
wonderful! Tung Chee-hwa used a metaphor to evaluate the CCP丨 Hong Kong One Day Tung Chee-hwa: Hong Kong youth to be participants, contributors, and achievers of the Chinese dream The United Kingdom decided to "coexist" with the virus More than three-quarters of Hong Kong citizens who have banned civil aviation passenger planes from the United Kingdom from arriving in Hong Kong have expressed high recognition of the Hong Kong National Security Law

author:Straight news

This is the 686th issue of One Day in Hong Kong

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="3" > Tung Chee-hwa: Hong Kong youth should be participants, contributors, and achievers of the Chinese dream</h1>

Tung Chee-hwa, vice chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, told the media on June 29 that "one country, two systems" gives Hong Kong the most powerful institutional advantage. He encouraged young people in Hong Kong to look up at the development of the motherland and proudly become participants, contributors and achievers of the Chinese dream in their posts.

Tung Chee-hwa pointed out that in the past, young people in Hong Kong always unconsciously "looked up" to the West, and did not have a thorough understanding of their own national culture and the development of the country. Borrowing words from General Secretary Xi Jinping, Tung Chee-hwa told young people in Hong Kong that China could already "look at the world head-on."

"Young people in Hong Kong should look up and look at the splendid rivers and mountains of the motherland, look at the historical achievements of the well-off in an all-round way, look at the tenacious anti-epidemic epic, look at the Mars photos of 'Tianwen-1', and look at the ordinary and moving Chinese dream of 1.4 billion people."

Tung Chee-hwa mentioned that the challenges encountered by Hong Kong in the past two years have exceeded the limits of the SAR government's ability to deal with them. If the central government had not been clear and decisive, Hong Kong would have faced an increasingly deteriorating crisis. At the crucial moment of major issues of right and wrong, the central authorities first used the Hong Kong National Security Law to stop violence and control chaos, and then through improving the election system, ensured that the basic principle of patriots governing Hong Kong was practiced, thus providing a solid foundation for Hong Kong's long-term peace and stability and enabling Hong Kong to embark on the road from chaos and governance and from governance to prosperity.

wonderful! Tung Chee-hwa used a metaphor to evaluate the CCP丨 Hong Kong One Day Tung Chee-hwa: Hong Kong youth to be participants, contributors, and achievers of the Chinese dream The United Kingdom decided to "coexist" with the virus More than three-quarters of Hong Kong citizens who have banned civil aviation passenger planes from the United Kingdom from arriving in Hong Kong have expressed high recognition of the Hong Kong National Security Law

When asked by the media how Tung Chee-hwa evaluates the CPC's ability to govern, he replied: Facts are the best commentators, and only by objectively viewing China's development from the height of history can we correctly evaluate the CPC's ability to govern.

"Practice has proved that the leadership of the Communist Party of China is an indispensable force for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation."

Tung Chee-hwa said that a hundred years ago, China was poor and weak, surrounded by great powers, and the great Power of China was reduced to the "sick man of East Asia." After the founding of the Communist Party of China, it has gone through thousands of mountains and rivers, gone through countless hardships, and led generations of Chinese through a difficult and tortuous road of exploration up and down.

Facts speak louder than words, and the whole world can see it: the Communist Party of China has led the most populous country on the earth, from poverty and poverty to comprehensive well-off, lifting 800 million people out of poverty; the country has broken down from mountains and rivers to become the world's second largest economy, the largest manufacturing country, the largest country in goods trade, and the largest country in foreign exchange reserves. Tung Chee-hwa pointed out that these ironclad facts are the most objective evaluation of the CPC's ability to govern.

wonderful! Tung Chee-hwa used a metaphor to evaluate the CCP丨 Hong Kong One Day Tung Chee-hwa: Hong Kong youth to be participants, contributors, and achievers of the Chinese dream The United Kingdom decided to "coexist" with the virus More than three-quarters of Hong Kong citizens who have banned civil aviation passenger planes from the United Kingdom from arriving in Hong Kong have expressed high recognition of the Hong Kong National Security Law

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="52" > the UK decided to "coexist" with the virus The Hong Kong government banned the arrival of civil aviation passenger aircraft departing from the UK</h1>

On June 28, local time, the United Kingdom confirmed 22,800 new cases of new coronavirus in a single day, a new high since the end of January this year. But Britain's new health secretary, Javid, announced in the House of Commons that all current epidemic prevention measures in England will be lifted on July 19 as scheduled.

