
Feng Zikai: All kinds of tastes are life

author:Chang'an Reading Club
Feng Zikai: All kinds of tastes are life
Feng Zikai: All kinds of tastes are life
Feng Zikai: All kinds of tastes are life

Feng Zikai's classic comic "After people disperse, a hook of the crescent moon is like water"

During the Republic of China period, there was such a person, born in a chaotic world without cynical resentment. Under his brilliant brushwork, daily fireworks, cats flowing for years, childish children, a drink and a peck, are all human feelings, all tastes, are life.

In the adult world, he has always maintained a childlike heart. Warmth does not lose Shen Congwen, irony does not lose Money Zhongshu, but also has its own naughty nature. Whether he writes or draws, he is out of his casualness, and he is a real great lifemaker.

He is Feng Zikai.

Why is it that after so long, people still like him so much?

Today, through 16 small stories, we walked into the life of Feng Zikai, a warm man of the Republic of China.

1. Cat slave

Feng Zikai: All kinds of tastes are life

Feng Zikai was writing on the sun and moon floor, letting the two-month-old little flower cat lie on his shoulder. Feng Zikai feels that cats are very similar to little girls, and they have one thing in common: petite intimacy

Feng Zikai is a typical cat slave, he wrote many stories about his cats, but also drew a lot of cat cartoons.

Remembering his beloved cat white elephant, Feng Zikai wrote, "The person who collected the lamp fee saw it and almost forgot to take the money; the police who checked the household registration saw it and did not check it for the time being." ”

Later, the white cat unfortunately died, and the children of the family were sad for a while, and they were more caring for the kittens born by the white elephant.

After reading the article, many readers send cats to their homes every three to five minutes. He never refused.

Feng Zikai said: "People who love cats, even if they give their lives to cats, probably die for what they deserve." ”

2. King of the ashes-level child

Feng Zikai: All kinds of tastes are life

Feng Zikai's love for children is as well-known as his comics and essays.

For example, all the naughty and crazy things are the most interesting in his equally "childlike" eyes.

Feng Zikai's desk where he was writing and drawing, the children came up, grabbed the fountain pen, and made the table full of ink, the nib of the pen was inserted in the paste bottle, the teapot overturned, the lid of the pot smashed on the ground, and everything was messed up.

Ordinary people see this situation, afraid that they will be angry, eager to come to a "mixed doubles" is good.

However, in Feng Zikai's view, the children's mischievous mischief is all revealed in the true, and it is too late to envy it.

Zhan Zhan loved to cry among Feng Zikai's 7 children, the peanut rice fell to the ground, the kitten refused to eat the cake, and the clay man broke it himself, and they all cried hoarsely.

Feng Zikai found it interesting, and in an article written to the child, he said: "Zhan Zhan is particularly admirable, he is a real person whose body and mind are all open, and everything is desperately dealt with with with all his energy." ”

Adults and children are in two different worlds, the adult world is only life, and the child's world is full of galaxies.

Let's "live like an adult and live like a child."

3. Senior otaku

Feng Zikai: All kinds of tastes are life

Feng Zikai is a standard otaku who loves to live idly and likes to tinker with room furnishings.

He regards the room as a painting, so that the decoration of the room is equivalent to the placement in the painting. From the overall layout to the placement of each appliance, it can be carefully planned, leisurely imagined, and then put into action.

Therefore, although the study is simple and poor, he still likes to enjoy himself, and he has to move the furniture back and forth several times a month.

In addition to the room arrangement, Feng Zikai also made a fuss about small objects.

He would take the chiming bell off the wall, paint it sky blue with oil paint, then paint it several willow branches, and then cut out two swallows out of black cardboard and glue them to the tip of the needle.

Aesthetics is Feng Zikai's way of life.

4, love to eat crab

Feng Zikai: All kinds of tastes are life

"Autumn Drinking Yellow Flower Wine"

Feng Zikai's father was a late Qing Dynasty, crab lover, and raised crabs in the water tank at home all year round to satisfy the appetite.

Under the influence of his father, Feng Zikai also likes to eat crabs, and often eats crabs with his father as a child. Eating crab with his father has also become one of the three memorable things in Feng Zikai's childhood.

Feng Zikai eats crabs like his father also pays attention to the sense of ceremony, although the process is complicated but enjoyable, and finally uses half a pocket of crab meat to make two bowls of rice, and the remaining half a pocket eats white.

Many people think that Feng Zikai eats vegetarian food, in fact, he did eat vegetarian for a while, but then he did not hold back, it can be seen that the deepest realm such as Feng Zikai, it is difficult to bear the appetite.

However, Feng Zikai recalled the scene of eating crabs when he was a child, but he felt that "one side was fascinated, the other side was repentant", which was also caused by Feng Zikai's compassion.

