
Quick look: thousands of acres of garlic seedlings are strange insects, the reason has been found!

author:Pesticide Assistant

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Quick look: thousands of acres of garlic seedlings are strange insects, the reason has been found!
Quick look: thousands of acres of garlic seedlings are strange insects, the reason has been found!

Garlic worms are alert

Quick look: thousands of acres of garlic seedlings are strange insects, the reason has been found!
Quick look: thousands of acres of garlic seedlings are strange insects, the reason has been found!

Recently, we have seen the above symptoms in the garlic fields of Nanyang and Yuhua, and there are obvious symptoms of insect harm on the leaves.

Quick look: thousands of acres of garlic seedlings are strange insects, the reason has been found!
Quick look: thousands of acres of garlic seedlings are strange insects, the reason has been found!
Quick look: thousands of acres of garlic seedlings are strange insects, the reason has been found!
Quick look: thousands of acres of garlic seedlings are strange insects, the reason has been found!

What the hell are these little yellow bugs?

So many, so tenacious,

Even if you can't kill the pesticide twice?

Quick look: thousands of acres of garlic seedlings are strange insects, the reason has been found!

In just 5 days, many garlic seedlings in the field

The green young leaves are all yellow

Massive death!

Look at this lifeless garlic field

Qixian garlic may be harvested in a large area this year

Quick look: thousands of acres of garlic seedlings are strange insects, the reason has been found!

"No drug available" is the weakness of pesticides

Looking back at recent years, the occurrence of diseases and insect pests is mostly sudden, and when it comes to realizing the prevention and control, the crops have been endangered, and at that time, many pesticides could not be cured, and the insects could not be killed, so whenever this time, good medicines were particularly scarce!

In addition, in the prevention and control of plant protection, the prevention and control of pests and diseases is prevention-oriented, comprehensive control, but because the domestic form of one household retail household is still the mainstream, these retail households are not easy to manage, and it is difficult to carry out scientific planting and rational use of drugs according to the advice of experts.

Moreover, the outbreak of pests and diseases is fleeting, the time is too short, even if you know the control methods and medications, but in the effective time, only a few can be saved. In addition, because the scope of pesticide registration in China is mainly concentrated in bulk crops, the number of registrations accounts for more than 70% of the total, while the registration of pesticide products relative to the unpopular or some small crops is very small, there are currently more than 100 kinds of vegetables and other small crops available without drugs, of which garlic is also relatively small. It was learned from the China Pesticide Information Network that there are currently only 4 pesticides registered on garlic.

Quick look: thousands of acres of garlic seedlings are strange insects, the reason has been found!

Pesticides registered on garlic (Source: China Pesticide Information Network)

Therefore, in actual production, when pests and insects invade these small crops, most producers rely on experience to control, which is not only easy to cause pesticide abuse, produce drug harm, but also have little effect.

In this case, China has improved the current situation of pesticide registration as soon as possible, ensured the balance of pesticide registration varieties, ensured the diversification of pesticide varieties, and alleviated the situation of no drug availability and indiscriminate use.

For enterprises, the more drug is available, the more it shows that there are challenges and opportunities, in the face of a huge blank market for small crops, enterprises can actively register and create new profit growth points.

Several recommendations for pest control

At present, the outbreak of garlic pests in Kaifeng thousands of acres has many reasons, roughly the following reasons:

1. When planting garlic, the temperature is too high, and the mulch film is easy to breed bacteria and insects;

2. Over the years, garlic farmers have planted garlic stubble after stubble, and under heavy stubble planting, some diseases and insect pests have been serious year by year;

3. In recent years, pesticide abuse, insect resistance, vicious circle, insect pests will become more and more severe, once the outbreak can not be cured.

In fact, for garlic, the main insect pests are root maggots, leaf diving ropes, grubs, spotted flycatchers, thrips, seed flies, root mites, etc., among these insect pests, root maggots are more common, what is this pest this year? Expert teachers say that this is a kind of late-eyed mushroom mosquito and part of the ground planted fly.

So how to control these pests?

Shao Xiuli, an associate professor at Henan Agricultural Vocational College, suggested that you can use permethrin drugs or biological agents such as furazine and other drugs to treat these insects in turn, and you can also add some laundry detergent or detergent to the agent to increase the adhesion of the liquid and let the liquid stay on the garlic leaf for a longer time. At the same time, these bugs like warmth and light, and it is best to take medicine after ten o'clock in the afternoon, when these bugs come out to feed, when there is no wind. At the same time, due to the rapid arrival of insect pests and great harm, it is recommended that garlic farmers seize the time to fill medicine to remedy dead seedlings.

Although the high and low garlic prices in the past two years have made garlic farmers uneasy, we still remind the majority of garlic farmers that first, planting should follow the laws of nature, plant according to the seasons, and cultivate the land before planting, turning the sun to kill insects to prevent unnecessary diseases and diseases. Second, in terms of drug application, remember three "don'ts": do not use multiple pesticides frequently together; do not use a pesticide multiple times a season; do not exceed the range of symptomatic medication. When encountering problems, consult experts and do not blindly use drugs.

Source: Henan TV, City Channel

Quick look: thousands of acres of garlic seedlings are strange insects, the reason has been found!

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Quick look: thousands of acres of garlic seedlings are strange insects, the reason has been found!

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