
This is the highest realm of Huang Gongwang's landscape painting, a single "Xiaosan Song Law", which has never been surpassed

author:Shanshui Hongyi xsy107

Wen | Xia Shaoyi

【Abstract】:Huang Gongwang's landscape paintings from the Tang and Song dynasties, the changes in pen and ink lines are extremely rich, and the picture is deep and deep, which is closely related to his superb "Xiaosan Song Method". Through Huang Gongwang's heirloom works, this article analyzes how his landscape paintings produce a unique artistic conception of lushness and thickness through the "Xiaosan Song Method".

Keywords: Huang Gongwang; landscape painting; brushwork; Xiaosan Song method; pen and ink lines;

I. What is the "Xiaosan Song Law"?

This is the highest realm of Huang Gongwang's landscape painting, a single "Xiaosan Song Law", which has never been surpassed

Yuan Huang Gongwang "Danya Jade Tree Map" Collection of the Palace Museum

First, let's take a look at what is the "Song Law" in landscape painting?

The "Song Method" in landscape painting actually refers to the "layers of dyeing" used in the landscape paintings of the Five Dynasties and two Song Dynasties, thus having a rich visual effect. Its pen and ink are meticulous, the tree stone outline ink color is thick, and the wrinkle line is dense and elegant. Its hilly layout pursues the true state of nature, mainly highlighting the majesty and eternity of nature. In the face of nature, human beings are very small, insignificant, and even negligible. Through "layers of dyeing", meticulous pen and ink techniques, they create such an ideological concept in the form of mountains and rivers or corner landscapes.

The so-called "Xiaoshan Song Method" refers to the fact that when the painter actually creates, in order to highlight the true feelings and painting propositions of the inner moment, the painting method of mountain stones and trees is no longer realistic and delicate. In the form of calligraphy with a pen, yi pen is scribbled and scribbled, and the lines and contour lines are integrated, regardless of each other. Its pen and ink lines are sparse and smooth, light and thick. In the process of writing, the rhythm of the depression is deliberately increased, and then a very faint ochre and flower blue are applied, and finally a slight ink dot is added to the dark part of the tree stone and tree to refresh the mind. Its purpose is to better reflect the inner emotions of the painter and achieve the purpose of writing the mind. This kind of landscape brush and ink technique, which evolved from the development of Song landscape painting, is called "Xiaosan Song Method", and some people call it "Shallow Landscape Technique".

This is the highest realm of Huang Gongwang's landscape painting, a single "Xiaosan Song Law", which has never been surpassed

Yuan Huang Gongwang "Layers of Autumn Mist"

This method of painting was pioneered by Huang Gongwang and continuously promoted, and had a great influence on landscape painting in later generations. Ming and Qing landscape paintings were almost all created under Huang Gongwang's "Xiaoshan Song Method" model, but they were never surpassed. Modern landscape masters Huang Binhong and flowers and birds Wu Changshuo and others were deeply influenced by Huang Gongwang's "Xiaosan Song Method". It can be seen that Huang Gongwang's "Xiaoshan Song Method" is a milestone in the development of landscape painting, which is something that landscape painters must master and learn.

This is the highest realm of Huang Gongwang's landscape painting, a single "Xiaosan Song Law", which has never been surpassed

Second, Huang Gongwang used pen and ink to collect a wide range of knowledge, and was not constrained by a certain family and a certain faction, and formed his own unique personal style through the ingenious "Xiaosan Song Method".

The brush and ink in Huang Gongwang's landscape paintings have a strong "lyrical" character, the pen is simple and complex, and the formation of this style is often inseparable from his ingenious "Xiaoshan Song Method".

On the brush of mountain stones and trees, he vigorously chased after the Tang and Song sages, such as Wang Wei's line wrinkles, Dong Ju's "Phi Ma Jiao", Li Guo's "Yuntou Wrinkles", Fan Kuan's "Douban Wrinkles", etc. have been integrated in Huang Gongwang's landscape paintings, regardless of you and me. The pen and ink lines are light and dry, sparse and pale, and the air is flying.

In the use of pen and ink, Huang Gongwang was also greatly influenced by the Father and Son of the Mi family.

For example, the painting method of the middle-range forest in his landscape painting is derived from the "falling eggplant" of the father and son of the Mi family. In Huang Gongwang's landscape paintings, the distant trees are painted in groups, of which the trunk is used with a center pen, which is relatively straight; the leaves are pressed under the pen, shaped like "eggplant", and a stroke represents a leaf. The pen is simple and complex, and it is thick and thick.

This is the highest realm of Huang Gongwang's landscape painting, a single "Xiaosan Song Law", which has never been surpassed

Yuan Huang Gongwang "Autumn Mountain Trick Hidden Map"

III. Conclusion.

Huang Gongwang's unique "Xiaosan Song Method" pen and ink technique, "pen simplicity and intention week", the most important of which is that he is familiar with the pen and ink techniques of the former sages, especially the "layers of dyeing" of the Song people. Therefore, his landscape paintings give people the same feeling of the Song people's thick huazi, but the charm is even better.

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