
Looking at "Slam Dunk" from a non-fan perspective, a high-quality game, why is the protagonist Miyagi?

Why didn't the "slam dunk" rush out of Japan to the world?

Generally speaking, the plot of sports novels and anime is the protagonist starting from the bottom, and then the regional champion, the national champion, the continental champion and then the world champion, "Slam Dunk" is only a domestic competition in Japan.

Looking at "Slam Dunk" from a non-fan perspective, a high-quality game, why is the protagonist Miyagi?

This matter may be blamed on the golden generation of players of the Chinese men's basketball team in the nineties, Hu Weidong, Gong Xiaobin, Zheng Wu, Sun Jun They are too strong, defeated Spain, Argentina and other strong teams in the world series to reach the quarterfinals in a row, and even more sideways in Asia, which makes the author of "Slam Dunk" Inoue Yuhiko a little "heroic shortness".

It is understandable that if a Chinese cartoonist is asked to draw the national football team as a world champion, it is estimated that he will also be embarrassed.

Looking at "Slam Dunk" from a non-fan perspective, a high-quality game, why is the protagonist Miyagi?

Perhaps for the same reason, although the author has watched a lot of "Slam Dunk" (played every day in the university cafeteria), I have always not liked this anime so much, not to talk about fans, let alone feelings.

Therefore, as a non-fan audience, the author watched the movie "Slam Dunk" without emotional filters and fan filters, and the feeling after watching is naturally different from that of fans.

Looking at "Slam Dunk" from a non-fan perspective, a high-quality game, why is the protagonist Miyagi?

First, put aside feelings

Before watching the movie, I saw that many people on the Internet were speculating "Haruko Akagi became fat", and it was a little regrettable, after all, Haruko Akagi was indeed very likable back then, and it was difficult to think of a fire in her first love face and student clothes.

After watching the movie, I was a little puzzled, I don't understand what some people on the Internet are entangled in what Haruko Akagi does, she is a trick in this movie, and the scene is even far inferior to Miyagi Ryota's sister, you care about her.

In addition, the opening and ending songs of "Slam Dunk" do not use "Want to Say I Love You Loud" and "Until the End of the World" that fans have listened to thousands of times, and to be honest, the author as a non-fan also feels a little regretful.

Looking at "Slam Dunk" from a non-fan perspective, a high-quality game, why is the protagonist Miyagi?

In fact, this design also reflects the ambition of the producers of "Slam Dunk": we don't rely on emotions to brush the box office, we make anime movies.

The most convincing example is, of course, the protagonist of the movie, Sakuragi Hanamichi is not as much as Mitsui Shou, the male number one of this film is Miyagi Ryota, the male number two is Mitsui Shou, Sakuragi Hanamichi, Akagi Takeshi and Rukawa Kaede are the three big supporting characters.

For the producer's approach, the author firmly supports that "Slam Dunk" is obviously more sincere than those movies that simply rely on brushing feelings to please the audience (cutting leeks).

Looking at "Slam Dunk" from a non-fan perspective, a high-quality game, why is the protagonist Miyagi?

2. High-quality competitions

I remember the last time I watched "Slam Dunk" was when I was in college, when the college cafeteria often played the NBA playoffs and "Slam Dunk" in turn, attracting many viewers, including this author.

When I watched the cartoon "Slam Dunk", the author was dissatisfied with the rhythm of the basketball game, it was too slow, and there was often a picture that could be pulled out far away with one action, typical such as the three-point shot of Mu Twilight, good guys, a three-point shot can be performed for at least three episodes, and since then the author has not watched "Slam Dunk".

When I watched the movie version of "Slam Dunk", I was surprised to find that the game was completely different, after all, the two-hour length not only had to cram in a lot of off-court stories, but also had to reproduce a game in its entirety, and the pace of the game was naturally much faster, you know, it is common for the NBA to play a game for more than two hours.

Looking at "Slam Dunk" from a non-fan perspective, a high-quality game, why is the protagonist Miyagi?