Perhaps, it is this mortal heart in his body that makes him look so real and lovely.

5, love to drink

Feng Zikai: All kinds of tastes are life

↑Poke the picture above, immediately buy Feng Zi Kai's childlike life limited gift box ↑

In Feng Zikai's comics, there are many scenes of drinking and unsentimental.

Most of the people who like to drink are temperamental people, and feng Zikai mostly has to find some reason every time he drinks.

The family reunion, he wrote: "Drunk and drunk, without the moon to sleep."

When he met with friends, he wrote: "Grass cups and plates are happy together, and Moyin Chai Rice is bitter and sour." ”

It is this open-minded attitude of "wine to life" that makes Feng Zikai calmly deal with any difficulties.

Every day at dusk, drinking three or two glasses of yellow wine, no matter how his world changes, I feel at ease. This is the Feng Zi Kai of the Immortal Wind Bone.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Feng Zikai lived in Shapingba, Chongqing, and drank Shaping yellow wine.

He said that the taste was not as good as Shaoxing rice wine, but in the late period of the Anti-Japanese War, he drank more and more.

Feng Zikai, who was overjoyed, said that the increase in alcohol consumption was brought about by the "improvement of the situation of the War of Resistance."

Under the weak appearance of the Jiangnan scribes, there is a heart of fist and fist.

6. "Don't Face" comics

Feng Zikai: All kinds of tastes are life

Music Lessons in Country Schools

One morning in the 1930s, Mr. Feng Zikai opened the Shanghai News And an article entitled "Feng Zikai Paints Without Faces" came into view.

He couldn't help but be surprised: he had always been gentle and had no hatred with others, so why did he scold him so much? Feng Zikai was puzzled.

But when he read the whole text, the corners of his mouth were smiling.

In the newspaper, one person commented on Feng Lao's painting of "Music Lessons in Country Schools" -

One by one, the children in the painting open their mouths and sing along with Mr. La'erhu. Although the painted figures have no faces, they can still feel from their heads up and mouths open, and they can still feel that this group of lively and lovely children are immersed in the joy brought by singing, vivid and beautiful.

A few strokes, write the personality of the character. The situation expressed by high art is like this.

Originally, the headline "No Face" in the newspaper praised Feng Zikai's painting skills in a very exaggerated and playful tone, which is, in today's words, the title party.

7. Fleeing is an art

Feng Zikai's life is not as "peaceful and stable" as outsiders seem.

Feng Zikai's era was full of wars, and his life was turbulent and displaced, and most of his time was spent in the flight.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Feng Zikai led a large and small group of children to flee everywhere and endure hardships.

Once, Feng Zikai wanted to tease his four-year-old son Zhan Zhan and ask him what he liked. When the child replied, "I like to flee because I am riding a car and watching a ship with my parents, sisters, and sisters," I was surprised and happy.

Inspired by the child's answer, Feng Zikai issued an exclamation of "artistic escape" and regarded the escape as a rare "family tour".

No one can have a perfectly smooth life, and what we lack is a strong heart that accepts all kinds of tastes.

8. Feng Zikai and Yang Liu

Feng Zikai: All kinds of tastes are life

Feng Zikai's comic "Spring to Jiangnan To Put Paper Kites", his iconic plant - green willow- appeared in the painting,

Elements like this are many more in his comics

Feng Zikai is related to Yang Liu. The literati painted the four gentlemen of Meilan Zhuju, and he loved the willow and the plantain, which were strange and ordinary things in Jiangnan Lane. Of the more than 4,000 of his surviving cartoons, Willow's abundance appears in more than 200 of them. The dial of his own clock was also painted by him as a spring swallow running through the willow branches, so it also had the nickname of "Feng Liu Yan".

The beauty of the willow, the beauty is high and does not forget the original.

9. "Fake Cherry"

Feng Zikai: All kinds of tastes are life

Feng Zikai's classic comic - "Red Cherry, Green Plantain, Streamer Easy to Throw People"

Feng Zikai especially likes the lyricist Jiang Jie's "red cherry, green plantain, streamer easy to throw people." ”

In view of this love, he specially planted these two plants in the flower bed in the forecourt of the Yuanyuan Hall.

Once, when the cherry tree withered and died, Feng Zikai bought cherries from outside and came back and hung them on the tree.

When the children returned from school, they "picked" these cherries and asked them to taste them.

What kind of heart can you have to tie the cherries to the tree without any trouble?

It is also a blessing to be able to become Feng Zikai's child and grow up under his love and care.

10. Educate children

Feng Zikai: All kinds of tastes are life

Feng Zikai treats his children with pure tenderness and bitterness, and never harshly treats his children as his friends.

