
In the fight against the epidemic, kindergartens everywhere are in action

author:Bright Net

The Spring Festival of 2020 is undoubtedly the coldest one, and the joy of welcoming the new year is replaced by worry, boredom and boredom. However, this year's Spring Festival is the warmest one that many people have experienced, in the face of the epidemic, a piece of love is in full support, kindergartens around the world adopt multiple measures, diversified models of joint prevention and control, to win this war without smoke and smoke to contribute their own strength.

Epidemic prevention and control: multiple measures should be taken at the same time, and prevention should be the mainstay

During the Spring Festival of 2020, the new crown pneumonia epidemic raged in various parts of the motherland and attracted widespread attention. In view of the epidemic prevention and health publicity of teachers, staff, children and parents, our kindergarten has taken many measures to ensure the health of all kinds of personnel and children. On the prevention and control of the epidemic, our park has made arrangements and put forward three requirements: first, attach great importance to prevention and control work and improve the political position; second, conduct comprehensive follow-up visits; third, make overall arrangements for the work of various departments, and establish a scientific, standardized and effective emergency response mechanism in a timely manner. Subsequently, our park set up a leading group for epidemic prevention and control, with responsibilities for each work to the people, and a clear division of labor to ensure the steady progress of prevention and control work.

Subsequently, our kindergarten will be the prevention of the new coronavirus measures, warm tips and fever treatment guidelines together through the WeChat public account release, so that parents and concerned people to further understand the cough etiquette, handwashing steps, mask wearing methods, home disinfection precautions and so on.

Under the call and leadership of Director Xu Xueyan, the teachers quickly publicized the epidemic situation to parents through the class WeChat group, timely understood the physical condition and going out of the children and parents during the holiday, and paid close attention to the children returning to Beijing from other places. At the same time, the relevant follow-up visits of the teachers and staff and their families in the park were also carried out step by step under the coordination of Director Zhao Ran and Director Wang Chunyan.

The relatively enclosed space and the lack of playmate life must bring a lot of confusion and incomprehension to the children. In order to enrich the children's home life, let them feel more love and care, and lead parents to understand the content of more parent-child activities, Zhang You's teachers actively search for parent-child games, picture book stories and finger ballads suitable for children of this age class, etc., so that parent-child home time is more warm and cheerful.

——Zhangjiawan Central Kindergarten, Tongzhou District, Beijing, Xu Xueyan, Yao Yu

The COVID-19 pandemic has made us worry, panic and anxiety, and our physical health, vision health and emotions have all encountered different degrees of threats. Based on this, teachers and parents communicate and communicate uninterruptedly. During the epidemic, we deeply felt that the motherland is the strongest backing of each of our Chinese; Wuhan in crisis is warmed and inspired by rescuers from all over the country; and the class group full of strong care is more like a big family. Love is the spirit of fearlessness, it gives each of us unlimited strength, and we and our parents are convinced that the battle against the epidemic will be won.

Care for the children of medical staff and be a strong supporter in the rear. At the beginning of the epidemic, in the work deployment of "caring for the children of medical workers" in kindergartens, the teachers of our class carried out the activity of sending warmth to the children of the medical staff in the class in a timely manner. Lu Yanchen's children's father and mother are medical staff, and the children have grandfathers and grandmothers, and they have no worries in life. In the class group, the teacher took the lead in sending greetings and heartfelt respect to the children's fathers and mothers. Parents have sent out care and warmth. The care and greetings of teachers and parents will surely turn into a warm current and be transmitted to the heart.

The battle against the epidemic continues, and the strong people of Wuhan, rescuers across the country and international caring people are fighting the virus with strong courage and confidence in victory. Teachers and parents as the common guardians of children, we will work with parents to build a wall of psychological protection for young children to protect the healthy growth of young children.

——Zhang Tao, Evergreen Tongxin Kindergarten, Wuhan, Hubei Province

Fight a protracted battle of "prevention and control propaganda." "A branch is a fortress". In this special period, we have taken on the heavy responsibility of "prevention and control publicity", established a publicity group together with health care doctors and class leaders, touched the situation of teachers, staff and young children one by one every day, done a good job in statistics and reporting, and took the lead in publicizing epidemic prevention and control policies and measures in various forms in WeChat groups. The publicity team organizes and reviews the content promoted to everyone in the kindergarten public account as planned and pushes it on time. For example, "Human Adventure" and "Virus with a Corolla," why are you so bad? "During the epidemic period, child protection does this" and other content, which were made into easy-to-understand videos after repeated discussion and consideration by the publicity team, and the publicity and education carried out by teachers, young children and parents has been recognized by everyone.

