
COSMOTUDE | Do "healing department work" old things reformer? Is it because there is no financial pressure?

author:Fashion COSMO
COSMOTUDE | Do "healing department work" old things reformer? Is it because there is no financial pressure?
COSMOTUDE | Do "healing department work" old things reformer? Is it because there is no financial pressure?
COSMOTUDE | Do "healing department work" old things reformer? Is it because there is no financial pressure?

“ The Heart Healer ”

The daily life of contemporary young people: the main line is struggling to find a cure for life on the Internet, staying up late without hurting the body artifact; the secondary line chasing stars to find happiness, e-sports to satisfy desires... Our spiritual life is running at high speed in real time under the squeeze of explosive models and inner rolls. And you have time left to heal yourself: 7 hours at night after working overtime, 10 minutes to finish a cup of coffee, 30 seconds to return to the conference room from the sink... The loss is more than enough to make up for the lack.

It's just that hundreds of quick methods can't completely get you out, maybe for some people, a good job is a long-term cure, in the process of finding a suitable rhythm for themselves at the same time, this energy can also be transmitted to the surroundings, catalyzing out new recipes, healing and being cured in this way.

Coincidentally, COSMO found 6 healers from all over the country in different fields: Lin Xuansen, the UP master who brought you back to the same food of childhood comics, Yili, a perfumer who traveled back to a fixed moment with a drop of perfume, a skillful girl who felt the rebirth process of the old thing, a whale circus that left a romantic and fleeting sound, An artist who painted dreams, Zhang Wei, an artist who used a needle and a thread to weave memories. Maybe their healing energy can bring you another way of solving problems.

COSMOTUDE | Do "healing department work" old things reformer? Is it because there is no financial pressure?
COSMOTUDE | Do "healing department work" old things reformer? Is it because there is no financial pressure?

The first row is from left to right: Lee Seung-woo, Kim Mi-yeon, Fu Chao ▎

Second row from left to right: Mu Ren, Shi Shengchao, Chen Hui

In a broad sense, music is a language, such as how did Lee Xingyu go from playing rap many years ago to forming a band called the Whale Circus? "The nature of music should be a little more open, it's not as clear as the purpose of language, it's more like narrating a thing." The more sounds he touched, the more Li Xingyu felt that language could not express some of his personal thoughts "particularly thoroughly". Say goodbye to language and embrace the millions of forms of sound expression outside of language, and yes, music is just one of them.

On sleepless nights, Whale Circus's third album, Dreams, became a healing playlist for many young people. Li Xingyu recalls the creative process of this 2014 album, "This period was also a process of exploration, reflection and healing for me. Over the past two years, he has continued to add new creations to flesh out the concept of "dreams". In the album's introduction, Li Xingyu wrote this sentence: "The skeleton of the whale sinks into the deep sea and turns into a whale fall, and life cycles back and forth beautifully, intertwined in the romantic boundary between reality and dream." With the notes, the listener enters a dream world in which he has created where reality and non-reality intertwine.

COSMOTUDE | Do "healing department work" old things reformer? Is it because there is no financial pressure?

Li Xingyu created ▎in Urumqi

At the age of twenty or thirty, Li Xingyu, like all young people of the same age, experienced a relatively painful stage in life: "I don't understand what I have to do." During this time, it was the sound that healed him again and again: listening to the sound of the primitive jungle in the Amazon rainforest, going to Xinjiang to listen to the wind on the plateau, feeling the folk music in the local area... He walked away from the familiar environment of anxiety and pressure, and then came back, because he had seen and heard more possibilities, "and I felt that the original sleepy anxiety was not so big." ”

COSMOTUDE | Do "healing department work" old things reformer? Is it because there is no financial pressure?

Collect sounds ▎in the Amazon rainforest

COSMOTUDE | Do "healing department work" old things reformer? Is it because there is no financial pressure?

