
Spuwo talked about the prevention and control technology and pathogenesis of banana leaf spot disease

author:Spworth functional fertilizer
Spuwo talked about the prevention and control technology and pathogenesis of banana leaf spot disease

Banana leaf spot disease is a common disease in banana areas, which seriously affects the normal growth of bananas, reduces the quality and yield of bananas, and causes great losses to farmers. Today, Xiaobian introduced the symptoms, pathogenesis and prevention methods of banana leaf spot disease in detail for your reference.

1, Symptoms

There are three common types of banana leaf spot disease: brown edge gray spot disease, gray stripe disease and coal stripe disease. When severe, it affects the photosynthesis of the plant and leads to a decrease in yield.

(1) Brown margin gray spot disease

Initially, brown stripes parallel to the veins of the leaves are produced, and then the spots expand into oblong or spindle-shaped spots, with gray in the middle of the spot, blackish brown around the periphery, and sparse gray mold on the surface. When there are many spots, the leaves will die.

(2) Gray streak disease

Initially, a small oval spot is formed, and later it expands into a large oblong oval spot with slightly pointed ends, the middle of the spot is grayish brown, the periphery is brown, there is a clearly visible yellow halo on the periphery, and the back of the spot is gray-brown mold.

(3) Coal streak disease

The spots mostly occur at the edges of the leaves, and are often very similar to the spots of gray streaks and are difficult to distinguish. Coal-streaked spots are mostly oval and brown, the wheel markings on the spots are obvious, and the dark mold on the back of the spots is long.

2. Pathogens The pathogens of the above three diseases are all fungi.

(1) The pathogen of banana brown edge gray spot disease is Pseudomonas bananas. Conidia are stick-shaped, multicellular, and colorless. The optimal temperature for the growth of pathogens is 25 to 26 °C, and the optimal temperature for conidia germination is 29 °C.

(2) The pathogen of banana coal streak disease is called cluster-growing helminthia conidia stalk brown, conidia olive color.

(3) The pathogen of banana gray streak disease is banana dark twins. The conidia stalk is slender, brown, conidia twin, oval, colorless.

3. Pathogenesis

The pathogens of the three diseases overwinter mainly as mycelium parasitizing in the host disease department or on the remains of the diseased strain. Conidia are spread by wind and rain, and after falling on the surface of the host leaf, they germinate from the epidermis and invade the disease. Later, new spots produce conidia for reinfection.

The three diseases mostly occur in the season of medium temperature and high humidity, so April to June is the season when banana leaf spot disease occurs more. Orchard density is high, low-lying terrain, poor drainage, poor root growth and weevil infestation of the plant is also more serious.

4. Prevention and control methods

(1) Strengthen fertilizer water management: can increase the application of Spuwoh vine series of organic fertilizers and Spuwoh man containing humic acid a large number of elements phosphorus and potassium water-soluble fertilizer, this water-soluble fertilizer using Polish low-carbon nanoparticle chelation technology, nutrients through the plant stomata transmitted to the phelomal cells and phloem tissue, with strong adsorption capacity, good water solubility, no harm to the roots, fast absorption, high fertilizer efficiency, the characteristics of provincial consumption. Moreover, it also contains a large number of elements required by crops, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, boron, zinc, magnesium, sulfur, iron and other medium and trace elements, mineral source humic acid, active peptide protease immune stress resistance and other substances. And it can promote root germination, flower bud differentiation, fruit expansion, prevent the occurrence of deficiency diseases such as falling flowers and fruits, fruit deformity, and premature yellow leaf failure.

(2) Pay attention to the care of banana garden: timely dig through the banana field drainage and irrigation ditch, so that it can drain and irrigate; remove weeds in the garden, dig out excess buds, reduce the humidity of the banana garden, and keep the furrow surface dry and moist to facilitate growth and reduce the incidence of disease.

(3) Clean up the dead leaves of diseased leaves: for plants with severe disease, timely cut off the seriously diseased leaves and dead leaves on the plant, remove the diseased leaves on the ground, move out of the garden to burn, reduce the source of bacteria, make the orchard ventilated and transparent, reduce humidity, and reduce harm.

(4) Timely spray prevention and control: in the early stage of the disease, after the removal of diseased leaves and after the storm and rain, timely medication prevention and control, spray once every 7 to 10 days, spray 3 times continuously. Prevention and control agents can be used pyrazole ether esters, propiconazole, fluconazole, pentrazole and so on.

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