
"Rotten ginger does not smell" is a rumor? After men wake up in the morning, insist on eating ginger, what benefits will they reap?

author:Dr. Cai said in popular science

Ginger is a seasoning in the kitchen, its own spicy taste and special aroma can penetrate into the dish to make it delicious, delicious with a certain stomach appetite, warming and pain relief effect.

Studies have found that ginger can not only relieve heat, analgesia and antiemetic, promote the secretion of digestive juice, but also protect the liver and gallbladder sedation, normal people chew ginger can raise blood pressure, in the eyes of the elderly ginger is warm, cold in winter, less exercise, not suitable for eating ginger, on the contrary, eating ginger in summer can conform to the laws of nature, strengthen the body, and generate yang.

In ancient books, ginger can be used as medicine, and in the "Compendium of Materia Medica" and "Shennong Materia Medica", it has been recorded that ginger can warm the spleen and stomach, regulate wind and cold, and have a certain effect on improving discomfort such as heavy cold and heavy humidity.

"Rotten ginger does not smell" is a rumor? After men wake up in the morning, insist on eating ginger, what benefits will they reap?


"Rotten ginger does not smell" is a rumor? After men wake up in the morning, insist on eating ginger, what benefits will they reap?

Anti-inflammatory sterilization

For men, prostatitis is the most headache, this is a chronic disease, affecting normal life, and even frequent and urgent urination pain, at this time you can insist on eating ginger every day, whether it is for the prostate or for themselves, there is a certain positive effect, ginger has capsaicin and curcumin, can better anti-inflammatory sterilization.

Improves immunity

The pace of life is fast, many people are in a sub-healthy state, in addition to going to work to eat is to sleep, there is no fun at all for life sports, coupled with work tension, there is no extra time to exercise, their own blood circulation is getting slower and slower, immunity is reduced, insist on eating ginger in the morning every day, can effectively dispel dampness and cold, enhance the body's immunity, and make the body stronger.

"Rotten ginger does not smell" is a rumor? After men wake up in the morning, insist on eating ginger, what benefits will they reap?

Reduce colds

Ginger is a mild and spicy and irritating food, it can fill teeth, for men, insisting on eating ginger in the morning can promote blood circulation, but also stimulate gastric juice secretion. A piece of ginger, a bowl of ginger soup, can prevent colds, stimulate gastric acid secretion, promote appetite, enhance resistance immunity.

Protect the liver

Many people have long been accustomed to smoking and drinking, young people stay up late is more commonplace, these living habits will cause different degrees of damage to the liver, so that the liver is scarred, change the status quo is to nourish the liver and protect the liver, you can insist on eating ginger in the morning, better absorb the active ingredients in ginger, nourish the liver, care for liver cells, improve liver detoxification and metabolic function.

"Rotten ginger does not smell" is a rumor? After men wake up in the morning, insist on eating ginger, what benefits will they reap?


Who is not suitable for eating ginger?

People with hair loss

People with hair loss are not suitable for eating ginger, many people always think that ginger can stimulate hair follicle growth, in fact, ginger in the appearance of the application, can indeed promote hair follicle growth, promote blood circulation, but after entering the human body but has the opposite effect, hair loss people themselves are hot diseases, at this time eating ginger must be worse.

Those with heavier internal heat

Ginger is warm, if you are relatively heavy internal heat, eating ginger will only aggravate the disease, because suffering from internal heat, fire, eating ginger will have more serious consequences, these people prefer some cold things, to achieve the balance of heat and cold in the body.

"Rotten ginger does not smell" is a rumor? After men wake up in the morning, insist on eating ginger, what benefits will they reap?

People with hepatitis

If you have hepatitis, it is best not to eat ginger hepatitis, because the liver fire is strong, ginger will inevitably aggravate the symptoms of hepatitis, so people with low liver function in the daily diet should also avoid some foods that hurt the liver and damage the liver, and do enough homework about nourishing the liver and protecting the liver.


"Rotten ginger does not smell" is a rumor

Many people think that ginger can be eaten after rotten, but on the contrary, ginger that has decayed is likely to contain safrole into the human body to stimulate the stomach, increase the burden of liver metabolism, and even easily lead to cancer risk.

The ginger at home begins to rot and blacken, it is not recommended to continue to eat the ginger bought home, it is recommended to store it properly, it is best to store it in a cool, dry and ventilated place to avoid decay and deterioration caused by dampness and stuffiness.

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