
Grouper Illustrated Handbook: From historical documents to a general description of the varieties, from market ingredients to cooking methods

author:Zhang Xinmin ate the conversation
Grouper Illustrated Handbook: From historical documents to a general description of the varieties, from market ingredients to cooking methods

Legendary extremely beautiful red butterite grouper. The Chaoshan people refer to grouper as "over the fish", and the original word for "over" is "鲙", which means that this fish has the same pattern and color as the picture.

Grouper Illustrated Handbook: From historical documents to a general description of the varieties, from market ingredients to cooking methods

Wild red spots that are most valued by gourmets.

Grouper (scientific name: Epinephelus drummondhayi) is a collective name for the class of bony fish perch (Peciformes), percoidei, Serranidae, grouper subfamily Epinephelinae, grouper genus Epinephelus, widely distributed in tropical and subtropical warm waters, preferring to live among corals or rocky reefs. Carnivorous and fierce, adult fish are not clustered, belonging to the typical warm water offshore reef fish. Because its body is covered with beautiful patterns like stones, it is named grouper.

Grouper Illustrated Handbook: From historical documents to a general description of the varieties, from market ingredients to cooking methods

I make live red spot fish rice, and the average restaurant is reluctant to use the red spot to make fish rice.

There are many species of grouper, more than 100 species have been recorded in the world, and 67 species of 10 genera have been recorded in China, from Zhejiang to Hainan, Beibu Gulf and even the Nansha Islands. More than 90% of the world's grouper production comes from Asia, and only grouper fish is currently farmed in Asia.

Grouper Illustrated Handbook: From historical documents to a general description of the varieties, from market ingredients to cooking methods

The seafood monthly calendar published in Taiwan, October 2013 is a grouper feature.

I have never understood why the Chaoshan people call grouper "over the fish", and later read the local chronicles, and saw in Qianlong's "Nan'ao Zhi" that "the fish, the head round name is very colorful." This was the record of this, and this suddenly dawned on me. In the Chaoshan dialect, "鲙" and "過" are homophones, and salmon is the ancient name of grouper, meaning beautiful patterns and colors like pictures. This kind of use of homophones or vulgar characters instead of this character in life we often encounter, such as "Huaishan" of the "Huai" character should be "懷", the reason is that since ancient times, the yam produced in Henan's Qingqing Province is the most famous, called "Huai Yam", but this traditional "懷" character is too difficult to write, it is falsely "Huai" character, called "Huai Yam", referred to as "Huai Shan". Similarly, the word "ginger" in "ginger" should be the word "ginger". According to the Nan'ao Chronicle, we also know that groupers known as salmon have rounder heads and many different species.

From the perspective of modern ichthyology, grouper refers to the various genera of the grouper subfamily of the family Bass, living in warm sea reefs, there are hundreds of species in the world, and there are 31 species recorded in China's coastal records, of which only 1 species are in the Yellow Bohai Sea Area, 12 species in the Fujian-Zhejiang East China Sea Area, and 30 species in the Liangguang South China Sea Area. It is almost impossible to fully understand so many species of groupers, because most of them have a very close body shape and markings, a large fat mouth, an upturned jaw, and will be swallowed by prey in one bite, often between dark brown and brownish red.

Here are some of the most common grouper species in the market, almost all of which have been artificially farmed, so you can eat with confidence and worry about whether these species will go extinct.

Another particularly important thing to remind everyone: the artificial culture of grouper today is in a big change, because in recent years, there have been a large number of hybrid grouper varieties, such as the pearl gentian (commonly known as dragon tabby or pearl spot) that floods the grouper market, that is, with saddle band grouper (commonly known as dragon spot) as the father, brown spot grouper (commonly known as tiger spot) as the mother, and hybridized. In other words, many of the groupers on the market are not purebred groupers but new hybrids that cannot be found in professional fish books.

1. Erythra carp. The scientific name Epinephelus akaara, red-spotted grouper, commonly known as erythrothematum, is a species of the suborder Bass in the order Perciformes. It is found in the western North Pacific. China's domestic production is in the South China Sea and the south of the East China Sea, and the coastal production of Guangdong is relatively large. It is often steamed whole, and fishermen also use pork belly and salted plum juice to cook sour fish soup, which is very delicious. Because the red spotted fish has an auspicious red color that symbolizes Chinese culture, the red spot is a high-priced grouper that is popular in Chinese wedding feasts. In the Seto region of Japan, it is known as the "Dream Fish", and the "Steamed Sea Red Spot" is a famous dish at a Hong Kong feast.

Grouper Illustrated Handbook: From historical documents to a general description of the varieties, from market ingredients to cooking methods
Grouper Illustrated Handbook: From historical documents to a general description of the varieties, from market ingredients to cooking methods

Wild red spotted fish.