According to British media reports, a total of more than 110,000 cases have been confirmed in the past week, an increase of more than 70% over the previous week, and most of the infected people carry the Delta variant of the new crown virus, that is, the first mutant new coronavirus strain found in India. Regarding the decision to "unseal" as scheduled, Javid said, "Since the new crown virus cannot be completely eliminated, it is necessary to learn to coexist with it, and the epidemic prevention measures must end."

Research continues to show that the impact of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic on different classes of people is significantly different. The wealthy can stay away from the city and escape the pandemic by resorting on a suburban vacation, while also enjoying adequate medical care. At the same time, a large number of people at the bottom are left to stay in densely populated cities, dealing with the troubles of life in addition to the epidemic, such as dwindling savings, daily services, medical security, and even the most basic food and electricity.

In a sense, Javid's so-called "coexistence with the epidemic" is nothing more than the British version of "why not eat meat". Behind it were countless corners that he could not see, or that he simply did not want to see, and the survival and even eventual death of ordinary Britons was the british government's betrayal of its duty, the most despicable betrayal of a country to its citizens. There is nothing "coexistence with the epidemic" at all, just a "survivor bias" of the rich and powerful.

In response to the repeated outbreak of the epidemic in the United Kingdom, the Hong Kong government decided to prohibit the arrival of civil aviation passenger aircraft departing from the United Kingdom from July 1, and listed the United Kingdom as a designated area of the extremely high-risk A1 group. On June 29, Ho Pak-leung, director of the Centre for Infection and Infectious Diseases at the University of Hong Kong, said that 30% of the 40 imported infections in Hong Kong since mid-June were from the United Kingdom, and almost all patients carried the Delta variant virus. He stressed that the no-fly arrangement is appropriate, otherwise the input case "must soar".

wonderful! Tung Chee-hwa used a metaphor to evaluate the CCP丨 Hong Kong One Day Tung Chee-hwa: Hong Kong youth to be participants, contributors, and achievers of the Chinese dream The United Kingdom decided to "coexist" with the virus More than three-quarters of Hong Kong citizens who have banned civil aviation passenger planes from the United Kingdom from arriving in Hong Kong have expressed high recognition of the Hong Kong National Security Law

Britain's new Health Secretary, Javid:

Learning to coexist with the virus must end epidemic prevention measures

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="53" > more than three-quarters of Hong Kong citizens highly agree with the Hong Kong National Security Law</h1>

The Hong Kong National Security Law, which came into force on 30 June 2020, is about to expire one year ago. From June 23 to 28, the Bauhinia Institute of Hong Kong successfully interviewed 1,509 members of the public in the form of random telephone sampling to understand their views on the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law.

Poll data show that 86% of respondents agree that "Hong Kong has a constitutional responsibility to safeguard national security", only 7.7% disagree, and another 6.3% say they are unclear and have no opinions. 82.6% of the public believe that compared with before the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law, "the social order and public order situation in Hong Kong have become better", 8.5% believe that it has become worse, and another 8.9% said that they were unclear and had no opinions.

In addition, 76.2% of the respondents believed that "the right to freedom granted to Hong Kong residents by the Basic Law has not been affected", only 15.3% believed that it had an impact, and another 8.5% said that they were unclear and had no opinions. According to the survey, 75.7% of the public are satisfied with the effectiveness of the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law, an increase of 2.4 percentage points from the april survey this year, while another 15.7% are dissatisfied and 8.6% are unclear and have no opinions.

Regarding the overall confidence in the prospects of "one country, two systems" in Hong Kong, 71.9% of the respondents said that the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law has increased their confidence, 18.4% said that their confidence was reduced, and another 9.7% said that they were unclear and had no opinion.

The Hong Kong Bauhinia Research Institute pointed out that the poll shows that the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law has had an immediate effect on stopping violence and controlling chaos and restoring social stability in Hong Kong. Since the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law nearly a year ago, the concept of safeguarding national security has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people in Hong Kong society and has become the consensus of the vast majority of Hong Kong citizens.

wonderful! Tung Chee-hwa used a metaphor to evaluate the CCP丨 Hong Kong One Day Tung Chee-hwa: Hong Kong youth to be participants, contributors, and achievers of the Chinese dream The United Kingdom decided to "coexist" with the virus More than three-quarters of Hong Kong citizens who have banned civil aviation passenger planes from the United Kingdom from arriving in Hong Kong have expressed high recognition of the Hong Kong National Security Law

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