Recording ▎in Sailim Lake

In the music of the Whale Circus, we can always hear the wind, fireworks, night sky, ocean... In order to record these romantic and fleeting sounds, Li Xingyu, who is a recording professional, always carries professional or portable recording equipment with him. In the studio replaying the recording, all the sounds wrapped around the picture, and the event repeats itself again. Not only those distant scenes, in order to record the daily sound that everyone is accustomed to in life, Li Xingyu once used recording equipment to record the ordinary day of a friend's house. Trivial chats, kitchen fireworks... No one cares that the sound of a small family in the lights of a thousand homes is another kind of fleeting, irreproducible sound of healing.

COSMOTUDE | Do "healing department work" old things reformer? Is it because there is no financial pressure?

2020 Journey to the West - Journey to the RV, album "The Farthest Place from the Sea" released ▎

What do you want to convey with music? Li Xingyu did not consider, and even resented, such issues. "The way of music is a little more open, beyond the dimension of expression." More and more young people who grew up listening to popular music are leaving a message under the whale circus's album that "there is a cure". Perhaps it is this "non-persuasive" exchange that allows a generation that has been indoctrinated with various points of view since childhood to finally enjoy music freely, independently constructing an auditory imagination space, like a whale returning to the ocean and swimming freely.

"The breeze that blows 1,000 mm/s, the vibrating wings of 10 million bees, the walking of 1,000 heartbeats, the white clouds drifting at a height of 1,000 meters... It is a beautiful concerto of nature. In the second series of creations, "Whale Circus Vol.2 Whisper", Li Xingyu tries to explore the relationship between man and nature, not just a slogan of "man and nature coexist in harmony", he is more specific. On this album, he collects a large section of the natural environment to sample the sound, and the next moment he is in the room, the weekend market, the train car, "there must be a very specific access point, which is more impressive." ”

COSMOTUDE | Do "healing department work" old things reformer? Is it because there is no financial pressure?

Shaya released the show ▎

COSMO: What's the most healing thing you've ever encountered when making music?

Li Xingyu: The most healing thing is that you can express your inner feelings in a more obscure and private way, there are many words that are often unwilling to say, but you can express them with music. I love it this way, and it's how I heal myself.

COSMO: What types of music do you listen to outside of making your own album music?

Li Xingyu: There is no special preference, early jazz, classical music, 70s rock music... All kinds of music genres, I do not exclude.

COSMOTUDE | Do "healing department work" old things reformer? Is it because there is no financial pressure?
COSMOTUDE | Do "healing department work" old things reformer? Is it because there is no financial pressure?

What does a doll mean to its owner? At first, it may be just one of the many toys of the child, without life; gradually, the one that accompanies the longest, becomes the childhood playmate of the child, and begins to be slowly given life; and when it grows up, as the doll spends more time than the best friend or even the parent, it may become a kind of emotional sustenance.

Before becoming a doll restorer, Bubu experienced a period of low life, and had no intention of taking care of the online store, which led to the deterioration of the doll customization business, and the career Waterloo made her more and more anxious. At this time, a customer who had placed an order at her house a long time ago came to ask if he could help repair the doll. When she received heartfelt thanks and joy from customers, Bubu was touched. She searched on the Internet and found that the original doll repair is a unique branch of the doll industry, and there is a special "doll repair hospital" in Japan. In this way, Bubu has been groping to become a doll restorer with many years of doll customization skills.

Many people may not know what a doll restorer is, isn't it just sewing a doll? In order to justify the professional name, Bubu shared with us the doll restorer workflow: the first step, online consultation. The customer provides a clear photo or video of the doll at this stage showing the damage. During this process, Bubu will further ask the customer what problems he thinks it has and what problems he hopes to fix. The second step is to initially formulate a repair plan. From a professional point of view, give a repair plan, reach a preliminary consensus with the customer, and determine the basic cost. The third part, the consultation. The customer sent the doll over, and Bubu first did a full physical examination on it, checked for problems that could not be seen in the previous pictures or videos, and gave a final repair plan. The fourth step is to be discharged. After the doll is repaired, the cloth will print the case, explain the precautions to the owner, and the doll will return to the owner's hands.

