
The Love of a Female Swordsman - Luan Jujie's Love family life (Su Tai Chun)

author:Nanjing Laomen West

Good news: "The most memorable is Jinling" public number two years of essence article anthology "Fireworks Gate West" will be published by Nanjing Publishing House, please look forward to !!!

The Love of a Female Swordsman - Luan Jujie's Love family life (Su Tai Chun)

Luan Jujie's love has long received people's attention. Unfortunately, her love life has always been protected and hidden, which is very disappointing to some enthusiastic people. Although the press has exerted considerable effort and strength, it has achieved little success. Extreme rhetoric does not satisfy people's wishes. On the occasion of New Year's Day last year, the Beijing Evening News unexpectedly reported the news that the wedding of luan Jujie, the world women's foil champion, would be held at the "Spring Festival Gala" held by Jiangsu Television. This caused many enthusiastic people to wait in front of the TV early, but it turned out to be empty.-like. Luan Jujie only appeared as a special guest, where is the wedding?

As a result, luan Jujie's love, which was originally somewhat mysterious, was even more divine.

In fact, Xiao Luan's love is not mysterious at all, it is ordinary and ordinary.

In 1979, the popular reportage "Raising the Eyebrow Sword Out of the Sheath" suddenly made Luan Jujie famous all over the world. Xiao Luan's fearless spirit shocked the world sports world, and at the same time, it also excited the hundreds of millions of Chinese who had just been liberated from the obscenity of the "Gang of Four". Shenzhou Land, who doesn't know Luan Jujie's name? Xiao Luan's image especially excited the hearts of young people. The attentive reader is quietly calculating her age, guessing and hoping. Finally, some people can't hold back their passion, boldly submit books, and confess their love. The article "Raising the Eyebrow Sword Out of the Sheath" has attracted countless praises, but also attracted countless frank hearts. Interestingly, for the reasons mentioned at the beginning of this article, there are still love letters flying to this day. These have some made our sword heroes cry and laugh and hurt their brains.

The Love of a Female Swordsman - Luan Jujie's Love family life (Su Tai Chun)

The sword career has cultivated a dead eye of Luan Girl. For many years, she didn't think about anything except the five-hundred-gram flower sword in her hand. In love? To her, it was not only a mysterious and unfamiliar word, but also a very, very distant story. When she frankly handed over those courtship letters from all over the country to the organization, she was solemn, serious, and even sacred. In response to the letters of these enthusiastic youths, she wrote almost invariably: "Let us dedicate our young hearts to the motherland." At present, my career needs me more, and it is too early to fall in love. In this way, Xiao Luan rejected all the suitors. Her mind and energy were always around that steel sword, not separated for a moment. However, as the girl's age grew year by year, in addition to those young people who showed their hearts, the people who cared about her became more and more enthusiastic every day. Especially the parents, finally interfered with her love affair.

"Xiao Jie, do you have any friends?" Tell Mom. ”

"Nothing. Mom, don't worry about it. ”

"If you keep it a secret, mom won't ask." If only they hadn't..."

"What's secret from you?" I don't have that much spare time! ”

"Idle Kung Fu?" Mom smiled helplessly. What can be done? The mother knows her daughter's temperament, but she is still not at ease. She knew her daughter trusted the organization more. It is the government and the party organization that cultivate their daughters into useful talents, and the party organizations are more intimate with their daughters than themselves. She asked her daughter and her father to inquire about the organization and answered no. Xiao Luan's coach Wen Guogang said: "Xiao Luan's mind is all on fencing, where is the time to fall in love?" However, as an organization, we should really care about this matter.

1981 was an important year for Xiao Luan, the year she won the national championship for the fifth time and won the second place in the world championship of the year. It was a year of great honor for her and a pivotal year on her path to championship. This year she was twenty-three years old, which can be described as a flourishing and youthful youth. Wen Zhi once said consciously or unconsciously: "Xiao Luan, you must fight for your career, and your boyfriend must also talk." I think that if it is handled well, the two will not interfere with each other. Are you saying I'm right? Xiao Luan's face blushed, and she said, "You all care about me, I know it in my heart." Only when I practice my sword well and play well can I live up to everyone's wishes. The guide said, "No. Now both of these things are important to you and have to be addressed. Not knowing if Xiao Luan really listened, she nodded silently.

Another year has passed, and the rhythm of Xiao Luan's life is still the same, nothing has changed, although those love letters that have come to her are still coming.