In addition to the rhythm, animation technology has also improved rapidly, and the picture quality of the whole game feels more than a few grades higher than that year's cartoons, and it seems to be a little close to the game screen, and the most intuitive is that the five tigers of Xiangbei are generally handsome.

The most touching thing is the gold content of this game, both technically and tactically, which is quite complete, and can be regarded as a high-quality game.

In the first half, Shanwang Industry and Xiangbei High School played relatively openly, feeling like you hit yours and I hit me, attacking each other and adapting to each other, there is nothing special at the tactical level, but the technical aspect is remarkable.

Looking at "Slam Dunk" from a non-fan perspective, a high-quality game, why is the protagonist Miyagi?

Mitsui's opening few three-point shots made people instantly feel that this was not the nineties, and now the NBA is already an era of small balls full of three-point teams, and "Slam Dunk" naturally has to keep up with the pace of the times, so Mitsui Shou began to score various points.

Even more bullish is Masashi Kawada of Yamano Industries, a guy who looks more gorilla-like than Takeshi Akagi as a center who actually has the skills of a small forward, can pull out three-pointers, and can also wipe into the box for a layup, isn't this the Boozer and Oku who burst Yao Ming back then.

After watching the movie, I checked the information to know that this Masashi Kawada is a guard, and as his height grew, he first changed to play small forward, and then grew taller and then played center, no wonder, in the face of traditional centers like Takeshi Akagi, Masashi Kawada, who has more comprehensive technology, is almost a dimensionality reduction blow, which is also in line with the current trend of pseudo-centers in world basketball.

Throughout the first half, almost everyone in Xiangbei High School played their own characteristics, the starting five tigers had highlights, and Shanwang Industry was relatively decent, and did not seem to exert their full strength, which also laid the groundwork for the second half.

Looking at "Slam Dunk" from a non-fan perspective, a high-quality game, why is the protagonist Miyagi?

At the beginning of the second half, the coach of Sanno Industries said that he would finish the game in a few minutes, which was incredible, but think about it, if the game is played according to the four-tone system, the first few minutes of the second half are not the third quarter.

For dynasty-level strong teams, they usually do not exert their strength in the first two quarters, generally take away the game in a wave in the third quarter, and then start grinding in the fourth quarter, winning the game with rich experience and a small cost.

One of the big reasons why the Bulls and Warriors are able to play more than 70 wins is that they are both able to play one wave and three quarters with great strength.

Sure enough, at the beginning of the third quarter, Sanno Industry took out the housekeeping magic weapon of the strong teams, pressing the whole court, this tactic is really easy for the average team to be broken.

Xiangbei High School was defeated and pulled down by more than 20 points in a short period of time, which is not new in the NBA or CBA.

Looking at "Slam Dunk" from a non-fan perspective, a high-quality game, why is the protagonist Miyagi?

The following enters the Jedi counterattack moment of Shonbei High School, and it is Sakuragi Hanamichi who blows the horn of counterattack, the reason is not only the aura on Sakuragi's body, but also two factors to pay attention to.

First, although the other four starters in Shonhoku High School are very capable, the Yamano industrial players they are opposite are also strong or even stronger, such as Masashi Kawada and Eiji Sawakita are indeed stronger than Takeshi Akagi and Kaede Rukawa.

Sakuragi Hanamichi is an X-factor, his physical condition is bursting, his physical strength is super strong, and he can use his body and bounce hard to eat the opposite power forward Masahiro Nobe.

Looking at "Slam Dunk" from a non-fan perspective, a high-quality game, why is the protagonist Miyagi?

Second, Yamano Industries' full-court pressing tactics are very effective, but this is a double-edged sword, which requires a lot of physical strength on the side, which will naturally lead to a decrease in shooting percentage due to subsequent action deformation, at this time Sakuragi Hanamichi's rebound is very important, as long as you can control the rebound, the Jedi counterattack is the source water.

Therefore, Coach Anzai's adjustment actually has rules to follow, not just the protagonist's halo.

