
Over 50 years old, eat less peanuts and eat more 2 kinds of alkaline vegetables! The hair is black, the bad breath is gone, and the complexion is good

author:Food pie on the tip of the tongue

Once people reach the age of fifty, all aspects of the body begin to decline, various diseases are slowly coming to the door, hair also begins to turn white, complexion also deteriorates, especially just got up in the morning bad breath is very serious, there is a saying: "middle-aged husband and wife kiss, nightmares can do a few nights."

Over 50 years old, eat less peanuts and eat more 2 kinds of alkaline vegetables! The hair is black, the bad breath is gone, and the complexion is good

Especially female friends, once the complexion is not good, the whole person will look particularly unenergetic, especially old, but there are always some people in the crowd who are particularly eye-catching, over 50 years old still rosy, full of vitality, so maintenance is still very important, usually to exercise reasonably, do not stay up late, diet can eat more alkaline food, can make people's skin better, lose weight, not get sick, but also improve memory. Make our body healthier and healthier.

Over 50 years old, eat less peanuts and eat more 2 kinds of alkaline vegetables! The hair is black, the bad breath is gone, and the complexion is good

Today, Xiaobian will recommend two alkaline dishes that are especially suitable for spring eating, hair has become black, bad breath is gone, and the complexion is better, not only rich in nutrition, but also has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects, let's take a look.

1. Garlic seedlings

Garlic seedlings are green seedlings that have developed to a certain period of garlic seedlings, which is an alkaline food, rich in vitamin C and protein, carotene, thiamine, riboflavin and other nutrients, with the effect of defecation, lowering blood lipids, enhancing resistance, reducing cancer and so on.

Recommended method [fried sausage with garlic]

1. After washing the garlic seedlings, cut them with an oblique knife, cut them and put them on a plate for later use.

Over 50 years old, eat less peanuts and eat more 2 kinds of alkaline vegetables! The hair is black, the bad breath is gone, and the complexion is good

2. Garlic seedling leaves are easy to cook, need to be placed separately, garlic seedling leaves are also cut with an oblique knife.

Over 50 years old, eat less peanuts and eat more 2 kinds of alkaline vegetables! The hair is black, the bad breath is gone, and the complexion is good

3. Prepare two to three sausages, slice them with a diagonal knife, cut them and put them on a plate for later use. Prepare another piece of ginger and cut into sliced ginger.

Over 50 years old, eat less peanuts and eat more 2 kinds of alkaline vegetables! The hair is black, the bad breath is gone, and the complexion is good

4. After heating the wok in a hot pan, pour in an appropriate amount of cooking oil, first add the ginger slices and stir-fry for a while, fry the ginger slices fragrantly, add the sausage after fragrant, and then pour three grams of cooking wine into the pot, and use the cooking wine volatilization to take away the fishy smell of the sausage. Sauté the sausage for about a minute.

Over 50 years old, eat less peanuts and eat more 2 kinds of alkaline vegetables! The hair is black, the bad breath is gone, and the complexion is good

5. Fry the sausage until the color is transparent, then add the garlic seedlings, first fry the garlic seedlings for about 30 seconds, stir-fry until half cooked, and then add the garlic seedling leaves after 30 seconds, the garlic seedling leaves are particularly easy to cook, and then stir-fry for 30 seconds.

Over 50 years old, eat less peanuts and eat more 2 kinds of alkaline vegetables! The hair is black, the bad breath is gone, and the complexion is good

6. Add a gram of pepper before coming out of the pot, add a gram of sugar, add a gram of salt, there is salt in the sausage, salt can not be put more, stir-fry the seasoning and melt evenly can be out of the pot. Stir-fried sausage with garlic seedlings is an authentic home-cooked dish that is easy to make and easy to eat.

Over 50 years old, eat less peanuts and eat more 2 kinds of alkaline vegetables! The hair is black, the bad breath is gone, and the complexion is good

2. Artemisia

Artemisia is a seasonal dish in spring, you can buy more when you encounter fresh, it is an alkaline vegetable. Eating Artemisia often can not only regulate the homeostasis, but also have the effect of strengthening the spleen and stomach and calming the nerves, and the more you eat, the healthier you are.

Recommended Method【Artemisia Egg Cake】

1. First cut off the root of Artemisia, put it in a basin, rinse it with clean water several times, wash it and then fish it out with controlled water. Finely chop the dry artemisia and place it in a large basin.

Over 50 years old, eat less peanuts and eat more 2 kinds of alkaline vegetables! The hair is black, the bad breath is gone, and the complexion is good

2: Cut the washed spring onion in half, then chop it into chopped green onions and pour them into a pot.

Over 50 years old, eat less peanuts and eat more 2 kinds of alkaline vegetables! The hair is black, the bad breath is gone, and the complexion is good

3. Then beat three eggs into it, add salt, spicy fresh seasoning, you can also put it according to your taste, and stir it thoroughly.

Over 50 years old, eat less peanuts and eat more 2 kinds of alkaline vegetables! The hair is black, the bad breath is gone, and the complexion is good

4. Then add an appropriate amount of flour in parts, each time to fully stir well, flour is mainly to play a role in bonding, add too much taste will be very hard, and finally stir into this sticky vegetable paste can be.

Over 50 years old, eat less peanuts and eat more 2 kinds of alkaline vegetables! The hair is black, the bad breath is gone, and the complexion is good

5. Preheat the electric cake pan over low heat, brush a layer of oil at the bottom, pour the vegetable paste in, turn on low heat, and there is enough time to spread the vegetable paste in the middle. Then sprinkle some white sesame seeds to add flavor.

Over 50 years old, eat less peanuts and eat more 2 kinds of alkaline vegetables! The hair is black, the bad breath is gone, and the complexion is good

6. Choose a high heat, first simmer for three minutes, brush a layer of oil on the top after the vegetable paste is set, hold up the bottom with the help of a plate, turn the flatbread over, continue to burn for three minutes, and turn it with a spatula in the middle to heat the embryo evenly.

Over 50 years old, eat less peanuts and eat more 2 kinds of alkaline vegetables! The hair is black, the bad breath is gone, and the complexion is good
  1. When the time comes, turn it over again, wow, it's so fragrant, press it with a shovel and immediately rebound it and you can get out of the pot.
Over 50 years old, eat less peanuts and eat more 2 kinds of alkaline vegetables! The hair is black, the bad breath is gone, and the complexion is good

8, first use a knife to cut in the middle, and then cut into small pieces, easy to eat, artemisia egg cake is ready, artemisia is a crude fiber vegetable, also help digestion, the effect of detoxification, usually, you can give your family and children more food, nutrition and hunger, the method is particularly simple and fast.

Over 50 years old, eat less peanuts and eat more 2 kinds of alkaline vegetables! The hair is black, the bad breath is gone, and the complexion is good

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