
The ROK Ambassador to China provided an article signed by the China Youth Daily and the China Youth Network - Looking forward to the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the ROK and China becoming a new node for the relations between the two countries to take off again

author:China Youth Network

Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to China Jang Ha Sung

The ROK Ambassador to China provided an article signed by the China Youth Daily and the China Youth Network - Looking forward to the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the ROK and China becoming a new node for the relations between the two countries to take off again

Courtesy of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Beijing

Last year, the Chinese TV series "Thirty Only" was a hit in South Korea and was loved by the audience. In the past, Koreans' understanding of Chinese TV dramas mainly came from costume dramas, and this drama allowed Koreans to see the latest trends and new charms of Chinese entertainment.

Rok-China relations will mark the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations next year. Over the past 30 years, the relations between the ROK and China in the political and economic fields have become increasingly close, which can be described as an unprecedented and remarkable development. According to South Korean statistics, the trade volume between the two countries increased 39 times from US$6.3 billion in 1992 to US$243.4 billion in 2019, and the number of people exchanged increased 80 times from 130,000 in 1992 to 10.37 million in 2019. However, compared with the development of relations in the political and economic fields, there is still room for development in exchanges between the two countries in the field of humanities and society.

In April, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman quoted the phrase "Thirty Stands" in the Analects of Politics to describe relations between South Korea and China. The "thirty-year-old" ROK-China relationship tells us that the great decision of the leaders of the two countries to break the Cold War pattern in Northeast Asia and renew the history of exchanges between the two countries in 1992 was correct. Today, we are more convinced that it is in the common interests of both sides to continue to promote the development of bilateral relations.

In order to promote the more mature and stable development of ROK-China relations, it is very important to expand people-to-people exchanges between the two countries and deepen mutual understanding and friendship between the peoples of the two countries. No matter how the environment changes, no matter what political and economic differences exist, as long as there is a solid friendship between the two peoples, we can continue to steadily promote the development of bilateral relations.

Earlier this year, President Moon Jae-in and President Xi Jinping jointly declared 2021 and 2022 the "Year of Korean Chinese Exchanges." The two governments will take this as an opportunity to expand the scope of contacts for people-to-people cultural exchanges, create more opportunities for understanding each other's ideas and cultures, and enhance friendship between the two peoples.

The slogan of this "Korean Chinese Exchange Year" is "Culture increases friendship, peers create the future". South Korean painter Park Dae-sung, novelist Kim Joo-young, athlete Yoo Seung-min, the girl group "Brave Girl" and host Yoon Yin-joo serve as Ambassadors for Cultural Exchange between the Korean side; Chinese painter Han Meilin, novelist Yu Hua, athlete Zhang Hong, actor Wang Kai, and host Haixia serve as Ambassadors for Cultural Exchange between the Chinese side. Just as friends who listen to the same music, watch the same movies, and enjoy the same cultural life can accumulate deeper friendships, with the increasingly active cultural exchanges and cooperation between the two countries, it is believed that the friendship between the two peoples will become deeper and deeper.

Recently, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi paid an official visit to the ROK, which shows that the two governments attach great importance to bilateral relations. The two sides agreed to promote a variety of exchange programs among young people, and confirmed the logo of the "Korean Chinese Exchange Year" and cultural exchange ambassadors. The two sides also held a meeting of the Korea-China People-to-People Exchange Promotion Committee to conduct in-depth discussions on the development direction of people-to-people exchanges between the two countries.

I am well aware of the importance of people-to-people exchanges between Korea and China. Since becoming South Korea's ambassador to China in March 2019, I have been committed to interacting with the Chinese people and visiting all parts of China on a monthly basis. One of the essential itineraries of my business trip is to visit the local university, because I attach great importance to communication with the young generation in China. Unfortunately, due to the impact of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, I have not been able to promote relevant activities recently. On the occasion of the "Year of Korean Chinese Exchanges" and the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between South Korea and China, I plan to restart my visits to China to further bring chinese youth and the Chinese people closer together. I hope to meet more Chinese through the visits.

Just as "Thirty Only" allows Koreans to re-understand Chinese culture, let Koreans pay attention to Chinese cities such as Shanghai, where the film was filmed, and generate the idea of traveling to China, I also hope that through this series of activities of the "Korean Chinese Exchange Year", more Korean Chinese art works can be loved by the people of the two countries and play a role in enhancing mutual understanding and friendship. At the same time, it is hoped that the "Year of Korean Chinese Exchanges" will further expand cultural exchanges between the two countries, so that the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations next year will become an important node for bilateral relations to take off once again and create a new 30 years.

Tomorrow is the day of the 72nd anniversary of the founding of New China, and I take this opportunity to congratulate the Chinese government and people!

Source: China Youth Daily client

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