COSMOTUDE | Do "healing department work" old things reformer? Is it because there is no financial pressure?
COSMOTUDE | Do "healing department work" old things reformer? Is it because there is no financial pressure?
COSMOTUDE | Do "healing department work" old things reformer? Is it because there is no financial pressure?
COSMOTUDE | Do "healing department work" old things reformer? Is it because there is no financial pressure?

Cloth repair doll ▎

After becoming a doll restorer in 2019, Bubu suddenly became busy, and every day someone consulted the doll repair in the background, "Until now, there should be thousands of customers who come to me to consult the doll repair." "If it's just a small problem, Bubu will tell the customer directly how to fix it and guide the other party to repair the doll by himself." There was a girl before, when I communicated with her, I found that she had a manual foundation, so I taught her by hand. Finally, she changed the doll's ears herself. Although I didn't make any money, I still felt a sense of accomplishment. ”

Almost every one of the more than 200 dolls that have been repaired by Bubu's hands has a memory behind it, and customers are happy to share their and doll's previous stories with Bubu. "This kind of all-out efforts to repair the mood of loving dolls, parents and relatives can not understand, think that they are so old to play with dolls." However, I am truly helping their doll restorers, so they can confide in me with peace of mind. Bubu remembers a girl who sent a dog doll that had been together for more than 20 years, and the hair removal was very serious, but no matter how much it cost, she hoped that it would be repaired to the healthiest state. For some personal reasons, this girl is not planning to start a family, and only wants the dog doll to accompany her all the time.

The defect is the gap of memory, through which the sun shines in, making the companionship of these years more real and clear. What moved Bubu the most was the repair needs put forward by many customers, hoping to leave the defects of the doll. For example, when a doll was sent over, the ass had already collapsed, but when Bubu raised this point, the owner said that the doll's ass he was familiar with was flat, and if the ass was cocked, it would feel strange. There are also customers who ask to retain the defects of the crooked ears of the doll, if it does not affect the health, these defects are the unique characteristics of their own dolls in the eyes of the owner, which is irreplaceable.

COSMOTUDE | Do "healing department work" old things reformer? Is it because there is no financial pressure?
COSMOTUDE | Do "healing department work" old things reformer? Is it because there is no financial pressure?

"People who are willing to repair the dolls must be very kind in their hearts", the doll repair orders on The cloth hand have been scheduled for 2023, in the case of saturation in the working quarter, she still insists on going online every day to consult customers to try their best to help, "These consultation records are the precious memories of customers, although I can do it alone with a pair of hands, although limited, I always want to use my profession to help a little more." ”

COSMO: What is a doll that has been with you for the longest time?

Bubu: A bugs bunny that I bought when I was in the fifth or sixth grade of elementary school, I still keep it to this day.

COSMO: Share a cold tip about vintage dolls?

Cloth: In the early years, the inner core of the doll was not stuffed with cotton, but the scraps of various types of cloth. To be honest, these scraps may be of great help when I repair the ancient dolls.

COSMOTUDE | Do "healing department work" old things reformer? Is it because there is no financial pressure?
COSMOTUDE | Do "healing department work" old things reformer? Is it because there is no financial pressure?

Before becoming a perfumer, Yili described himself as a perfume collector with a "flower heart". Yili's hobby of collecting perfumes dates back to the fifth grade of elementary school, "Children at that age will have some collecting habits, most of their peers are collecting dolls, beautiful books, and I like to collect perfumes at that time." 」 Looking back now, Yili's fashionable parents were her guides on the road to smelling incense. Later, she came into contact with more perfume brands, and Yili found that the perfume brands that now seemed to be niche had been seen on her mother's dresser as a child.

Although the number of perfumes I have collected from childhood to adulthood is uncountable, looking back on my past life, the background of Yili's memory film is a scent fragment of a real scene: the smell of the airport when the plane landed in Vancouver, the smell of the beach somewhere, the smell of the wooden house in a forest...

COSMOTUDE | Do "healing department work" old things reformer? Is it because there is no financial pressure?

