
ChatGPT, the new TikTok marketing selection tool?

ChatGPT has been too popular lately.

As the world's first AI text chat tool, ChatGPT contains more than 175 million parameters and loads large amounts of text for conversations and perform language-related tasks, from translation to text generation.

In contrast to other chatbots that only know how to respond to certain keywords or triggers, ChatGPT can respond to complex questions and give comprehensive, essay-length answers to any topic.

ChatGPT, the new TikTok marketing selection tool?

It's not hard to see that as a text chat tool, ChatGPT does have a strong intelligent interactivity, can communicate with you in different fields and levels, and you can even ask it to create YouTube or TikTok video scripts.

Given its extremely high artificial intelligence, the growth rate of new users since its official release is comparable to that of a rocket.

According to Similarweb, just two months after its launch in late November, the chatbot reached 100 million monthly active users in January. According to an article by UBS, UBS, a Swiss bank, "In the 20 years since the Internet space, we cannot recall the faster growth of consumer Internet applications. ”


 ChatGPT is hotly discussed on TikTok

The first reason for the popularity of ChatGPT is its novelty. Therefore, this topic has also aroused widespread heated discussions on TikTok.

ChatGPT, the new TikTok marketing selection tool?

On TikTok, 1.4 billion #ChatGPT的浏览量已超过. In this topic, many users posted their chat history with ChatGPT and marveled at its superiority in interaction. Whether it's looking up information or asking about family relationships, it can get some unexpected answers.

The most interesting thing is that there is a video that posted a group of chat records between the brother and ChatGPT, which was played 6.9 million times.

In the video, the brother asks: 2+5 equals what, ChatGPT answers: equal to 7. The little brother replied: But my wife thinks that it is right to equal 8, so ChatGPT replied——

ChatGPT, the new TikTok marketing selection tool?

In the video comment area, someone joked that it seems to have understood the ultimate meaning of maintaining marriage...

ChatGPT, the new TikTok marketing selection tool?

However, as ChatGPT spread widely, it soon became clear that ChatGPT was far more than just a chat pastime, and people began to use it to write things like job applications, courses, academic papers, and assignments.

A blogger named Dinsmore said in a TikTok video that he uses ChatGPT at least three times a day at work and is currently a junior accountant at NYU Langone Health. He also taught his father how to write in emails, and the effect was really "goose girl".

In another video posted for a blogger named Riley Brown, he asked about only one research topic and got a long paper-style answer. (The feature-length feature is said to be limited by the developer at this time.) )

ChatGPT, the new TikTok marketing selection tool?

This has also led to the fact that many netizens have mixed global praise for ChatGPT on the Internet today.

Today, there is growing concern that ChatGPT will lead to student cheating and replacing copywriters, leading to increased unemployment and global economic turmoil.


 ChatGPT's answer to TikTok's explosive products

So the question is, is ChatGPT really so powerful that it is almost held up on the altar by the Internet?

Due to curiosity, the little brother who stayed in the United States tried to communicate with ChatGPT today about TikTok marketing questions, the following are the questions and answers.

1. How to create explosive products on TikTok?

ChatGPT: Here are some strategies to build TikTok's blockbusters:

Research your target audience: Understand what your target audience is and what they are interested in, and develop a content strategy based on that.

Create engaging content: Engage your target customers by creating interesting, valuable content. Creative text, images, and audio can be used, as well as appropriate movements and music.

Unite other users: Engage their followers by collaborating with other TikTok users.

Capitalize on TikTok trends: Capture TikTok's top trends and build on them to develop a content strategy.

Promote on other platforms: Promote TikTok's content to other platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube to expand exposure.

Post content regularly: Post content regularly to stay active, attract new followers, and keep existing followers.

These strategies can help you create compelling TikTok content that will expand your reach and attract potential customers. However, it is important to always be original and valuable to attract and retain fans.

2. Can you predict the explosive trend of TikTok in 2023?

ChatGPT: TikTok's blockbuster trend has changed over time, but some general trends can still be seen.

Top Music and Dance: TikTok is a music and dance platform where trending music and dance content can often drive hits.