In 1932, Feng Zikai returned to his hometown of Shimen Bay in Tongxiang to build a new Yuanyuan Hall and repair the old house.

He placed slides, bunkers, seesaws, swing frames, and jumping racks in the yard for children to play and exercise. In such an era of material scarcity, this is naturally rare. Friends and family's children came home and he came to play and used it as a park.

In order to add joy to the family, Feng Zikai, a Buddhist, still prepares gifts for the children at Christmas. When they fell asleep, they put the gifts on everyone's pillows and said the next morning that Santa Claus had delivered them.

Feng Zikai said: "To raise a child, as long as you teach him to be a child forever, that is, never to lose the heart of his child." ”

11. "Flying Flower Order" poetry game

Feng Zikai's early comics were all based on Jiangnan style objects, with poems into the painting, poetry and painting.

Feng Zikai also pays special attention to "poetry teaching", which is not to let children memorize by rote, but to integrate poetry into the game, which is a way of edutainment and education, and also makes children gladly accept it.

The young daughter Feng Yiyin recalled the time when her family lived by the West Lake, and her father hoped that she would enhance the cultivation of classical literature, so he wrote Qu Yuan's "Leaving the Troubles" on the fan surface, and when he waved the fan, his eyes unconsciously fell on the good sentence "Only the grass and trees are scattered, and the twilight of the fear of beauty" can be memorized in the summer...

Feng Zikai will also play poetry games similar to "Flying Flower Order" in the gap between eating and other dishes on the table. This kind of game, without two brushes, really can't play anywhere.

Such a father Feng Zikai, who does not want to have it? Who wouldn't want to be such a dad?

12. The origin of the Yuanyuan Hall

Feng Zikai: All kinds of tastes are life

In 1926, Feng Zikai, who was working at Rieter Academy, had a new residence, the dormitory built by the school in Yongyili.

In the autumn of this year, Master Hongyi, Mr. Li Shutong, happened to travel here, and the teachers and students met, and the affection was self-evident.

Feng Zikai proposed that Mr. Li name his new apartment, and Mr. Li pondered for a moment and said, "You write a word on some small square paper that you like and can match with each other."

Feng Zikai wrote as he was told, and Mr. Li crumpled the pieces of paper into small balls and sprinkled them on the offering table of the statue of Shakyamuni Buddha.

The two casting lots were taken apart by the word "Yuan", so Mr. Li named the apartment "Yuanyuantang", and at that moment Mr. Li also wrote a banner of "Yuanyuantang", and Feng Zikai framed it and hung it in the apartment.

Feng Zikai cherished this inscription of Mr. Feng Zikai, and took it wherever he moved, and accompanied Feng Zikai for six or seven years.

In 1933, Feng Zikai built a mansion in his hometown of Shimen Bay, and this place became a veritable "Yuanyuan Hall".

If you think about it carefully, no matter what is big or small, thousands of circumstances are made up, and it is not possible without a little. How wonderful are the causes of the world!

13. Feng Zikai's long white beard

Feng Zikai: All kinds of tastes are life

In his later years, Feng Zikai always left the reader's heart with such an image of a long white beard

In 1959, at the national committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, a painter with a long white beard attracted attention.

In 1898, Feng Zikai was born in a wealthy family in Shimen Bay, Jiaxing, Zhejiang. The father died early, the mother took up the burden of the whole family, assumed the role of the father as the mother, and in the eyes of Feng Zikai, he was "respectful and afraid" of his mother.

In the year of her mother's death, in order to commemorate her, Feng Zikai began to grow a beard, which remained for thirty years.

Unfortunately, feng zikai's long white beard was ruthlessly cut off during the Cultural Revolution.

However, he laughed and said: "The wildfires burn endlessly, and the spring wind blows again." ”

Beards can be easily cut off, but the wind bones belonging to the literati cannot be cut off.

14. Feng Zikai's arranged marriage

Feng Zikai: All kinds of tastes are life

Feng Zikai and his wife Xu Limin wedding photo

Feng Zikai and his wife Xu Limin were the order of their parents and the words of the matchmaker, and Feng Zikai was also a big family in Zhejiang at that time, and his wife Xu Limin was also born in Xiangmendi, although it was a traditional marriage, but the two did not have a difference after marriage.

The local old man recalled the wedding scene of Feng Zikai and said: "At that time, the Feng family and the Xu family did not use boats to carry the wedding procession as in the tradition, but used a car, a full dozen cars. Watching the bride get out of the palanquin, Feng Zikai walked over and carefully took her hand, her face blushing with shame. ”

After marriage, the two lived a normal married life, and Xu Limin knew Feng Zikai's ambitions, or watched her husband study in Japan when she was pregnant in her second child.