"The most healing taste is always in the memory, a certain period of your life," Yili said, "for example, there is a child who has been living in a less safe environment, and suddenly a certain moment makes him feel particularly at ease and comfortable, probably in the arms of his kindergarten aunt, and this smell takes root in his memory and becomes the most healing smell in his life." "For example, vetiver is reminiscent of an old wooden bed where I slept in the afternoon at my grandmother's house in the countryside when I was a child, and roses evoke memories of a spa in a high-end hotel... When we talk about smell healing, why aren't we sharing secret memories with people?

So, is there a healing smell that makes the public empathize? Yili thinks there is. Shared experiences, or shared cultural memories, may create a scent of healing that is universally felt by the masses. Ultimately, it's empathy for the atmosphere created by this scent. For most Chinese, the scent of osmanthus is very healing, because 10 laurel blossoms bloom, we drink tea and chat under the tree, which is a leisurely environment; or the autumn weather will turn cool, with a light rain, the osmanthus fragrance with a hint of freshness after the rain, this is a particularly three-dimensional memory, and it is very beautiful. When smells evoke a very poetic and beautiful relationship, statistically speaking, most people feel healing when they smell it.

Just started to make custom perfumes, Yili is out of the desire to break through the bottleneck of perfume creation. Friends commented that the perfume she concocted was "your fragrance when it smelled", but she still felt that she needed to try something new and stimulate herself, so Yili embarked on the road of custom perfume without hesitation. However, to her surprise or surprise, on this road, she made many different friends and gained a house full of touching stories.

COSMOTUDE | Do "healing department work" old things reformer? Is it because there is no financial pressure?

There is such a girl into Yili's perfume studio: her brother died unexpectedly in a car accident while studying abroad, and her parents divorced at that time; under two major blows in a row, she wanted to ask her boyfriend out to relax, but her boyfriend proposed to break up; she went to Los Angeles under the collapse, and walked a self-healing journey alone. The girl shared this painful memory, and then said that she hoped to customize a perfume to record the happy fragments of this past life, the bad ending cannot be changed, at least, use the smell to record the beautiful moments in the memory of the past.

Was it the smell that healed these girls? Yili felt that this was not the case, "It was a matter of her own mind, and smell was a means for her to try to preserve her memories, and perhaps photographs." But is the process of preserving memories healed? I think it's even a hindrance to her healing, and it will make her remember that heartbreak forever. The real healing may be time. ”

COSMOTUDE | Do "healing department work" old things reformer? Is it because there is no financial pressure?

COSMO: What do you think is the most important trait of a "perfume collector"?

Yili: Flower heart. If I don't spend enough time and love, I will always use an incense stick. It's because I like everyone, so I want to have every one.

COSMO: What do you think is the most important trait of a "perfume blender"?

Yili: The most important thing for an expressor or creator is that he is narcissistic enough. Under this premise, I think this person cannot have an idol.

COSMOTUDE | Do "healing department work" old things reformer? Is it because there is no financial pressure?
COSMOTUDE | Do "healing department work" old things reformer? Is it because there is no financial pressure?

For furniture that everyone thinks is "not saved", It seems that Ze Shirt has had the impulse to transform and create them since childhood. When I was in junior high school before, "it was not a good school", between classes, Ze shirts were pasted outside the classroom desk, and finally the desk was transformed into a "small piano". Looking back, at that time, Sawa was watched by his classmates because of this piano desk, "At a glance, only my desk in the whole classroom was black, and then there were black and white keys of the piano underneath." This is also the highlight of the "little transparent" student career of The Shirt.

After becoming famous for renovating old furniture, the post-90s girl was asked the most about why she decided to quit after a year of work. Rather than deciding to resign, Ze yi said that she knew from just graduating that she would not work forever, "When she just graduated, she had no money and no experience, and she definitely had to go to work first." At that time, many students pursued to go to large companies, so I specially selected those small companies that did not have to work overtime and had two days off to submit resumes, telling myself to work first to save money, and then come out to do it myself. ”

After resigning, Ze Yi rented a house and opened a homestay, and also helped decorate his friend's photography studio. Her original intention of using her painting talents to transform old furniture was actually just to save money. "I will look at all kinds of beautiful homes on the Internet, the cabinet of planting grass is often thousands of yuan, I just happened to decorate the homestay, I thought of the style of online grass home, can I transform it myself."

