
"Drama Recommendation" "Eye-opening" "Visual Feast: Sonata of Marriage and Sex"

author:Fly one

Directed by: Stanley Kubrick

Writer: Stanley. Kubrick/Frederick Claffel

Starring: Tom: Cruise/Nicole. Kidman/Madison: Egenton/Jackie Saviris/Sidney Pollack/Leslie Lowe/Todd. Field/Michael Dovern/Skye. prevent. Monte

"Drama Recommendation" "Eye-opening" "Visual Feast: Sonata of Marriage and Sex"

Release date: 16 July 1999 (USA) / 1999-09-10 (UK)

Genre: Drama/Suspense/Thriller


Language: English

"Drama Recommendation" "Eye-opening" "Visual Feast: Sonata of Marriage and Sex"

Dr. William (Tom Cruise) and his wife (Nicole Kidman) attend a party at the home of one of his patrons, a local celebrity, when they meet one of his college classmates, Nick, who is a pianist at the party. That night, William was out on business. After finishing his business, he met Nick again at a bar.

Nick told him that there was such a secret ball: at the ball, all the people were dressed in evening dresses, wearing masks, and naked beauties were everywhere. William couldn't help but be curious and begged Nick repeatedly, who told him the address for the ball and the code word for the entrance.

William hurriedly prepared and embarked on a dreamlike adventure. The process is full of strangeness and mystery, and the mystery behind it is even more incomprehensible.

"Eye Opener" is the last work completed by american film master Stanley Kubrick during his lifetime. Honestly, calling Kubrick "Master of Cinema" is a sudden reminder. After all, in many people's stereotypes, when it comes to film masters, they often immediately think of ultra-long shots, ultra-far and ultra-wide lenses, quiet and deep imagery, abstract ambiguity and even philosophical feelings that symbolize spirituality.

These standard elements of the film masters rarely appear in Kubrick's works, and not only that, but the absurd plot, exaggerated to surreal pictures, and nagging dialogue have become more common features of Kubrick's works.

Even if there are more audiences who dislike Kubrick's works than like them, the major film festivals also identify with only a few of his works, however, Kubrick's position in the film altar is absolutely difficult to shake, and with the passage of time, there is a tendency to become more and more consolidated.

Some people have commented on Kubrick's works: It is normal for contemporary people to not understand and dislike Kubrick's works, because they are for future people to see. For such a comment, those who do not like Kubrick, it is naturally difficult to agree, but there is no need to entangle for this, after all, everyone has their own identity of the director, can not be pushed down the altar of others to show their piety and wisdom.

"Drama Recommendation" "Eye-opening" "Visual Feast: Sonata of Marriage and Sex"

Stylistically, Kubrick's work is avant-garde, even a bit outrageous, and he especially likes to peel off human nature bloodily, and then poke a knife into the pain nerves of the existing social system, making the defenders or the mainstream class scream in pain.

For example, in Clockwork Orange, he reveals that the essence of the education system lies in "indoctrination", which is to put it bluntly, to distort human nature in a decent way. In "All Metal Shells," he reveals that the essence of military training is "dehumanizing," that is, destroying the humanity of soldiers so that they can kill bravely. Kubrick's personal style of transcending the background of a specific time-space illusion and pointing directly to the inner nature of human nature and system makes his work "non-mainstream" on the one hand, but on the other hand, it also makes his work transcend the limitations of the times.

"Drama Recommendation" "Eye-opening" "Visual Feast: Sonata of Marriage and Sex"

The main story of "Eye OpenEr" is very simple, a couple who are perfect in every way, after the two attend a grand dinner ball, a dispute about marriage and sexual desire breaks out, and then the husband goes out for some reason. In the ensuing day, the husband encountered several strange things, and when he plucked up the courage to tell his wife what had happened, the two unexpectedly agreed on the issue of marriage and sexual desire. As for what exactly happened and what the final consensus between husband and wife is, the views of the audience have always been divergent and inconsistent, some people say that it is a satire on the promiscuous life of high society, some people say that it is to explore the social nature of sex and money, in short, it is a matter of opinion.

"Drama Recommendation" "Eye-opening" "Visual Feast: Sonata of Marriage and Sex"

After listening to her husband's confession, the wife makes the decision to blindfold her eyes and pretend that what happened is just a dream, because "I love you" - the "love" in marriage cannot make each other loyal to each other and completely eliminate the impulse to cheat, but to make people willing to blindfold and pretend not to see each other's deepest desires. Therefore, the title of "Eyes WideShut" is more appropriately translated as "Closed Eyes". As for the wife's final statement that the only thing the two have to do now is "exercise", with this pun on the word as the end of this marriage-themed sonata, it can be said that it is most appropriate, after all, with the name of "married" and the desire hidden in the heart, what else can it be? Let's go.

"Drama Recommendation" "Eye-opening" "Visual Feast: Sonata of Marriage and Sex"

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