
Give time with tacit understanding, give time with tacit approval, give tricks, push the old to all things, give new to my heart, give my heart praise, every day is new, all things are worthy of gratitude and praise/movement and static, natural and pure with encounters

author:Erudite fountain pen Ad

Give time a tacit understanding

Give acquiescence to the years

Give tricks to push the old

Give new things to all

Give my heart a compliment

Every day is new

All things deserve gratitude and praise/

Movement and static, natural and pure

Happiness and happiness come with encounters

Carefree and carefree in all things / [Be careful with you]

One one

Be grateful for everything

Thank you for everything

Thank you for everything

Okay with the world [heart] [pray] Nan no Amitabha Buddha!

Give time with tacit understanding, give time with tacit approval, give tricks, push the old to all things, give new to my heart, give my heart praise, every day is new, all things are worthy of gratitude and praise/movement and static, natural and pure with encounters
Give time with tacit understanding, give time with tacit approval, give tricks, push the old to all things, give new to my heart, give my heart praise, every day is new, all things are worthy of gratitude and praise/movement and static, natural and pure with encounters
Give time with tacit understanding, give time with tacit approval, give tricks, push the old to all things, give new to my heart, give my heart praise, every day is new, all things are worthy of gratitude and praise/movement and static, natural and pure with encounters

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