
"Out of control" fish prices: grass carp once a day

author:Big River Newspaper

Top News Dahe Newspaper reporter Wei Chaolin Wentu

It is not easy for the "second master brother" to reduce the price, and the "freedom to eat fish" is restricted again. In the past two months, fish prices have soared, and the prices of some fish have risen by more than 50%, which makes many people who like to eat fish look forward to "fish" and sigh! What is the price of fish in the Zhengzhou market? What is the impact of rising fish prices on food and beverage channels? Reporters make a visit.

"Out of control" fish prices: grass carp once a day

Visits: Freshwater fish generally rise, grass carp one price a day

On the morning of the 26th, the reporter came to visit the Fengchan Road Duozhicai Farmers' Market, which radiates a number of surrounding residential communities and is a vegetable basket base for nearby residents.

In the aquatic product sales area, the reporter saw a male citizen buying grass carp, he selected two grass carp, the clerk weighed and said a total of 8 pounds, 10.5 yuan per kilogram. When he learned the price, the man shook his head and said, "Too expensive, too expensive, don't want it." The clerk then placed two grass carps in the fish pond.

"Can't afford to eat, can't afford to eat, too expensive," the man said as he walked and shook his head.

The reporter and the shopkeeper chatted and learned that in the past two months, the price of freshwater fish has soared, taking carp as an example, two months ago, the carp per kilogram was about 6 yuan, and the highest time rose to 13 yuan per kilogram, more than doubled. The price of Qingjiang fish was previously 6 yuan per catty, and now it has risen to 13 yuan per catty.

"Now grass carp a day a price, today grass carp per kilogram 10.5 yuan, yesterday 10 yuan per kilogram, the day before yesterday 11 yuan per kilogram, the daily price is also based on the price of our purchase, maybe tomorrow the price rose again, maybe it fell back." The owner said, "Many restaurants don't sell fish now, and they lose money." ”

In the Dennis Dongming Road store, the reporter saw that the Qingjiang fish was marked at 15.80 yuan per kilogram, and the perch was 29.8 yuan per kilogram. "Fish prices have been much higher in the past two months, and we don't know what's going on, which also affects sales." The clerk said.

"Out of control" fish prices: grass carp once a day

Restaurants: Fish dishes do not dare to easily increase prices, sit and wait for fish prices to fall

The price of purchased fish has risen, but has the fish dish in the catering process also risen?

Grandpa's dumpling grandmother's noodle catering co., LTD. General Manager Tian Xianwei told reporters that they consume more than 300 kilograms of freshwater fish per day in a shop, of which most of them are flower carp, Qingjiang fish, grass carp, in the past two months, every time when purchasing freshwater fish, it is painful, fish prices have risen sharply, but when it comes to the catering link, they do not dare to rush to increase prices, which will affect the overall price of dishes, and can only sit and wait for the fish purchase price to fall.

"The price of light fish is high, the price of dishes has not increased, as far as fish dishes are concerned, there has been no profit in the past two months, but it cannot be without, it can only be held hard." Tian Xianwei said.

Zhan Yide, the head of Zhengzhou taste masters, said that although the price of freshwater fish has increased a lot, it is difficult for restaurants to adjust the price of a single dish, because all the price systems are complementary, and if the price of a dish is adjusted, it is bound to affect the price of other dishes. These two months are a period of suffering, if the price of freshwater fish has remained high, some restaurants may have to adjust the price of fish dishes, and it is impossible to lose money to do business all the time.

A fish hot pot owner said that last month, the price of sea bass rose by 6 yuan per kilogram, and blackfish rose by 3 yuan per kilogram last month, and there was no change this month. "Although the price of sea bass has risen, we have not added it to consumers, hoping that the price will fall back soon."

Claim: Fish prices are less likely to fall in the short term

According to the monitoring of the National Agricultural Products Wholesale Market Price Information System of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, in the 20th week of 2021 (May 14-21), most of the aquatic products grass carp, crucian carp, carp, white silver carp, silver carp, large striped fish and yellow croaker that were monitored were up month-on-month, with a maximum range of 2.0%, and the year-on-year increase was a full-scale surge, and the live grass carp reached 55.0%.

"The increase in the price of fish can be caused by a variety of reasons." Tian Xianwei analyzed that the fish eaten in Zhengzhou city are all supplied from the surrounding areas, and large fish-producing cities such as Xinyang will also supply a part, and the price of freshwater fish will increase, mainly due to the rising cost of aquaculture operations, the reduction of supply and the increase in consumption.

Industry insiders said that in 2020, pork prices rose, freshwater fish prices were at a low level, and the enthusiasm of freshwater fish farmers was frustrated, resulting in a decrease in the overall supply this year. With the advent of the fishing ban period, the supply of seafood has decreased, and the demand for freshwater fish has increased, which has increased prices accordingly. With the increase in temperature, transportation losses, etc., and summer is the peak consumption season for freshwater fish, the probability of fish prices falling is expected to be small.

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