
!️6 kinds of health flower teas suitable for summer||| In summer, when thin skin is most prone to problems, sweating on the face will secrete a lot of oil, resulting in acne and hair

author:Enthusiastic netizen candles

!️6 kinds of health flower teas suitable for summer||| In summer, when thin skin is most prone to problems, sweating on the face will secrete a lot of oil, resulting in acne, enlarged pores, and more blackheads........

Today, I will share about the flower tea in skin care, suitable for daily drinking, nourishing and nourishing the face, improving skin tone, and drinking a good complexion!

1. Long bean ➡️ gold and silver rose tea 🍵

Ingredients: honeysuckle + licorice + goji berries + roses 🌹

2. Scraped oil ➡️ hawthorn rose tea 🍵

Material: tangerine peel + hawthorn + rose

3. Stay up late ➡️ with rose and red date tea 🍵

Ingredients: rose + red dates + goji berries + laurel balls

4. Face yellow ➡️ jasmine rose tea 🍵

Ingredients: rose + jasmine + lemon

5. Gonghan ➡️ brown sugar ginger jujube tea 🍵

Ingredients: brown sugar + shredded ginger + red dates + roses

6. Angry ➡️ rose chrysanthemum tea 🍵

Ingredients: rose + chrysanthemum + goji berry

⚠️ Tea making tips

1⃣ Do not swallow the drug with flower tea and do not drink it an hour before taking the medicine

2⃣ Blister with warm boiled water, soaked and drunk fresh

3⃣ Don't mix it indiscriminately, flower tea has four sexes and five flavors, and there will be side effects

Try to eat less greasy and spicy food in summer, go to bed early and get up early, want to get better skin, beauty and beauty flower tea remember to stick to Oh [Party R][Party R]

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!️6 kinds of health flower teas suitable for summer||| In summer, when thin skin is most prone to problems, sweating on the face will secrete a lot of oil, resulting in acne and hair
!️6 kinds of health flower teas suitable for summer||| In summer, when thin skin is most prone to problems, sweating on the face will secrete a lot of oil, resulting in acne and hair
!️6 kinds of health flower teas suitable for summer||| In summer, when thin skin is most prone to problems, sweating on the face will secrete a lot of oil, resulting in acne and hair
!️6 kinds of health flower teas suitable for summer||| In summer, when thin skin is most prone to problems, sweating on the face will secrete a lot of oil, resulting in acne and hair
!️6 kinds of health flower teas suitable for summer||| In summer, when thin skin is most prone to problems, sweating on the face will secrete a lot of oil, resulting in acne and hair
!️6 kinds of health flower teas suitable for summer||| In summer, when thin skin is most prone to problems, sweating on the face will secrete a lot of oil, resulting in acne and hair

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