The writer Zhou Guoping said in the book "The Nobility of Man Lies in the Soul": "The most important difference between people is not the material rich and the poor, the social situation, but the inherent spiritual quality that divides people into great and small, excellent and mediocrity. ”

Before his death, Master Hongyi instructed his disciples to remember to put a bowl of water under the shelf of the altar of ashes after their bodies were cremated, so as not to burn the ants that passed by.

Life is a practice of polishing the soul, and the material life that it pursues all its life is only to prove to others that it is better to live, and the wealth of the soul life is the real wealth.

In the hustle and bustle of the world, we have lived hard enough, to learn to make our souls quiet, less pursuit of fame and fortune, and live a good poetic life.

Unfinished work, stop and relax;

If you don't have enough money, take a look, it's enough;

Endless socializing, pushing, the body is important;

Endless filial piety, take a walk, go home and see;

Unaccustomed to the world, be quiet, and go with the flow;

Walk the endless future, slow down, stroll through life.

All sentient beings are for profit, and all ups and downs are for profit. Too much calculation of gains and losses will only lead to more and more narrow-mindedness, too much attachment and resentment, and will only live more and more angry.

The noble soul is not born, but is slowly realized in life bit by bit.

As Mr. Ji Xianlin said: "Life is content and insufficient, and there are some things that can be done and some are not done." The first half of the sentence teaches us how to be kind to ourselves, and the second half of the sentence is about how to be kind to others.

Carefully feel those who have noble souls in life, they are like mountain streams and spring streams, hitting your feet and flowing, babbling and moving, always so warm and pleasant.

A person with thousands of mountains and rivers in his heart is definitely better than a person with a lot of wealth.

How we have longed for the waves of fate, until we finally find that the most beautiful scenery of life is the peace of mind. We were so eager for outside approval that we finally realized that the world was our own and had nothing to do with anyone else.

We used to chase the outward magnificence so much, and only later did we understand that true luxury comes from inner happiness and happiness, and we once pursued superficial affluence in this way, and only later did we understand that what really provides for life is inner prosperity.

Mr. Feng Zikai's proposal on "three floors of life", although we may not be able to fully understand it, it is also a pleasure to examine which layer of life we are in.

Recognize your own realm, in the stage of life to maintain the "look back at the place where it has always been, there is no wind and rain and no sunshine" open-minded attitude, not afraid of rain, not afraid of the wind, open-minded, heart is unharmed.

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