
Lao Ren covered his face when he saw it! The Zelda Black History Game is actually resurrected!

Lao Ren covered his face when he saw it! The Zelda Black History Game is actually resurrected!

The reason why the "Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom" sneak incident has been making a lot of noise recently, and the reason is that the Legend of Zelda series is so famous that players think that this is a very anticipated game, which caused such a big movement.

So are the Zelda collections all boutique?

This is not the case.

There was a black history in Zelda's history, and even Nintendo never mentioned it, but it was recently turned out again.

The game was released on the Philips CDI platform in the early 1990s, licensed by Nintendo and produced by Philips, but the finished product was a surprise, and the old Ren said forget it, expelled the family tree.

Lao Ren covered his face when he saw it! The Zelda Black History Game is actually resurrected!

Speaking of the origin of this game, it has something to do with Sony, when Nintendo and Sony cooperated to develop next-generation consoles in the last century, Nintendo found that Sony actually had plans for an independent portal.

In order to avoid the flow of fertile water to outsiders, Nintendo's strongest legal department in the eastern hemisphere studied the contract, found the loophole, immediately broke the contract with Sony, and instead signed a CD-ROM cooperation agreement with the Dutch home appliance giant Philips, allowing some Nintendo characters to land on the Philips CDI platform.

Zelda and Mario were unfortunately selected by Philips.

Lao Ren covered his face when he saw it! The Zelda Black History Game is actually resurrected!

CDI is a new generation of interactive optical drive format introduced by Philips for multimedia home appliances, which later lost to CD-ROM, which also caused the Nintendo console optical drive plan to be delayed by a whole generation.

Philips has developed three Zelda games, the first two of which are side-scrolling games that are spurned by players for their shoddy production.

But players do not fully understand the producers of these two games, they all think that they are produced by Nintendo, and a large number of objections flock to Nintendo, which has just abandoned Sony and cooperated with Philips, and can no longer break the contract, so it is also bitter to say.

Lao Ren covered his face when he saw it! The Zelda Black History Game is actually resurrected!

I don't know which of Philips came up with the idea, since action games can't work, let's follow Zelda's routine and develop A.RPGs.

And with the large capacity of the disc, a large number of cutscenes and live-action characters were added, and they came to life.

Although "The Legend of Zelda" has Zelda in its name, it is Link who is the protagonist every time.

This "The Adventures of Zelda" does the opposite, telling the story of the warrior Link being captured by the demon king Ganon in the dark ages, and Princess Zelda taking risks to save him.

Lao Ren covered his face when he saw it! The Zelda Black History Game is actually resurrected!

Her journey will be difficult, full of many challenges and mysteries.

At the suggestion of the wise court astronomer Gaspra and under the guidance of Schulmark, Zelda must embark on her journey deep into the unknown Ptolemark region southeast of Hailar.

Before she begins, Gaspra warns her that the only way to save Link is to collect the seven-star abilities that Ganon stole and that she must overcome one last hurdle: Ganon himself.

She succeeds, gaining the knowledge and power to save Link and bring the magical lands of Hyrule into the Light Age.

Link: Zelda, listen to me, we didn't do anything!

Unfortunately, the game is still bullshit, the images of Zelda and Link in the animation are as uncomfortable as a children's cult, and the gameplay is extremely monotonous, that is, repeatedly challenged in several mazes, not to mention low single-digit frame rates and continuous bugs.

Fortunately, CDi failed in the format battle within a few years, and the platform gradually disappeared.

Nintendo just breathed a sigh of relief, Philips finally didn't give Zelda and Mario to Hoho!

Lao Ren covered his face when he saw it! The Zelda Black History Game is actually resurrected!

Maybe it's to rub the heat, maybe it's true love.

Recently, some foreign developers made this game into a GB-style 2D game, and the performance was actually good, and players praised it as stronger than the original!

The remake adopts the top-down action RPG format, based on the art style of "Weaver Dream Island", and adds game elements such as "Four Swords" to recreate this jin (la) classic (ji) game for us.

Lao Ren covered his face when he saw it! The Zelda Black History Game is actually resurrected!

The game is packaged in GB format and can run on any GB, GBA emulator and GB game console, and interested players can get there get it for free and experience this game that was expelled from the family tree by the old Ren!

The copyright of this game is Philips, and Lao Ren will not send a lawyer's letter.

Zelda must be very happy to be able to return to the embrace of Nintendo consoles.

Lao Ren covered his face when he saw it! The Zelda Black History Game is actually resurrected!

Speaking of the fact that Nintendo and Sony broke the contract that year, in fact, there was a huge bug in the contract at that time, that is, Sony could make and sell the Super Nintendo CD player by itself, which was equivalent to bypassing Nintendo to grab the cake of the game market.

Nintendo headquarters did not find this bug, or Nintendo in the United States has rich experience and reviewed the problem. The solipsistic mountain couch next to the couch will not allow others to sleep soundly. It simply cut off relations with Sony, and as for the launch of PS and the later Sony game empire, it was not something Nintendo could have expected.

Lao Ren covered his face when he saw it! The Zelda Black History Game is actually resurrected!

That's all for today, thank you for watching.

Your attention is my greatest encouragement!

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