In the spring of 1982, the Fifth People's Congress of Jiangsu Province was held in Nanjing, and Xiao Luan was a member of the presidium of the congress, so it was natural to attend the meeting. Xiao Luan was an eye-catching figure at the conference, and the delegates all wanted to see this iron maiden of the sword altar with their own eyes, and the leading comrades in the province also cared about her. Once, a leading comrade asked her directly: "Xiao Luan, do you have a boyfriend?" Xiao Luan smiled and shook his head. The leading comrade added, "I see, we can talk about one." Xiao Luan repeated her consistent attitude like a tape recorder, and the leading comrade laughed. This laughter deeply infected Luan Jujie, and she also laughed. She felt a heartfelt warmth.

One day, Lao Zhu, who was in charge of the paperwork of the conference, came to Xiao Luan's group. During the break, Old Zhu and Xiao Luan pulled up. Suddenly he smiled at Xiao Luan and said, "How about I introduce you to someone?" Xiao Luan was puzzled: "What person?" "Boyfriend." Xiao Luan looked at him with a smile and thought he was joking, so he said, "Good." What about people? Old Zhu asked, "Really?" Xiao Luan replied, "Really!"

Who knows, the next day, Old Zhu Guo really brought a young man. For a moment, Xiao Luan was really a little flustered. The young man was stunned by this face. Xiao Luan's face blushed slightly, and he quickly calmed down, and generously extended his hand to the young man: "Your surname?

"Xiao Gu." This young man is also quite generous. Compared with Xiao Luan, who was angry with the tiger, he seemed to be polite and polite.

It turned out that Lao Zhu and Xiao Gu were both organs of the Provincial Science and Technology Commission, and the two were temporarily transferred to the conference to assist in paperwork. Xiao Gu is the deputy secretary of the Youth League Committee of the Science and Technology Commission and a demobilized soldier of the Navy. When Old Zhu Said About Introducing Luan Jujie to Him, Xiao Gu, who had always been quiet and introverted, couldn't believe his ears and couldn't sit still. He waved his hands one after another, "Luan Jujie is a big celebrity, how can I compare with her?" Old Zhu sincerely advised him: "People Xiao Luan will not put up a shelf, you will not meet, but you will collapse my platform." In this way, it is considered that the two people "meet".

This meeting lasted only ten minutes. Later, both of them said that what the other party was really like, and they didn't look closely at the time. However, this side has left a good impression on both sides. In Xiao Gu's eyes, this big celebrity in the world sports world does not have that kind of arrogant arrogance, let alone the pretentious squeamishness, "There are a few girls' innocence." In Xiao Luan's eyes, the young man is quite spirited, very decent, not humble, and there is a man's hardness in the quiet, the knowledge is not narrow, and he has a unique insight, compared with the average man in society, he really has some moving points."

So they had a second meeting, a third... At the same time that the parents learned of this important information, the leaders of the sports team also obtained this information. This information came from Xiao Luan's mouth. Xiao Luan got the same affirmative answer from them, and xiao Luan quietly fell in love. Nearly a whole year had passed, and Xiao Luan's relatives and friends only knew a little, and the outside world was always tightly sealed.

The Love of a Female Swordsman - Luan Jujie's Love family life (Su Tai Chun)

(Left: Luan Jujie Middle: Gu Dajin Right: Su Taichun in September 1986)

Xiao Luan is most afraid of the impact of love on the career, so when the two of them decided to live forever, they made a gentleman's agreement: everything is as old, do not make a statement, do not organize care, and must make decent achievements during the love period. They say they can get it, they can do it. With the joint efforts of the two, they both made achievements in their respective positions: Xiao Luan won the international women's foil competition in February 1983, and won the team championship of the World University Games with his teammates in July of the same year; and Xiao Gu was admitted to the cadre class of the provincial government television university. The two took a proud step at the beginning of their new lives.

Falling in love with the world's sports stars, its main feature is "difficult to meet". Xiao Luan's training competitions occupied almost all of her time, especially the frequent movement, inside and outside the province, at home and abroad, and the time belonging to her personal was really pitiful. Therefore, each of their meetings is particularly precious. After years of love, all the opportunities to meet together are also extremely limited. Once, Xiao Luan faced a fierce enemy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Nanjing. She especially cared for Xiao Gu to come to the field, one was to cheer and encourage her, and the other was not to miss the precious opportunity to meet. On that day, Xiao Gu did come as promised, but did not appear in public, nor did he sit in the seat designated by Xiao Luan. Afraid of affecting Xiao Luan's mood, he quietly picked a corner and sat down. For this reason, Xiao Luan was still angry with him. Another time, Xiao Luan finished playing in Shanghai and only stayed for one day when passing through Nanjing. What a rare day, but this morning, Xiao Gu's electric university just happened to have a class. Although the course was watched at home, he was not sloppy. Therefore, Xiao Gu listened attentively to the lectures and took notes, while Xiao Luan sat silently on the side until noon. They have their own goals, and neither wants the other to make unnecessary sacrifices for themselves.

