
The venom of these spiders can bring benefits to medicine

author:Black inferior

Spiders are common in life, sometimes even if they are not visible; You will also see its cobwebs, and if there are cobwebs, there are spiders.

There are many people who are afraid of spiders, most of them are afraid of the appearance of spiders, and there are also poisonous nights of spiders.

There are many species of spiders, there are 42,751 species worldwide, and almost 3,800 species in China.

Not all spiders are venom, some venom is not fatal, and even some spider venom can be used in medicine.

Tarantula is a collective name for species of the order Arachnidae, the family Tarantulidae. The footsteps are thick and prickly. Good at running, can jump, quick action, fierce and got its name. It has wolf-like hair on his back and eight eyes.

The venom of the tarantula is extracted and can have a pain-relieving effect.

The venom of these spiders can bring benefits to medicine

The brown hidden spider is one of the deadliest poisonous spiders in the world, and after being bitten by it, the injured person will have headache and vomiting, confusion, and the skin of the wound will also ulcerate and peel off.

There is a 47-year-old man in the United States who has been paralyzed in bed for 20 years. Until one day, he was bitten by a brown hidden spider on his legs; But the man was not poisoned, and his legs slowly regained consciousness, and after treatment, the ability to walk was restored.

Medical studies have shown that the venom component of brown recluse spiders is an amino acid chain, which is a neurotoxin that enters the bloodstream and causes abnormal nerve activity; It will be active and painful like a fire. That is, the spider's venom is unusually active after entering the blood of the man's legs; Causes muscle twitching pain, awakening the spinal nerves that have been sleeping for a long time. Therefore, it is not impossible to use the amino acid chain in spider venom as a drug.

The venom of these spiders can bring benefits to medicine

The Brazilian wandering spider, also known as the banana spider, has a deadly venom, and the Brazilian wandering spider living in South and Central America is even more powerful.

Scientists extracted a compound called "PnTx2-6" from the venom of Brazilian wandering spiders, known as "nature's Viagra", which is much more effective than similar drugs. But it can only have an effect, not a therapeutic effect.

The venom of these spiders can bring benefits to medicine

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