In order to avoid visual damage caused by long screen time at home because of the extension of learning, the publicity team also produced the publicity of "Protecting the Eyes" and "Eyeball Exercises" in time. And guide everyone, when at home, in addition to effectively doing a good job of personal protection, we must also pay attention to good dietary nutrition, and launch "Nutritional Balance and Good Health" and other content. I hope that our protracted battle of "health propaganda" can enter everyone's heart and enter everyone's life.

——Shiyuan North District Kindergarten, Shunyi District, Beijing Shan Xiaohong, Zheng Yanbin

"Stop classes and don't stop learning": reasonable arrangements, so that children have a sense of gain

In order to make the children 'home' happy and meaningful, so that the parents' accompaniment is scientific and handy, combined with the actual situation of children of all ages, we use online teaching and research to determine a scientific and reasonable green "cloud" classroom that meets the characteristics of young children, and enjoy the online course of "child" family guidance. Teachers give full play to their own advantages to record online lessons, and kindergartens push them on the platform in a timely manner. These wonderful and practical courses allow children and parents to stay at home and carry out easy and fun games, and feel the strong love and educational wisdom sent by the kindergarten during this special period.

Education and care to help white soldiers fight the epidemic

In order to express our respect for the medical workers who are fighting in the frontline and jointly take care of the children's home life guidance, we launched the "Education and Care for the Children of White Soldiers". Through meticulous mapping of the information of parents in the frontline of epidemic prevention in each kindergarten, summarizing the list of personnel, and clarifying the parents of the frontline medical work of epidemic prevention in our kindergarten; the kindergarten has set up an "Education care leading group" to formulate an "education and care action plan" in detail, solicit parents' needs or difficulties in family life, children's education, children's emotions, etc., and carry out personalized tutoring guidance through televised visits, video links, WeChat exchanges, resource pushes and other ways to dispel their worries and help them defeat the epidemic!

——Li Yumei and Gao Xiaoping, Pingdu Experimental Kindergarten, Qingdao, Shandong Province

Since February 10, each class has carefully combined the specific conditions of the class according to the requirements to formulate a home guidance teaching activity plan of "suspension of classes without stopping learning", and used the "Wisdom Tree" home platform to seriously carry out teaching activities. Two days of activities and interaction of attention, the class teachers who carry out educational activities are more attentive, the activities have plans, goals, guidance, interaction, appropriate adjustments and comments, some parents can cooperate with the activities, some parents can interact well in time to upload videos, photos and feelings and harvests of children's activities at home, the children's status and learning participation are great; strengthen the formulation of more effective teaching program plans, adhere to the practical, scientific arrangement, Reasonable selection of learning resources, in the development of children's hands-on, brain, language, thinking quality and physical exercise plans, guidance at the same time, pay more attention to the virus prevention and health and other health areas of education plans, guidance, guide parents to reasonably arrange the daily life of young children; in the activities, pay more attention, in the form of communication for pleasant guidance, timely interaction, in the way of praise and encouragement to comment; between the classes to learn from each other, exchange and share, pay more attention to the relevant work of other parks, to achieve more effective development of "suspension of classes without stopping learning." "Home education is carried out.

——Zhao Hong, Kindergarten of China Agricultural University East District

In this special period, we listen to the voices of children, parents and teachers extensively, pay close attention to children's emotional and physical and mental health, and jointly plan "three + one" activities to let children in the process of perception, operation and interaction. Activities such as "happy transmission", "feeling the power of life" and "little devils are home" give full play to the leading role of children's autonomy and parents, stimulate children's curiosity and desire to explore, and let them have more sense of gain during this time.

l A "fun" game ---- carry out "happy delivery", there must be an interesting game at home, is it a game that uses the items at home, or a cooperative game with the family? Is it a sports game or a mind game? At the beginning of the school year, I will share it with the teachers and children to pass on the happiness.

a scientific plan for planting and breeding----- feel the "life force", plant a seed, wait for its change, soak a vegetable, observe its regrowth, you can also observe a plant change at home, and be sure to record the process of this change.

l A small role transformation----- experience the "little devil is in charge", and make plans with the family. Children participate in family activities such as cleaning, sorting out items, assisting with cooking, etc., and implement home plans.

l A "epidemic prevention and control I will talk" activity. How to recognize the COVID-19 pandemic? How to take precautions? Heroic deeds in prevention and control? Through the perspective of children, share their feelings with their families (such activities are created at home for parent-child activities), encourage children to record with drawings, pictures, symbols, etc., and share them with their peers and teachers when they return to kindergarten.

