
The special exhibition "Korea-China Joint War of Resistance" was held in South Korea

author:China Youth Network

Seoul, 13 Aug (Xinhua) -- The special exhibition "Korea-China Joint War of Resistance" opened at the Independence Memorial Hall of the Republic of Korea on 13 August. Xing Haiming, Chinese ambassador to the ROK, Han Shijun, curator of the Independence Memorial Hall, Li Jong-jae, president of the Korean Chinese Association, and Qu Huan, president of the Korean Chinese And Chemical Friendship Association, attended the opening ceremony.

In his speech, Xing Haiming said: In the face of the barbaric aggression of Japanese imperialism, benevolent people and men of good will in China and the ROK have fought against each other and supported each other, and key members of the ROK Provisional Government have forged a profound friendship with the leaders of the older generation of the CPC. Next year marks the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the ROK, and bilateral relations are facing important opportunities for development. The Chinese side is willing to work with friends from all walks of life in the ROK to continue to carry forward the great spirit of the older generation of benevolent people to save the country and the people, work hard to become stronger, strengthen the belief in peaceful development, and continuously deepen the friendship between China and the ROK to better benefit the two countries and the two peoples.

Han Shijun said that the Independence Hall hopes to take this exhibition as an opportunity to continuously strengthen the research and maintenance of the heroic history of the two countries standing shoulder to shoulder against Japanese imperialist aggression, and continue to add new impetus to deepening ROK-China cooperation.

Lee Jong-jae said: The ROK and China have made tremendous sacrifices to resist Japanese imperialist aggression, and the friendship forged between the peoples of the two countries during their hardships is the most sincere and profound, and is a precious wealth of the two countries. It is hoped that the ROK and China will inherit the legacy of the martyrs and continue to carry forward the friendship between the two countries.

The exhibition is composed of "the two countries that have been invaded, find a way out together", "the oppression of aggression, cohesion", "the same hatred of the enemy, blood and sweat", and other parts, and exhibits such as the seal of the Korean independence activist Kim Jiu. The exhibition will run until November 21, 2021.

Source: Xinhua Net

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