
Men and women

author:Zhang Bo 280669736

Men and women should have family and country feelings, should love the family and the country, men and women with great ability to dedicate their lives to the country, men and women with small skills and no skills should dedicate themselves to their families, for their husbands or wives, for their children without complaint and regret.

Ordinary men before the age of twenty-five is to grow the body, the age of learning knowledge, after the age of twenty-five are basically going to society, the test of tempering men's school is society, from twenty-five years old to thirty-five years old, this ten years, is a man in the society, according to their own conditions, family background, social environment, trial and error, hard work, life direction, life career stereotype of the ten years, towards the right, career stereotyped, in this decade, it is possible to get married and have children, if you can find a lady, the wife will help men's life direction, life career, The wife looks up to her man, goes to the hall, gets down to the kitchen, and behind the successful man must be a woman who pays silently, this woman gives the man encouragement and praise, gives the man courage and wisdom, manages the housework for the man, takes good children, honors the parents, lets the man have no worries, and lets the hormones of the cause release to the extreme.

Thirty-five to forty-five years old, this decade, is a man's career deep ploughing ten years, steady word, to concentrate on professionalism, excellence, have a small fortunate can, can not be proud, it is best to make their career bigger and stronger. Forty-five to fifty-five years old, in the past ten years, more experience, rich experience, open-mindedness, enlightened thinking, while making the cause bigger and stronger, according to their own economic strength, appropriate returns to society, willing to give, big sacrifice.

The best thing about a man's life is these thirty years, before the age of twenty-five, it is also a good time, and the time after the age of fifty-five is also beautiful, and the two ends of these thirty years depend on personal creation.

Modern ordinary women, before the age of twenty-five, it is best to study, to lay a good foundation for the future based on society, after the age of twenty-five, it is best to marry and have children, for the husband's family to inherit the generation, dedicate a lifetime, have the ability to dedicate more money, do not have the ability to dedicate more to the husband and teach the children, the children are older, spend the old age in peace.

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