Life is precious because it is unique; life develops positively because of its autonomy; life is complete and happy because of transcendence. "Life and health education" is not a formal education, but a learning process through direct experiential perception, manipulation, and play activities. "Happy transmission, "feel the power of life", "little devils are in charge" and "epidemic prevention and control I speak" activities, give full play to children's autonomy and parental leadership, stimulate children's curiosity and desire to explore. After the children come to the kindergarten, they should also share and communicate, not only to link the existing experience but also to connect the new experience, not only to enhance the sense of belonging to the kindergarten but also to enhance the relationship between teachers and students and peers; pay attention to the needs of children, pay attention to children's lives, and let them have more sense of gain at this special time.

——Songyuli Kindergarten, Chaoyang District, Beijing, Naohai Jing

As a kindergarten teacher, it is our responsibility to carry out online sharing activities on this special day to help children achieve a rich and quality home life, and to cooperate with parents to improve the quality of family education. Kindergartens and parents must believe in each other in order to achieve the effect of 1+1>2.

Take the hot epidemic as a curriculum resource. With so much information about the epidemic, what exactly should our theme activities convey to the children? Scientific knowledge, hygiene habits, reverence for nature, these three keywords have become the original intention of our design. After discussion, we divided the theme activities into 4 sections: the main section - how much do you know about the new crown pneumonia, and the sub-section - habits have clever tricks, use your hands and feet to help your health, and have fun and enjoy family. The daily activities are composed of the main section - the new crown pneumonia know more or less plus a sub-section (three sub-sections rotate), and the design between the main section and the sub-section has a certain correlation. For example, the main section of the first issue shared the picture book "Earth is a Virus Planet (Part 1)", telling children that viruses can be prevented, and the matching sub-section has a video nursery rhyme "I will wash my hands" to tell children how to wash their hands properly and prevent viruses.

Excellence is the requirement of creation. What kind of online theme activities are preferred by preschoolers? Text-only appreciation? Watch a video of a teacher's class? Teachers agreed that we cannot simply reprint online picture book materials and news information, but should screen, optimize, and reorganize these information, and present the curriculum in the form of pictures, audio, and video that children can understand and hear, and children can listen, watch, do, play, and learn. For example, the second online lesson involves a large number of epidemic data and government measures that are difficult for children to understand, and teachers write these current situations into copywriting that children can understand, and then record them, with pictures, so that the content becomes easy to understand.

——Chen Yishi, the third kindergarten in Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province

Living at home: Help children develop good habits

Use electronics in moderation. During the epidemic, many children's offline learning has changed to online classes, watching TV, playing mobile phones for a significant increase, if not controlled, a large number of children may become "myopic" after the end of the epidemic. Children are young, poor self-discipline, parents must not relax, to strictly help children control the Time on the Internet, maintain the correct reading and writing posture, do not rub the eyes with dirty hands, can alleviate eye fatigue through eye exercises and exercises. If it is found that children are always close to objects to see things, or squint their eyes, tilt their heads, or frequently squeeze their eyes when looking at things, parents must pay attention to it and help their children correct bad habits in time.

Daily moderate amount of exercise can improve immunity. At home, exercises can be: jumping exercises, jumping rope, running in place, kicking shuttlecocks, push-ups, sit-ups, etc. You can also play table tennis at home, and you can also help your parents to do some housework within their ability.

We can also use parent-child games to let children achieve the purpose of exercise. While playing and exercising, the child's enthusiasm will be higher, which can not only enhance the child's resistance, but also enhance the emotional communication between parents and children. When exercising at home, we should pay attention to choosing soft-soled shoes, choose sports with lighter movements, and pay attention to the time of exercise, otherwise it is not good to noisy neighbors. Of course, parents should lead by example, can not fish for three days and dry the net for two days, for the sake of their children and their own health, parents must also insist on Oh!