COSMOTUDE | Do "healing department work" old things reformer? Is it because there is no financial pressure?

Fill in the flower drawing on a battered guitar ▎

The first step in transforming old furniture is to find the old furniture that is destined to be found. Ze shirts are usually very lucky, and they can always meet the favorite model consciously or unconsciously, "the old furniture that is suitable for renovation cannot be bought with money." "If you come across Mr Right's old furniture, you must be quick," Once, I saw a good cabinet on the side of the road, and I wanted to move it later, but when I came back, I just saw that the cabinet was being smashed. At that moment, my heart ached. ”

Ze Yi's good luck in picking up old furniture directly contributed to her first two Douyin videos. The reason was that during the renovation of the room, she picked up a cabinet, the shape of the cabinet was very beautiful, but unfortunately the drawers were gone; Ze Yi dragged the cabinet home, and after careful transformation, the drawer position was full of flowers, "the whole super beautiful". This video is a small fire in TikTok. Immediately afterward, there were many bars in the comment area of Zeyi Douyin, saying that Zeyi self-directed and self-acted, on the grounds that it was impossible to pick up such a beautiful cabinet casually on the road. Out of gambling, Ze Yi took the shooting equipment and went out, "Today I will take you out for a walk to see if I can find a good cabinet." As a result, she picked it up again, and the transformation video exploded again. Repeatedly favored by the god of traffic, Ze Yi decided to expand his side business, and successively settled down in Douyin and Xiaohongshu, sharing his old furniture transformation videos and beautiful pictures.

COSMOTUDE | Do "healing department work" old things reformer? Is it because there is no financial pressure?

Refresh the chair that is about to be discarded ▎

Is the old furniture that you remodel yourself heal? Or is it healed by your own furniture modification video? It seems that for the first time, Ze Yi carefully considered this question, "Maybe I am the kind of optimistic and outgoing personality, the color and background music are usually bright and cheerful, and the whole can give people a sense of vitality and healing atmosphere." ”

In a big city, in addition to renting a house to work, but also to pursue their dreams, many young people are easy to be unhappy, "At this time, if you brush some unhappy videos, it will definitely be more sad, if I can bring some positive energy to fans with such a cheerful style video, I feel that I am not living a life of nothing." 」 ”

COSMOTUDE | Do "healing department work" old things reformer? Is it because there is no financial pressure?

Roadside waste is instantly reused ▎

COSMO: What do you enjoy the most about making old furniture remodeling?

Ze: What I really enjoy is that it can express all kinds of fantastic ideas in my head. My college major is product design, and if I want to realize the scenes I design, I need to wait at least half a year; now, I can perfectly present the fantastic pictures in my head in a week or two in furniture renovation.

COSMO: Where did you get the inspiration for the renovation of old furniture?

Ze shirt: After the theme color and style of the room are fixed, a specific painting direction is conceived according to the collected old furniture style.

COSMOTUDE | Do "healing department work" old things reformer? Is it because there is no financial pressure?
COSMOTUDE | Do "healing department work" old things reformer? Is it because there is no financial pressure?

During college, Xiao lin and Xiao Wang squatted at station B all year round, brushing up food and two-dimensional videos. After Xiaolin graduated, he groped and opened a food number; three years later, Xiao Wang graduated from graduate school and joined the main camp of full-time gourmet UP, and co-operated the food account "Lin Xuansen" with Xiaolin.