The only thing that can make up for this shortcoming is the mutual communication. It can be said that their love affair is all passed on by that page of letters. It is unknown how many love letters there were between them, but Xiao Luan's female companions and Xiao Gu's colleagues became more and more familiar with the handwriting on the envelope. They can also infer the secret of the letter from the mood of the two men. On the day of Chinese New Year's Eve in 1984, Xiao Luan was training in Beijing, and Xiao Gu sent Xiao Luan her favorite words Mei and reported her results in the year-end exam. In the new year, she received a reply, an exquisite New Year's greeting with her wish written on it: "First, may you strive to be a pioneer in the 'New Long March'; second, may our love be like the following painting..." (on the painting is a picture of a pine crane). Xiao Gu stared at the ellipsis and shouted in his heart: "I should add that I hope you win the world championship!" He knew her more and more, swinging his sword for ten years, and what she was most looking forward to in her heart was not exactly this? This year, she really got her wish.

The envelope full of love is undoubtedly their most valuable wealth, but in 1984, a full half year before the opening of the Los Angeles Olympic Games, Xiao Gu suggested that the two sides stop exchanging letters. This is an extremely important half year, and the success or failure of the competition has a fundamental relationship with the pre-competition training. Xiao Luan agreed to Xiao Gu's suggestion, but at the same time made a small request: "The day before we leave, we will have a phone call; after returning home, you will come to Beijing to pick me up." Xiao Gu readily agreed. In the past six months, it is really difficult to get two small mouths in love. Fortunately, Xiao Gu was also able to learn about the activities of the national training team from the newspaper, and he knew a little about Xiao Luan's movements. Xiao Luan didn't know anything, she only had one thought: "We must fight for a world champion!" This wish, she fulfilled completely.

The Love of a Female Swordsman - Luan Jujie's Love family life (Su Tai Chun)

(Photo from the Internet)

As the saying goes, there is friction between the lips and teeth that are dependent on each other. Of course, there will inevitably be a fight between Xiao Luan and Xiao Gu. Once Xiao Luan returned from a foreign competition and brought a suit for Xiao Gu. However, when the "duty" of the little gu looked at the foreign goods, he did not dare to put it on. This can make Xiao Luan angry. She shouted to him, "If you don't wear it, I'll cut it with scissors!" Frightened, Xiao Gu rushed to grab it. Of course, I still didn't wear it later, but I treasured it as a love relic.

Once, Xiao Gu was really angry. It was after last year's World University Games, Xiao Luan won the championship triumphantly, and as soon as he entered the house, he lay on the bed. Xiao Gu saw her tired look and asked her if there was any discomfort in her body? She shook her head. Within a few days, she had a pain in her abdomen and was admitted to the hospital to learn that it was acute appendicitis. The disease has occurred once in Japan, and her championship was won after severe pain. The doctor examined her condition and told Xiao Gu that there was inflammation in the appendix and exudate, which contained germs. Xiao Gu was a little angry when he heard it. He knew that Xiao Luan often had stomach pains, but he never paid attention to his body, if he hadn't had a seizure in Japan, he might not have gone to the hospital. But he couldn't get angry with Xiao Luan because she was already on the operating table.

At the end of last year, Xiao Luan's body had not yet fully recovered after the operation, so he received the news that the national training team had entered Beijing for training. She couldn't lie down, couldn't stand still. She told Xiao Gu: "Next year (that is, in 1986), the tenth Asian Games is also a world competition, and no matter what, we must fight for it." Xiao Gu knows her temperament well. Although it was considered to be married in February of 1985, it was not yet honeymoon, and the two little ones were separated again. If it weren't for this appendix surgery, they would have had such a generous time together. He knew he couldn't convince her, and the only thing he could say was to ask her to pay attention to her body. Xiao Luan's health is not good, her shoulder tendon strain, knee bone strain, long boils in vocal cords, vision loss, and kidney prolapse... Who knows this better than he does? However, this little Luan which... Xiao Luan grinned at him. It's always like this, and There's nothing to do with it. He laughed too, at his lover...

Article source: Nanjing LaomenXi Cultural Watchmen Association "the most memorable is Jinling" public number

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