
Spring diet should be nourishing, it is recommended that eight nutritious steamed dishes should be eaten often, original, delicious and costless

author:Brother Qiu said food

Hello everyone, this is Brother Qiu said food, close to the Qingming season, the yang is growing, the spring rain is endless, no matter where you go, it is a new shoot, a beautiful scenery with a hundred flowers, the air not only has the smell of spring rain, but also permeated with a faint earthy atmosphere. Such a beautiful spring scenery, the most nourishing, it is recommended that everyone go out and walk, don't stay at home every day, keep a proper exercise, pay attention to window ventilation, so that you can be baptized by the spring scenery at every moment, healthy and healthy through spring. It is especially important to eat less greasy and hot food in the diet, and eat more nutritious steamed vegetables that can maintain the taste of food, replenish nutrition, and strengthen the body for a whole year. Next, I will share with you eight delicious and cost-free nutritious steamed dishes, original, both protein and calcium supplementation, enhance immunity, adults and children are suitable for eating, like friends, follow me to learn.

Spring diet should be nourishing, it is recommended that eight nutritious steamed dishes should be eaten often, original, delicious and costless

1. Edamame patty soup

Ingredients: edamame, lean meat, cornstarch.

Practical process:

1. Clean the lean meat, then chop it into minced meat, put it in a large bowl, then add an appropriate amount of cornstarch, light soy sauce and peanut oil, grab and mix well, marinate for 10 minutes for later.

2. Put the marinated minced meat in a steaming bowl, then remove the shell and clean the edamame, put it on top, and then pour half a bowl of water.

3. Steam the pot on cold water and cook for about 30 minutes, then you can eat it out of the pot.

2. Shrimp steamed eggs

Ingredients: prawns, eggs, carrots, corn, chopped green onion, cornstarch.

Practical process:

1. Remove the shrimp line from the back of the prawns, take out the shrimp, then clean them, chop them into shrimp puree, put them in a large bowl, then peel the carrots, cut them into minced carrots and put them in.

2. Then peel the corn kernels, put them in a large bowl, then add an appropriate amount of cornstarch and salt, and then stir clockwise to make a shrimp ball, and then spread it on the bottom of the steaming bowl.

3. Beat two local eggs in another bowl, then add the same proportion of warm water, then stir well with chopsticks, and then sift and pour into the steaming bowl.

4. Finally, the steaming bowl is wrapped with plastic wrap, a few small holes are pierced with toothpicks, then steamed in a steamer on cold water for 15 minutes, then simmered for another 5 minutes, then sprinkled with a handful of chopped green onions to garnish, drizzle in an appropriate amount of light soy sauce and peanut oil, and then you can eat it out of the pot.

Spring diet should be nourishing, it is recommended that eight nutritious steamed dishes should be eaten often, original, delicious and costless

3. Steamed eggs with tofu patties

Ingredients: Tofu, lean meat, corn, eggs, goji berries, chopped green onion.

Practical process:

1. Peel the corn kernels, put them in a large bowl, then clean the lean meat, then chop it into minced meat and put it in, then add chopped green onion, cornstarch, light soy sauce and peanut oil, grab and mix together, marinate for 10 minutes.

2. Cut the tofu into small pieces, spread it on the bottom of the steaming bowl, then spread the marinated minced meat on top of the tofu, leaving a meat pit in the middle, then crack a local egg, and sprinkle corn kernels around the perimeter.

3. Add a small amount of water, then sprinkle a few goji berries, then steam the pot on cold water, steam for 20 minutes, and then sprinkle a handful of chopped green onions to garnish, and then you can eat it out of the pot.

Spring diet should be nourishing, it is recommended that eight nutritious steamed dishes should be eaten often, original, delicious and costless

4. Steamed chicken thighs with carrots and dates

Ingredients: Carrots, red dates, chicken thighs, shredded ginger, green onions, chopped green onions.

Practical process:

1. Clean the chicken thighs, then cut them with a knife, then add an appropriate amount of cooking wine, light soy sauce, oyster sauce, green onion, and ginger shreds, grab and mix together, marinate for 30 minutes.

2. Peel the carrots, cut them into small pieces, then heat the oil in a hot pan, after the oil is hot, pour in the carrots and stir-fry evenly, stir-fry the aroma and put it out, spread it on the bottom of the steaming plate.

2. Spread the marinated chicken thighs on the carrots, drizzle in the remaining marinade sauce, wash the red dates, spread them around the chicken thighs, and then coat them with a layer of tin foil.

