
Why do you think monkeys are born to eat bananas, and rabbits should eat carrots? Wild Monkey: Banana is a curious George trouble banana is a poison Eat carrot is not as healthy as eating

author:China Digital Science and Technology Museum

Recently, "Crazy Hominid 2" was released, triggering a "banana war of words". In the play, the father of the Gollum family, Gua Ge, stole the bananas that wild monkeys liked to eat, resulting in himself, Phil, and Gai being captured by the monkeys.

Why do you think monkeys are born to eat bananas, and rabbits should eat carrots? Wild Monkey: Banana is a curious George trouble banana is a poison Eat carrot is not as healthy as eating

Passionate rock music with exaggerated expressions, coupled with realistic special effects, let everyone fall into the banana and can't extricate themselves.

Why do you think monkeys are born to eat bananas, and rabbits should eat carrots? Wild Monkey: Banana is a curious George trouble banana is a poison Eat carrot is not as healthy as eating

In fact, we can find that in film and television works, where there are monkeys, there must be bananas, such as "Bear Haunting", which is loved by children.

Why do you think monkeys are born to eat bananas, and rabbits should eat carrots? Wild Monkey: Banana is a curious George trouble banana is a poison Eat carrot is not as healthy as eating

(King Gigi and The Little Monkey Hairy Hair)

But in fact, wild monkeys rarely touch and eat wild bananas, so why do we think that monkeys like bananas the most, or even eat bananas as rice?

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > wild monkey: what is a banana</h1>?

Bananas originate in southern Asia, and although they have been brought to the rest of the world by humans, there are many places that have not been invaded by bananas. Therefore, many wild monkeys have never seen a banana in their lives.

Why do you think monkeys are born to eat bananas, and rabbits should eat carrots? Wild Monkey: Banana is a curious George trouble banana is a poison Eat carrot is not as healthy as eating

Assuming monkeys in the wild are able to find bananas, they don't necessarily like to eat them either. Because wild bananas are completely different from the bananas we eat!

The bananas we eat now are modified by wild bananas after long-term artificial selection and cultivation, which are soft and sweet. But wild bananas are green, thick-skinned, multi-faceted, and have a slightly astringent taste, and guess if monkeys will have teeth when they eat them?

Why do you think monkeys are born to eat bananas, and rabbits should eat carrots? Wild Monkey: Banana is a curious George trouble banana is a poison Eat carrot is not as healthy as eating

Wild bananas

Why do you think monkeys are born to eat bananas, and rabbits should eat carrots? Wild Monkey: Banana is a curious George trouble banana is a poison Eat carrot is not as healthy as eating

Cultivated bananas

Monkeys, like humans, belong to the same primates in zoology, and about three hundred of the more than four thousand mammals in the world are primates, including various monkeys, tailless apes, and us humans.

But unlike humans, most monkeys are vegetarians, feeding on coarse fiber plants such as leaves, twigs, flowers, and occasionally eating a little other small animal.

For example, prairie baboons are usually vegetarian and occasionally catch small antelopes to open meat.

Why do you think monkeys are born to eat bananas, and rabbits should eat carrots? Wild Monkey: Banana is a curious George trouble banana is a poison Eat carrot is not as healthy as eating

But some monkey recipes are more special, such as golden bear monkeys, tarsiers, more than 80% of the food is insects.

Why do you think monkeys are born to eat bananas, and rabbits should eat carrots? Wild Monkey: Banana is a curious George trouble banana is a poison Eat carrot is not as healthy as eating

For example, the smallest monkey pygmy marmoset, it is biting through the trunk to eat the sap.

Why do you think monkeys are born to eat bananas, and rabbits should eat carrots? Wild Monkey: Banana is a curious George trouble banana is a poison Eat carrot is not as healthy as eating

Of course, monkeys will also eat fruit, but whether wild monkeys like to eat wild bananas is unknown.

Monkeys still like bananas that have now been improved, because the modified bananas have a higher sugar ratio. However, as long as it is a fruit with high sugar content, monkeys will like to eat it, and there is no special preference for bananas in our hands.

Since monkeys are not so dead set on bananas, why do most of us agree that monkeys like bananas the most?

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > is the fault of "Curious George"</h1>

The earliest source of the monkey's favorite banana may come from a cartoon character, the curious George.

Why do you think monkeys are born to eat bananas, and rabbits should eat carrots? Wild Monkey: Banana is a curious George trouble banana is a poison Eat carrot is not as healthy as eating

"Curious George" is the protagonist of a popular children's book, a brown chimpanzee who has lost his parents since childhood.

After the book was published in France in 1939, it quickly became a hit and was later translated into a multi-Chinese became popular around the world. In addition to publishing books, it has also been adapted into several animated TV series and movies, and It just so happens that George's favorite food is bananas. Over time, it was expanded to become the monkey's favorite banana, and then more and more cartoon books and animations defined bananas as the monkey's favorite food.

Why do you think monkeys are born to eat bananas, and rabbits should eat carrots? Wild Monkey: Banana is a curious George trouble banana is a poison Eat carrot is not as healthy as eating

Curious George

In fact, it is doubtful whether bananas are the monkeys' favorite fruit, and the most important thing is that monkeys eat more bananas in our hands and affect health!