——Wang Mingming, Zuojiazhuang Central Kindergarten, Chaoyang District, Beijing

In life, we often see such a phenomenon: some people do not have the habit of changing clothes after going out and entering the house, some people sneeze and cannot cover their mouths and noses with their hands, some people go to the hospital without paying attention to wearing masks, and some people do not even wash their hands and take things to eat. The outbreak of the new crown pneumonia epidemic has made everyone feel the importance of daily health habits strongly, realize that handwashing should be washed with soap or alcohol-based hand sanitizer, and each hand washing should not be less than 20 seconds.

Small habits affect big health, how do we let children develop good health habits? Parents with hearts will pay attention to the health knowledge, healthy children's songs, stories, etc. that the teacher often pushes to everyone, such as the handwashing children's song "Two good friends, hands touching hands, you back me, I back you, came a small crab, small crab, lift two big pliers, big pliers, I nodded with the crab, nodded, the crab shook hands with me, Shook hands with me and the crab nodded, nodded, the crab and I shook hands, shook hands" can be combined with the teacher's recommended children's songs, small videos, etc. When washing hands with children in the form of small games, they should correctly wash their hands according to the 7-step handwashing method, so that the bacteria can be driven away, and the formation of good habits is not overnight, but to become a natural habit.

In fact, the correct handwashing method, usually drink more water, eat more vegetables and fruits, sneezing to cover your mouth with your hands, etc. are indispensable life health education in kindergarten life, in the kindergarten teachers through health education, children's songs, stories, scientific experiments, etc. let the children understand the importance of health and habits, in the home parents can use the "little supervisor" to supervise whether family members have bad health habits, supervision at the same time can also motivate children to do better, set up "small duty students" to participate in the health disinfection task at home, " The "Little Messenger of Health" and the mother discuss the development of reasonable dietary nutrition recipes and other forms of education, encourage and guide children to self-management, mutual supervision, children's daily healthy life courses will be colorful.

In the family, what we do is not only to lead by example and let our good health habits affect their children, but also to use healthy lifestyles and good hygiene habits to scientifically prevent and control the epidemic with their children, so that good habits can benefit children for a lifetime.

——Zhong Yan, Zhuhai Central Kindergarten, Qingdao West Coast New Area

Mr. Ye Shengtao, an educator, said: "The purpose of education is to cultivate habits, to do things, and to do things requires various abilities, so the most important thing is to develop various habits." The more habits you form, the stronger your abilities become. "During the holidays, the babies plan their holiday arrangements reasonably, insist on reading picture books, and have fun parent-child games with their parents and mothers...

(1) Self-planning - develop a good habit of observing time

Self-planning is a good habit, good habits accompany our whole life, learn to self-manage in order to make our lives orderly. First, let's make a one-day living arrangement for the holiday. look at! The children are discussing with their parents to make a day's activity schedule!

(2) Book activities - develop a good habit of reading picture books

Good reading habits can benefit young children for a lifetime, in order to let children experience the joy of reading and enjoy the good time of parent-child reading, we have carried out the activity of "growing up with the fragrance of books in the garden, and fighting the epidemic hand in hand". In the activity, we can see the children talking about picture books, drawing picture books, and sorting out picture books, and at this time, they enjoy the joy of traveling in the sea of books!

Lo and behold, we also set up the "Fangshi Kindergarten Radio" so that the children in the whole kindergarten can enjoy the picture book stories brought by the teacher every day.

(3) Safety knowledge - develop good habits of self-protection

In this sudden epidemic, the most basic thing to do a good job in prevention and control is: "wash your hands frequently, do not visit the door, and wear a mask." Then we must also teach children the knowledge of self-protection, so that they know how to love themselves and care for others.

Correct handwashing, ensuring water intake, exercising more, opening windows to disinfect, how to wear a mask? Cheering for medical staff, we must defeat the big virus! Babies have a way!

Good habits create a better future, and we are in action to prevent and control the epidemic! As long as everyone unites and overcomes difficulties together, I believe that the recovery of all things can be expected.

——Ma Yuhao, Experimental Kindergarten, Fangzi District, Weifang City

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