Looking at "Slam Dunk" from a non-fan perspective, a high-quality game, why is the protagonist Miyagi?

After Sakuragi Hanamichi defeated Nobe Masahiro, Masashi Kawada was forced to switch positions to defend Sakuragi, and his younger brother Mikio Kawada came on to defend Akagi, so Takeshi Akagi lost his strong hand against him and immediately ushered in an explosive moment.

And after Eiji Zebei showed super personal ability, Xiangbei High School and Sanno Industry seemed to swap tactics, Xiangbei, which previously focused on personal assault ability, began to pass in tandem, and Yamano Industry, which previously focused on overall tactics, began to rely on Eiji Zebei, and the game was better for Xiangbei.

Looking at "Slam Dunk" from a non-fan perspective, a high-quality game, why is the protagonist Miyagi?

In the end, Miyagi Ryota and Rukawa Kaede combined their swords, and under the tandem of the two of them, Sakuragi Hanamichi, Akagi Takeshi and Mitsui Shou all played their personal characteristics, and Rukawa Kaede completed the final second Sakuragi to complete the kill.

From the perspective of the whole game, you can even see "Slam Dunk" as a real basketball game, because both tactics and techniques are played to the fullest, and the key is very much in line with the content of real-life basketball games, and some tactical adjustments can even be borrowed by real-life basketball teams.

Think about it, after all, Inoue Yuhiko has drawn basketball for so many years, he must also be a veteran basketball fan, and his understanding of basketball tactics and techniques has reached a fairly high level, and it is also trivial to draw a high-quality game.

Looking at "Slam Dunk" from a non-fan perspective, a high-quality game, why is the protagonist Miyagi?

3. Why is the protagonist Yoshida Miyagi?

Many "Slam Dunk" fans don't understand why the protagonist of this movie is not Sakuragi Hanamichi or Rukawa Kaede, but Miyagi Ryoda, who had no sense of existence in the five tigers of northern Xiangbei before?

Some people say that this is because Miyagi Ryota is only one meter six or eight meters tall, which is no different from ordinary people, and Inoue Yuhiko prefers him.

Inoue Yuhiko said in an interview: "Just copying the same thing from the past is not attractive to me, and if I want to depict the story of "Slam Dunk" again, I still want to do it from a new perspective.

So, in order to innovate, Yuhiko Iyama chose Ryota Miyagi as the protagonist.

Looking at "Slam Dunk" from a non-fan perspective, a high-quality game, why is the protagonist Miyagi?

The author believes that there should be two more factors why "Slam Dunk" made Miyagi Ryota the male number one this time.

One is the technical point of view, if you want to describe a wonderful game, from the perspective of Sakuragi Hanamichi's big forward is obviously a little too narrow, from the perspective of Kaede Rukawa's small forward is a little too focused on individual ability, which is not in line with the development trend of basketball.

From the perspective of Miyagi Ryota's organizational guard, it can better reflect the overall atmosphere of the basketball game, emphasizing cooperation and teamwork, which is also the root of Shonbei's final victory over Sanno Industry.

Looking at "Slam Dunk" from a non-fan perspective, a high-quality game, why is the protagonist Miyagi?

The other is the problem of bad boys, Miyagi Ryota and Mitsui Shou are typical bad teenagers, if only say that bad teenagers play basketball, it will obviously make the Shonobi basketball team fall into a feeling of "bad team".

In fact, every bad boy has his own problems behind him, and Miyagi Ryota's problem is the death of his brother, which causes him to live in a psychological haze for a long time, and then the psychological problems cause him to become impatient and obedient.

Through a period of life and a game in Miyagi Ryota, this "Slam Dunk" movie not only shows the psychological problems of bad teenagers, but also describes the positive transformation process of bad teenagers, which is not only inspirational but also has practical significance.

Looking at "Slam Dunk" from a non-fan perspective, a high-quality game, why is the protagonist Miyagi?

The question is, if there is another movie in "Slam Dunk", is it Mitsui Shou's turn to be the protagonist?

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