3. Finally, steam the pot on cold water, steam on high heat for 40 minutes, and then sprinkle a handful of chopped green onions to garnish, then you can eat it out of the pot.

Spring diet should be nourishing, it is recommended that eight nutritious steamed dishes should be eaten often, original, delicious and costless

5. Steamed shrimp with yuzi tofu eggs

Ingredients: Tamago tofu, local eggs, prawns, chopped green onion.

Practical process:

1. Remove the shrimp line after opening the back, take out the shrimp, then clean it, then add an appropriate amount of cooking wine, salt and cornstarch, grab and mix evenly, marinate for 20 minutes.

2. Cut the jade tofu into small pieces, spread it on the bottom of the steaming bowl, then beat two local eggs in another bowl, then add the same proportion of warm water, and then sift into the steaming bowl.

3. Then steam the corn, tofu, egg liquid in a cold water steamer for 8 minutes, then spread the marinated shrimp in the middle, and continue to steam for about three minutes.

4. Finally, sprinkle a handful of chopped green onion to garnish, drizzle in an appropriate amount of light soy sauce and sesame oil, and then you can eat it out of the pan.

Spring diet should be nourishing, it is recommended that eight nutritious steamed dishes should be eaten often, original, delicious and costless

6. Steamed tofu with shredded vegetable meat

Ingredients: tofu, lean meat, diced vegetables, minced green onion, ginger and garlic, chopped green onion, millet (can not be put).

Practical process:

1. Clean the lean meat, then chop it into minced meat, then add an appropriate amount of light soy sauce, oyster sauce, cornstarch and peanut oil, grab and mix together, marinate for 10 minutes.

2. Cut the tofu into thin slices, then spread it on the bottom of the steaming plate, then heat the oil in a hot pan, after the oil is hot, add the green onion, ginger and garlic prepared in advance and stir-fry until fragrant, and then add the marinated minced meat and stir-fry together.

3. Fry until the minced meat changes, then pour in the diced vegetables and stir-fry together to evenly stir-fry until fragrant, then spread on the tofu, then steam the pot on cold water and cook over high heat for 10 minutes.

4. Finally, sprinkle a handful of chopped green onion and millet spicy garnish, drizzle in an appropriate amount of steamed fish soy sauce, and then you can eat it out of the pan.

Spring diet should be nourishing, it is recommended that eight nutritious steamed dishes should be eaten often, original, delicious and costless

7. Steamed chicken breast

Ingredients: chicken breast, minced garlic, shredded ginger, steamed meat powder, potatoes, chopped green onion.

Practical process:

1. Clean the chicken breast, then cut it into small pieces, put it in a large bowl, then add an appropriate amount of minced garlic, ginger shreds, cooking wine, light soy sauce, oyster sauce, salt and chili noodles, grab and mix well, marinate for 20 minutes.

2. Peel the potatoes, wash them, then cut them into thin slices, wash off the starch, then drain and spread them on the bottom of the steaming pan.

3. Add an appropriate amount of steamed meat powder to the marinated chicken breast, then grab and mix well, then steam the pot on cold water, steam for 20 minutes, sprinkle a handful of chopped green onions to garnish, and then you can eat it out of the pot.

Spring diet should be nourishing, it is recommended that eight nutritious steamed dishes should be eaten often, original, delicious and costless

8. Steamed artemisia

Ingredients: Artemisia, egg, flour, minced garlic, millet spicy.

Practical process:

1. Cut the minced garlic and millet spicy, then heat the oil in a hot pan, after the oil is hot, add minced garlic and millet spicy and stir-fry until fragrant, then add appropriate 量️ light soy sauce, oyster sauce and sugar, continue to stir-fry until fragrant, and then serve for later.

2. Clean the artemisia, then drain the water, put it in a large bowl, then beat a local egg, add an appropriate amount of flour, and then grab and mix well.

3. Grab the mixed artemisia and spread it on the steamer with a steaming cloth, then boil the water, after the water boils, the artemisia is steamed on the steamer for 7 minutes, and then it can be put out of the pot and plated.

4. Finally, pour in the seasoned garlic sauce, then mix well with the artemisia, and serve.

Spring diet should be nourishing, it is recommended that eight nutritious steamed dishes should be eaten often, original, delicious and costless

Have you learned the above eight recommended nutritious steamed dishes? The authentic taste is delicious, delicious and costless, especially suitable for the current season. Friends who like it, you can collect it and learn it slowly, thank you for your attention and support.

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