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > banana is a "poison."</h1>

Bananas for monkeys are like chocolate for children, give them too much such high sugar fruit, just like children eat too much sugar teeth will break, monkeys eat more high sugar fruits, will also lead to their bad teeth, and may lead to diabetes, and even induce gastrointestinal problems.

Why do you think monkeys are born to eat bananas, and rabbits should eat carrots? Wild Monkey: Banana is a curious George trouble banana is a poison Eat carrot is not as healthy as eating

The source of the picture is Zhihu @ Diaccharide Research Institute

For example, in 2014, the Payton Zoo in the United Kingdom began to ban monkeys from eating bananas for monkey health problems. The keeper also reported that "since the bananas were not allowed to eat, the monkeys not only improved their physical health, but also changed their behavior, the color of the hair became brighter, the thickness of the fur increased, and they were no longer so aggressive, and the whole monkey group was more stable." ”

Why do you think monkeys are born to eat bananas, and rabbits should eat carrots? Wild Monkey: Banana is a curious George trouble banana is a poison Eat carrot is not as healthy as eating

However, whether at home or abroad, many people think that monkeys like to eat bananas, so they feed them at the zoo, which eventually causes a burden on the monkeys' bodies.

For example, the red orangutan "Sentai" of the Shanghai Zoo has diabetes because he has eaten too much food fed by tourists; for example, the macaque monkeys in Osaka's Ohama Park have gained 20 kilograms because of the tourists' feeding, and the normal male macaques weigh only 7.7 kilograms.

Why do you think monkeys are born to eat bananas, and rabbits should eat carrots? Wild Monkey: Banana is a curious George trouble banana is a poison Eat carrot is not as healthy as eating

In fact, the feed of zoo animals is strictly standardized, and there are special technicians to control, nutritionists, caretakers to provide diet plans, perhaps the animals' daily food costs are higher than your daily wages!

Why do you think monkeys are born to eat bananas, and rabbits should eat carrots? Wild Monkey: Banana is a curious George trouble banana is a poison Eat carrot is not as healthy as eating

Feeding animals is a matter of learning and follows a scientific basis. Therefore, when visiting the zoo, the performance of our love of animals is to abide by the rules of the zoo and not to feed the animals at will.

Did you suddenly think of another question similar to "monkeys love bananas":

Is it true that rabbits love carrots?

Rabbits do love carrots, but they're not the only ones they love to eat!

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > eating carrots is not as healthy as eating shit</h1>

Rabbits are sweet-loving, and all sweets make them crazy, such as carrots, bananas, apples, etc., and there is no obvious preference for carrots. And rabbits eat too many carrots, and there is also a risk of flatulence and soft stools.

Because the rabbit's digestive system is special, they need to consume a large amount of crude fiber every day to keep the intestines constantly peristaltic, and the fiber in carrots is far from enough.

Why do you think monkeys are born to eat bananas, and rabbits should eat carrots? Wild Monkey: Banana is a curious George trouble banana is a poison Eat carrot is not as healthy as eating

Rabbits are herbivores, and the biggest difference between them and the human digestive system is the role of the cecum.

Our human cecum has degenerated, and although the cecum also belongs to one of the categories of the digestive system, the cecum is not involved in digestive work.

Why do you think monkeys are born to eat bananas, and rabbits should eat carrots? Wild Monkey: Banana is a curious George trouble banana is a poison Eat carrot is not as healthy as eating

The rabbit's cecum, on the other hand, plays a role in digestion.

Rabbit's cecum is very developed, its capacity accounts for about half of the digestive system, which is mixed with yeast, beneficial bacteria, etc., these microorganisms will make the fiber into the cecum fermented, converted into nutrients that can be absorbed, and then excreted in the form of cecum stool, and then eaten and absorbed by the rabbit.

Why do you think monkeys are born to eat bananas, and rabbits should eat carrots? Wild Monkey: Banana is a curious George trouble banana is a poison Eat carrot is not as healthy as eating

If rabbits eat too many carrots, the ecological balance within the cecum is disrupted and replaced by harmful bacterial growth. So carrots can only be fed as a "dessert", while the staple food can only be hay with a lot of crude fiber.

Moreover, friends who like rabbits and rabbits should have noticed that rabbits actually like to eat.

Why do you think monkeys are born to eat bananas, and rabbits should eat carrots? Wild Monkey: Banana is a curious George trouble banana is a poison Eat carrot is not as healthy as eating

The that rabbits eat is the cecum poop, and everyone will call it grape poop.

Why do you think monkeys are born to eat bananas, and rabbits should eat carrots? Wild Monkey: Banana is a curious George trouble banana is a poison Eat carrot is not as healthy as eating

There is protein and a large amount of B vitamins in the grape stool, because it is excreted directly from the cecum and is not digested and absorbed by the small intestine. Therefore, rabbits eating grapes will help the secondary absorption of nutrients, and it is really completely achieved without wasting a little nutrition.

And why we think that rabbits like to eat carrots the most, most people agree that it is related to the cartoon character Bugs Rabbit.

Why do you think monkeys are born to eat bananas, and rabbits should eat carrots? Wild Monkey: Banana is a curious George trouble banana is a poison Eat carrot is not as healthy as eating

This is exactly the same "routine" as monkeys who love to eat bananas!

I didn't expect that we had been "routined" for so many years!

You also know what little knowledge in fairy tales is not known ~ come and share it with the numerologist ~

Created by: New Media Team of China Science and Technology Museum

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