
#Share the food you photographed #My winter life check-in, boiled rock sugar snow pear, often eat some rock sugar snow pear in winter, moisturize the lungs and throat, especially good for the body! #Winter Life Punch Season ##家

author:One leaf of flowers blooms ikPl

#Share the food you photographed#

My winter life clock-in,

Boiled rock sugar pear,

Often eat some rock sugar snow pears in winter,

Moisturizing the lungs and throat, especially good for the body!

#Winter Life Season#

#家庭美食大赏 #

#Share the food you photographed #My winter life check-in, boiled rock sugar snow pear, often eat some rock sugar snow pear in winter, moisturize the lungs and throat, especially good for the body! #Winter Life Punch Season ##家
#Share the food you photographed #My winter life check-in, boiled rock sugar snow pear, often eat some rock sugar snow pear in winter, moisturize the lungs and throat, especially good for the body! #Winter Life Punch Season ##家
#Share the food you photographed #My winter life check-in, boiled rock sugar snow pear, often eat some rock sugar snow pear in winter, moisturize the lungs and throat, especially good for the body! #Winter Life Punch Season ##家

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