Feng Zikai was originally a family lover, and after returning from Japan, he never left his wife's side, even if he was often wandering, but the two were always together.

As Mr. Mu Xin said: "In the past, the sun became slow, the carriages, horses, and mail were slow, and there was only enough to love one person in a lifetime." ”

15. Feng Zikai and Li Shutong

Feng Zikai: All kinds of tastes are life

In the middle is Li Shutong, and on the right is Feng Zikai

Li Shutong was a music teacher at the Zhejiang Provincial First Normal School when Feng Zikai was a teenager, and Feng Zikai was deeply influenced by Li Shutong throughout his life.

In 1928, Feng Zikai decided to paint 50 paintings to celebrate the 50th birthday of Master Hongyi. Later, Master Hongyi wrote a letter to Feng Zikai to entrust him, and Feng Zikai said in a reply: "What shishou promises, I will obey the instructions." ”

The eight-character promise, a promise is a lifetime, and it also runs through Feng Zikai's entire life in the future.

10 years later, Feng Zikai completed 60 paintings of the second episode in the fire of war.

Later, Master Hongyi wrote back: "I hope that at the age of 70, I will receive 70 paintings in the third episode, 80 paintings in the fourth episode at the age of 80, 90 paintings in the fifth episode at the age of 90, and 100 paintings at the age of 100." ”

Feng Zikai fulfilled this promise that will last for 40 years, to make a painting of pure and perfect good, to respond to the vicissitudes of the human world, until the end of life.

At the end of 1973, six years before Hiroshi was 100 years old, Feng Zikai finished painting 100 paintings from the sixth episode of the "Nursing Painting Collection". At this time, 45 years have passed since he painted the first episode.

Unfortunately, he did not live to the 100th anniversary of his mentor's birth.

"As promised by the world, it must be obeyed." As long as my life allows, I will definitely obey your instructions. Every day I have lived in the world since then, I have lived with your mission.

16. Feng Zikai during the Cultural Revolution

In his later years, Feng Zikai did not have a satisfactory life. His early cartoons were attacked, his remarks were deliberately misinterpreted, and his long white beard that had been left for many years was also "scratched" with a knife, and he was raided, isolated, and suffered all kinds of hardships.

When he was sent to work in the countryside on the outskirts of Shanghai, his daughter Feng Yiyin went to visit him.

At that time, Feng Zikai, who was already white-haired and had a snakeskin bag hanging in front of him, was picking cotton in the field.

Feng Yiyin went to see his residence, and there was a leak of wind on all sides, and there was still a handful of snow next to his pillow, and he cried uncontrollably.

Unexpectedly, Feng Zikai said: "The earth is a bed, the sky is a quilt, and there is a river of face wash water, inexhaustible, it is the endless treasure of the Creator." ”

It is still an unworldly and peaceful appearance.

You see, a small matter of the heart becomes bigger, and a big thing of the heart becomes smaller.

As he put it:

Since there is no escape, it is better to rejoice.

Since there is no Pure Land, it is better to meditate.

Since you didn't get your wish, you might as well be relieved.


On September 15, 1975, this old man who loved cats, children, nature and life died of lung cancer in Shanghai at the age of 77 in the lament of "how humiliating the longevity is".

After his death, he was buried in Shanghai's Longhua Cemetery, where he loved his beloved homeland of Jiangnan.

He claimed to be an admirer of children.

He once said, "My heart is occupied by four things: the gods and stars in heaven, and the art and children on earth." ”

There are a few people in the world.

Finally, I would like to recommend a set of "Feng Zi Kai Childlike Life Limited Gift Box": all kinds of tastes are life.

Feng Zikai: All kinds of tastes are life
Feng Zikai: All kinds of tastes are life

There are two random shipments of red box and blue box! The red box adopts classic retro red with spot gold, deep and elegant; the blue box uses fashionable Tiffany blue with spot gold, fresh and beautiful.

The gift box contains:

"All Tastes, All Are Life" book 1 volume

"Childish Child's Heart" or "Taste of the World" handbook 1 volume

"Innocent Life" full-color comic book 1 volume

"Cherry" and "New Moon" collection of book tickets 2

Giveaway: "Lang Rides a Bamboo Horse" 1 fan

Feng Zikai: All kinds of tastes are life

This is the best gift that Feng Zikai can give you who love life! The gift box was originally priced at 158 yuan, and now it only sells for 99 yuan, which is super cost-effective!

The gift box is exquisite, atmospheric and solemn, and it is very pleasing to the eye when placed on a bookshelf or desk.

May we always live in our hearts a Feng Zi kai, like Mr. Feng Zi Kai: always maintain innocence, and enjoy it tirelessly, to live!

Click on the image below to have it right away

Feng Zikai: All kinds of tastes are life


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