Grouper Illustrated Handbook: From historical documents to a general description of the varieties, from market ingredients to cooking methods

From the price above the seafood pond of the food stall, you can basically know the grade of this kind of grouper.

Grouper Illustrated Handbook: From historical documents to a general description of the varieties, from market ingredients to cooking methods

The erythema has been treated clean and ready for steaming.

Grouper Illustrated Handbook: From historical documents to a general description of the varieties, from market ingredients to cooking methods
Grouper Illustrated Handbook: From historical documents to a general description of the varieties, from market ingredients to cooking methods

Depending on the size of the fish and the individual's preference, different cutting and steaming methods can be used.

Grouper Illustrated Handbook: From historical documents to a general description of the varieties, from market ingredients to cooking methods

Only a little sea salt is steamed, and the sauce is dipped in itself, which can best taste the original taste of red spots.

Grouper Illustrated Handbook: From historical documents to a general description of the varieties, from market ingredients to cooking methods
Grouper Illustrated Handbook: From historical documents to a general description of the varieties, from market ingredients to cooking methods

Erythra carp rice is also only salted without other seasonings, and can be eaten with Puning bean paste.

2. East Star Spot. The scientific name is Plectropomus leopardus, a genus of gill perch in the family Baculidae, commonly known as leopard leopard (painted). The Eastern Star Spot is brightly colored, small in height, and cylindrical in shape. The body is covered with purple-blue flower spots, resembling stars in the sky, so it is called "star spots". As for the word "Dong", it is said that it is produced in the Dongsha Islands in eastern China, and there are also Western Star Spots and Thai Star Spots among the fish of the same genus.

Grouper Illustrated Handbook: From historical documents to a general description of the varieties, from market ingredients to cooking methods
Grouper Illustrated Handbook: From historical documents to a general description of the varieties, from market ingredients to cooking methods
Grouper Illustrated Handbook: From historical documents to a general description of the varieties, from market ingredients to cooking methods

The east star spot of the real shot of the wet market.

Grouper Illustrated Handbook: From historical documents to a general description of the varieties, from market ingredients to cooking methods

Because the East Star Spot has been artificially farmed, the price has fallen sharply in recent years, and the price of the food stall is only half that of the wild red spot.

Grouper Illustrated Handbook: From historical documents to a general description of the varieties, from market ingredients to cooking methods
Grouper Illustrated Handbook: From historical documents to a general description of the varieties, from market ingredients to cooking methods

Steamed East Star Spot. When steaming, be sure to master the heat, and you must eat it while it is hot.

3. Mouse spots. Scientific name Cromileptes altivelis, Humpback perch, humpback perch fish of the family Baconaceae. Mainly distributed in the reef area of the Indian Ocean, it can grow up to 50 cm, and its spotted body can confuse enemies and protect itself. Rat spot is the highest priced grouper in the tradition, with a pointed beak and high back, and a creamy body color covered with black spots, which makes people feel very festive. The flesh is white and firm, and the taste is delicious. The usual method is to steam the small tail, stir-fry the fish balls with the big tail slices or hit the hot pot. In recent years, due to the success of artificial breeding, the market price has dropped significantly.

Grouper Illustrated Handbook: From historical documents to a general description of the varieties, from market ingredients to cooking methods
Grouper Illustrated Handbook: From historical documents to a general description of the varieties, from market ingredients to cooking methods

In recent years, due to the success of artificial breeding, mouse spots have led to a significant decline in market prices.

4. Tiger spots. The scientific name Epinephelus fuscoguttatus, brown spot grouper or brown spot grouper, commonly known as tiger spot. In the past, most of the large wild fish weighing dozens of pounds were sold on the market, and the skin and meat were tough, and the traditional boiled white radish was often cut into small pieces. After the success of artificial breeding, there are often suitable steamed small fish in the market, and in recent years, it has also been used as a father to hybridize with gentian grouper. Tiger skin meat is strong, delicious and resistant to cooking.

Grouper Illustrated Handbook: From historical documents to a general description of the varieties, from market ingredients to cooking methods
Grouper Illustrated Handbook: From historical documents to a general description of the varieties, from market ingredients to cooking methods

The live-killed tiger spot scene is a bit bloody.

5. Dragon's foot or gentian. The scientific name Isnephelus Lanceolatus, Chinese saddle bander, commonly known as dragon or gentian, purple grouper. Gentian is the king of groupers and is the largest of the fish, reaching 2.7 meters long and weighing 600 kilograms. The main production area is in southeast Asia, Australia waters, and has also been found in the South China Sea (Nansha Islands) in China, but the number is rare. In the old days, there were seafood shops in Hong Kong that specialized in gentian skins, because their fish scales would be inserted backwards into the skin, which was very recognizable, and it was a valuable dried seafood.

