
The Complete Collection of The Lion and the Hyena. The newly appointed hyena queen decides to challenge Taka's bottom line. He slowly circled behind Taka to perform his stunt, and Taka gave up his prey. he

author:A little bit of knowledge

The Complete Collection of The Lion and the Hyena.

The newly appointed hyena queen decides to challenge Taka's bottom line. He slowly circled behind Taka to perform his stunt, and Taka gave up his prey. He found that the hyenas had focused on themselves and were not snatching food now. The hyena queen took a bite on Taka on the butt, and he was finally in front of all the hyenas, and Taka immediately sat down in the water. He didn't want to be pulled out of his intestines, and the hyenas were encouraged by the queen to move around Taka.

Their former queen, was killed last month by Taka ally, Otleo. Today the hyenas found an opportunity to take revenge, and the low-level hyenas in the herd are only interested in buffalo meat, and they want to take advantage of the chaos to eat more, after all, usually, they can only eat some leftovers. Taka helplessly lay on the shore, watching the robbers eat, with Otleo by his side, he did not dare to challenge more than 20 hyenas. The former princess of the dog pack, Carly, did not mix food, and after her mother's death, she became the lowest status female hyena in the dog pack. Carly then walked towards the hyena herd's lair. A month earlier, he was living in the hyena herd power center, that safe den. Now that the nest has changed owners, he can only lie on the periphery and watch from a distance as Taka who has been insulted by hyenas return to the lions. He ran excitedly to his ally Otleo, who greeted the long-lost brother with a fat beating.

This is the most common way for the brothers to meet, and Otreo is a little bigger than Taka and has a much hotter temper than Taka. Taka is used to the way Big Brother is welcomed. He lay on his stomach on the zebra, ignoring Otleo's low roar of intimidation. He hasn't eaten a full meal in the past few days, and today he would rather be beaten again to fill his stomach. The two brothers, who had eaten and drunk, finally stopped fighting. The two brothers have been separated for a few days, and although Otleo has absolute authority in the lions, he also needs Taka as a little brother to guard this huge lion herd, a fertile territory that attracts too many stray lions.

For two years, Otleo and Taka have been fighting side by side. They drove away hordes of vagabonds, held on to the lions, and ruled the heart of the Botswana prairie. The huge herd of Ottereo lions has nine lionesses and more than ten lion cubs, but the nursery teachers are all Ottereo's children.

In the past few days, a lioness in the lion group has sent a signal of courtship, and Autleo is immediately excited, and all male lions want to continue their bloodline and leave more cubs. But Otleo's smile froze. He saw Taka on the side, and also smelled the smell left by the lioness, and a trace of unhappiness crossed Otleo's heart. A lioness walked up to Taka and exhaled directly with a big mouth. This mate battle was more unexpected, and the lioness chose the strong Otleo among the two lion kings, but chose the young Taka instead. The happy Taka takes the lioness to fight the landlord, but sees Otleo, who is hiding in the grass and peeping, and the cowardly Taka suddenly rages. He rushed towards the confused Otleo, and Taka would never allow the boss to rob him of his chance to have children. He really floated this time. For the first time in two years, Taka beat him up hard, and he was very afraid of his eldest brother. The domineering of a male lion is shown in front of the lioness. Carly, the former hyena princess, is digging a hole and he wants to find a place for himself as soon as possible. The hyena herd is now increasingly repelling it, and the lonely Carly has to guard against the cruel enemies of the steppe, and the nest that has been dug for a whole day is finally completed. Carly looked at her surroundings with satisfaction, and this time he had his own nest. The hungry Carly looked at the wildebeest in front of him, he was not yet capable of hunting alone, and if he wanted to fill his stomach, he had to venture back to the hyena herd to see if he could mix in with a little leftovers. Take a dip in a puddle near the hyena herd. After thinking about the dog's life for a while, Carly plucked up the courage to walk to the home she used to have. Several strong female hyenas immediately spotted Carly, and did not have the slightest affection for this former princess, the new hyena queen. He pressed Carly under him and forced him to make a submissive gesture. The youngest daughter of the hyena leader also begins to bully Carly, which is no longer the hyena herd she used to be, and Carly struggles to escape. Her actions infuriated the hyena queen, and Carly's neck had been bitten out of blood. The hyena queen howls, more and more hyenas begin to chase Carly, and the hyena herd has completely abandoned him. Carly is now the enemy of the dogs. The hyenas laid a death hand on the former princess, biting Carly's ear and tearing wildly. The dog herd is to show absolute loyalty in front of the queen, this is not punishing rebels, this is more like torture of the enemy in battle. Carly used her last strength to escape. His hind leg was almost bitten off, and the pursuing hyena stopped, but the panicked Carly did not see Autleo in front. Carly was not caught by the dogs, but died in the lion's bloody mouth. This hapless hyena princess, abandoned by the herd just after losing the protection of her mother, will never be able to become queen like his mother. Carly became a soon-to-be-forgotten victim of the hyena and lion herd feud.

The Complete Collection of The Lion and the Hyena. The newly appointed hyena queen decides to challenge Taka's bottom line. He slowly circled behind Taka to perform his stunt, and Taka gave up his prey. he
The Complete Collection of The Lion and the Hyena. The newly appointed hyena queen decides to challenge Taka's bottom line. He slowly circled behind Taka to perform his stunt, and Taka gave up his prey. he
The Complete Collection of The Lion and the Hyena. The newly appointed hyena queen decides to challenge Taka's bottom line. He slowly circled behind Taka to perform his stunt, and Taka gave up his prey. he
The Complete Collection of The Lion and the Hyena. The newly appointed hyena queen decides to challenge Taka's bottom line. He slowly circled behind Taka to perform his stunt, and Taka gave up his prey. he
The Complete Collection of The Lion and the Hyena. The newly appointed hyena queen decides to challenge Taka's bottom line. He slowly circled behind Taka to perform his stunt, and Taka gave up his prey. he
The Complete Collection of The Lion and the Hyena. The newly appointed hyena queen decides to challenge Taka's bottom line. He slowly circled behind Taka to perform his stunt, and Taka gave up his prey. he
The Complete Collection of The Lion and the Hyena. The newly appointed hyena queen decides to challenge Taka's bottom line. He slowly circled behind Taka to perform his stunt, and Taka gave up his prey. he

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