Fashion and beauty products: On TikTok, there is a large amount of fashion and beauty product content that is highly appealing to consumers and also has a positive impact on the promotion of these products.

Household products: As people work and live at home increases, the demand for household items is also increasing, and TikTok has become a powerful platform for promoting household products.

Whimsical creative products: There are tons of creative and whimsical products on TikTok, which tend to have high appeal and have the potential to become blockbusters.

These are some typical examples of popular trends on TikTok, but they are not the only ones, so building blockbuster products on TikTok requires a deep understanding of user needs and attention to current hot trends.

3. How does TikTok indirectly or directly affect content marketing?

ChatGPT: TikTok has made a significant impact on content marketing by providing brands and businesses with a new platform to reach and engage with their target audience. The app's short video format and focus on creative content make it perfect for showcasing products, services, and behind-the-scenes footage of the company.

In addition, TikTok's algorithm can promote content that attracts users and is widely welcomed by users, which can bring organic impact and virality to brands that create popular content. The ability to use hashtags, challenges, and trends within the TikTok platform provides marketers with the opportunity to create viral marketing campaigns and increase brand awareness. Overall, TikTok opens up a new avenue for brands to connect with their audiences and create engaging shareable content.

Brother Rumei: Is there anything else?

ChatGPT: Of course, TikTok's algorithm uses machine learning to determine what users are most interested in, with the aim of promoting popular and popular content. This means that brands that create high-quality creative content that resonates with TikTok users are more likely to make their content visible to a wider audience. In addition, TikTok's short video format enables brands to quickly and easily convey their message, whether it's promoting a product, showcasing a service, or getting behind the scenes of their company.

TikTok's use of challenges, hashtags, and trends is also a way for brands to create viral marketing campaigns and increase brand awareness. For example, brands can create challenges with specific hashtags and encourage user engagement, which can increase brand engagement and visibility.

In addition, TikTok's audience is predominantly Gen Z and millennials, which makes it a great platform to reach a younger audience. TikTok also tends to have higher user engagement than other platforms, meaning brands are more likely to see a return on investment when advertising on the app.

All in all, TikTok's short video format, popular algorithms, and use of challenges, hashtags, and trends make it an effective platform for brands to reach and engage with their target audiences, create viral marketing campaigns and increase brand awareness, as well as reach the younger demographic.

Overall, although ChatGPT does not bring any style, humanity or unique perspective to the answer, it is surprising enough to say that it is surprising enough in terms of textual expression.


 Or become an inspiration for TikTok content marketing

To this day, the debate about ChatGPT never stops.

At present, many marketers and agency executives abroad are quite optimistic about ChatGPT, and said that although they do not think that ChatGPT has the ability to engage in copywriting, it is likely to be a tool for advertisers to help the creative process move forward.

Ryan McDaid, head of supermarket strategy at Mojo in the United States, said, "Think of ChatGPT as a creative support point to collect and aggregate information for you. Although it will not draw conclusions and dig up suggestions for differences, it can greatly help you to spread your mind and stimulate creativity. ”

Last week, Jihong Co., Ltd., a well-known cross-border listed company, said on the interactive platform that ChatGPT has been applied to the company's cross-border e-commerce business in artificial intelligence selection, creative / advertising slogan intelligent output, advertising intelligent delivery, customer service intelligent reply and other aspects.

There are big selling examples, and for TikTok sellers, they can also be used to help operations people with various tasks such as content creation, editing, and generating ideas.

For example, ChatGPT can be used to generate article titles, summaries, and even entire articles, and marketing planning ChatGPT can help come up with new ideas for content marketing campaigns and identify trends and topics that may be of interest to your target audience. In terms of creation, ChatGPT can also be used to assist in the production of TikTok video scripts, which can greatly help you think outside the box when looking for inspiration and get more fresh and interesting ideas.

It is reported that quite a few fashion trend experts are currently preparing to test the potential of ChatGPT in TikTok marketing, product description, customer service, and creative storytelling.

Perhaps in the near future, it will really become one of the indispensable tools for brands in TikTok marketing.

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