Grouper Illustrated Handbook: From historical documents to a general description of the varieties, from market ingredients to cooking methods

At the end of 2010, Shenzhen Jurenye Restaurant once bought a 543-kilogram wild "Dragon King" for sale, which caused a sensation.

Grouper Illustrated Handbook: From historical documents to a general description of the varieties, from market ingredients to cooking methods

Purebred dragon belly adults have only a distinct marking of the ventral fin of the tail fin, and the body is dark brown to purple.

Grouper Illustrated Handbook: From historical documents to a general description of the varieties, from market ingredients to cooking methods
Grouper Illustrated Handbook: From historical documents to a general description of the varieties, from market ingredients to cooking methods
Grouper Illustrated Handbook: From historical documents to a general description of the varieties, from market ingredients to cooking methods

Commercially available small pieces of gentian are mostly hybrid pearl gentian (tiger dragon spot).

6. Oil spots or clouded groupers. The scientific name Epinehelus moara, cloud grouper, electric grouper, commonly known as oil spot, soil, is a genus of groupers in the family Bassidae. The oil content of clouded grouper is slightly higher than that of other types of grouper, so it is named oil spot, which is famous for Japanese sumo wrestlers who like to eat oil spot hot pot.

Grouper Illustrated Handbook: From historical documents to a general description of the varieties, from market ingredients to cooking methods
Grouper Illustrated Handbook: From historical documents to a general description of the varieties, from market ingredients to cooking methods

Oil spot is cloud grouper.

7. Sesame spots or orange spotted groupers. The scientific name of the orange-spotted grouper, Epinephelus bleekeri, is a species of grouper in the family Bassidae, commonly known as the Grouper Brisk. It is found in the Indian Ocean and the western Pacific Ocean, such as Taiwan Island and the South China Sea, and is a reef fish. It can reach a length of 76 cm and lives in seas 30-104 meters deep. Orange spotted grouper is an important marine aquaculture object that has emerged in recent years along the southeast coast of China.

Grouper Illustrated Handbook: From historical documents to a general description of the varieties, from market ingredients to cooking methods
Grouper Illustrated Handbook: From historical documents to a general description of the varieties, from market ingredients to cooking methods

Orange spotted grouper is an important marine aquaculture object that has emerged in recent years along the southeast coast of China.

8. Red or black-sided groupers. Black-edged grouper scientific name: Epinephelus fasciatus, is a fish of the family Baculaceae and Bassidae. It is a warm-water shallow sea fish with a flattened body and a large mouth. The body is covered with small ctenophores and brightly colored, so named after the black-like black edge of the dorsal fin spine. It inhabits rocky reefs and coral thickets and is 160–220 mm long. The meat is as delicious as erythema and can be steamed or boiled in soy sauce.

Grouper Illustrated Handbook: From historical documents to a general description of the varieties, from market ingredients to cooking methods
Grouper Illustrated Handbook: From historical documents to a general description of the varieties, from market ingredients to cooking methods

The red dice is bright in color, the flesh is delicious and comparable to the red spot, and the common body length is 160-220 mm.

Grouper Illustrated Handbook: From historical documents to a general description of the varieties, from market ingredients to cooking methods
Grouper Illustrated Handbook: From historical documents to a general description of the varieties, from market ingredients to cooking methods
Grouper Illustrated Handbook: From historical documents to a general description of the varieties, from market ingredients to cooking methods

The reddish ting is brightly coloured , with black, black-like edges at the spinous ends of the dorsal fin , and is commonly 160–220 mm long.

Grouper Illustrated Handbook: From historical documents to a general description of the varieties, from market ingredients to cooking methods
Grouper Illustrated Handbook: From historical documents to a general description of the varieties, from market ingredients to cooking methods

The red dice are bright in color and the meat is as delicious as red spots, which are usually used as red spots.

9. Yellow butter or bluestone spot. The scientific name is Epinephelus awoara, bluestone, commonly known as yellow ding, earth spot. The dorsal back is brown with a light brown ventral side, 5 dark brown vertical stripes on the body side, and a pronounced yellow edge at the edges of the dorsal and fins and the posterior margin of the caudal fin.

Grouper Illustrated Handbook: From historical documents to a general description of the varieties, from market ingredients to cooking methods
Grouper Illustrated Handbook: From historical documents to a general description of the varieties, from market ingredients to cooking methods

Yellow ding is a common grouper and the price is moderate.

Grouper Illustrated Handbook: From historical documents to a general description of the varieties, from market ingredients to cooking methods
Grouper Illustrated Handbook: From historical documents to a general description of the varieties, from market ingredients to cooking methods

There are distinct yellow edges at the edges of the dorsal and fins and at the posterior margin of the caudal fin.

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