
A single soldier becomes a general, an inconspicuous little white flower in the field, purulent, phlegm and stasis, and has a powerful effect

author:Jia Yajun in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine Internal Medicine

The Chinese medicine that Dr. Jia shared with you today can often be seen in the wilderness, it blooms inconspicuous small white flowers, but the effect is very powerful, can not only suppurate and disperse, but also can dissolve phlegm and stasis, or a veritable lung clearing treasure, this medicine is golden buckwheat.

A single soldier becomes a general, an inconspicuous little white flower in the field, purulent, phlegm and stasis, and has a powerful effect

Don't confuse golden buckwheat with the buckwheat we usually eat, buckwheat is a coarse grain, and golden buckwheat, is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine, we usually use its rhizome into medicine, golden buckwheat taste is spicy and cool, into the lung meridian, has the effect of clearing heat and detoxification, draining pus and removing stasis, especially good at cleaning up the purulent phlegm in the lungs, which can make the phlegm in the lungs downward into the large intestine and excreted through stool.

Since the effect of golden buckwheat is so powerful, what diseases can it cure?

A single soldier becomes a general, an inconspicuous little white flower in the field, purulent, phlegm and stasis, and has a powerful effect

The first one, cough with more phlegm. The lungs are delicate, not resistant to cold and heat, if they are attacked by heat, it will lead to coughing phlegm, and the sputum is thick phlegm, and the color is yellow, and golden buckwheat is good at cleaning up the heat in the lungs and dissolving the hot phlegm in the lungs, but it should be noted that it is used when there is heat in the lungs, if the sputum is thin and white, it is not suitable for conditioning with golden buckwheat.

The second, acne. "Materia Medica" records that golden buckwheat is "the main carbuncle and vicious sores", if it is purulent acne, you can refer to golden buckwheat to regulate.

The third, blood in the stool. It is recorded in the "New Cultivation of Materia Medica": "Red and white cold and hot diarrhea, cut off blood and break blood, bring down red white, and give birth to muscles." "The red and white hot diarrhea here refers to the situation of pus and blood in the stool, and golden buckwheat can remove the bruising in the intestine and repair the intestine.

A single soldier becomes a general, an inconspicuous little white flower in the field, purulent, phlegm and stasis, and has a powerful effect

The fourth, a sore throat. The "Compendium of Materia Medica" records that golden buckwheat "cures throat closure, throat wind and throat poison", where laryngeal closure refers to throat swelling, hoarseness, and severe cases will also implicate the neck, then you can refer to golden buckwheat to condition.

Fifth, lung abscess. Traditional Chinese medicine is called lung abscess, belongs to one of the internal carbuncles, symptoms of cough, chest pain, fever, coughing up fishy smelly sputum, and even sputum with blood, etc., mainly hot phlegm contained in the lungs, resulting in lung hot blood stasis, and finally develop into carbuncles in the lungs, and golden buckwheat can not only clear heat and remove stasis, but also drain and dissolve phlegm, and golden buckwheat also has many experiences that can be referred to in the treatment of lung abscess.

Now there is also a proprietary Chinese medicine made with golden buckwheat as the main ingredient, called golden buckwheat flakes, you can also learn about it.

The above is what Dr. Jia shared with you today, about the 5 wonderful uses of golden buckwheat, have you learned? Follow me, live a healthy life and don't get lost.

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