At the beginning, the two of them liked the life-oriented food trumpets at the B station, and various types of popular food videos also groped for a while, "I found that the two of us still had to find another way." Considering that Station B is a gathering place for the second dimension, at Xiaolin's suggestion, the two tried to make and shoot the first comic food video - restoring the four gods seafood buns in "China Little Boss". The two frankly said that this is also the first time they have made buns, and the introductory noodles will challenge the high difficulty, and the two have spent a lot of effort to practice the basic skills of making noodles and making buns. The ingredients include a variety of dried seafood, "because the foaming time is too long, we can't redo it." After nearly two weeks of preparation, the two officially started shooting: in order to restore the words on the bun in the comic, they printed it on glutinous rice paper in advance, steamed it on the bun, and bought a bamboo boat to complete the plating...

COSMOTUDE | Do "healing department work" old things reformer? Is it because there is no financial pressure?
COSMOTUDE | Do "healing department work" old things reformer? Is it because there is no financial pressure?

The success of the Four Gods Seafood Bun allowed Xiaolin and Xiao wang to find the skill points of the account - the two gourmet fans of "Chinese Little Season" and "Spirit of the Eater", which are the core inspiration for the video content. In the process of restoring food again and again, Xiaolin also has a new interpretation of the perspective of food bloggers for these two anime: the cuisine in "Chinese Little Boss" is more imaginative, and some creative dishes cannot predict what the taste will be before they are actually made; the food in "The Spirit of the Eater" is generally this dish in reality, although the creativity is very bold, but you can know what the finished dish looks like, "The author of this anime should have a food consultant, and the cuisine inside is not written casually." ”

As fresh people in cooking, Xiao Lin and Xiao Wang launched a series of food battles. In December last year, the two chose to make a dish that required fresh verbena, but fresh verbena was only available in July and August every summer, "so we bought a pair of seedlings and came back and planted it ourselves." Xiao Lin thought about planting in Guangzhou, where the temperature was high, and rounding it was equivalent to summer, but the truth was that they did not have the magical rules to overcome nature in the end, and the verbena seedlings did not grow. In the end, the two had to compromise and use the dried leaves of verbena as an alternative ingredient. Both of them thought in their hearts: next summer's list of seasonal ingredients must be added to the verbena!

COSMOTUDE | Do "healing department work" old things reformer? Is it because there is no financial pressure?
COSMOTUDE | Do "healing department work" old things reformer? Is it because there is no financial pressure?

In order to restore the delicacy in "The Spirit of the Eater" - centrifugal tomato juice, Xiao Lin and Xiao Wang specially bought a centrifuge to come back, "buying a professional blender is the first step to recovery", and since then the two have embarked on the "Gourmet Equipment Party", which is the road of no return. The two-person food workbench is like a cooking experiment, and the table is piled up with all kinds of professional and even unpopular cooking equipment. In order to make room for making food, the first thing the two do as full-time food bloggers is to tear down the kitchen door, open up with the dining room, and directly expand the kitchen space of the original five or six square meters to more than ten square meters, "Now it is obviously not enough, we plan to pack the living room into it." ”

COSMOTUDE | Do "healing department work" old things reformer? Is it because there is no financial pressure?

Recently, because of the epidemic, fans have no way to go abroad to enjoy food, Xiaolin and Xiaowang decided to take this opportunity to expand the topic, from restoring two-dimensional cuisine to restoring the explosive cuisine of the world-renowned Michelin restaurant. By watching the videos of foreign gourmets planting grass in Michelin restaurants on the Internet, as well as various related network introduction materials, plus some of their own ideas, the two concoct Michelin-style cuisine, so that everyone can stay at home and feel the global cuisine.

COSMO: What is the most healing thing for you when making food?

Lin Xuansen: Through my own exploration and efforts, I can see what ordinary raw materials look like into finished products.

COSMO: Recommend a "magic kitchen treat" worth getting started with?

Lin Xuansen:1. Rotary distiller, chemically used to distill the aroma, can use orange peel, grapefruit peel as raw materials to refine essential oils, to add aroma to food flavoring. 2. Vacuum pump, itself can be connected to a variety of machines, vacuum, the boiling point of water is particularly low, can be used to dry, filter, low temperature, not easy to make food taste change.

COSMOTUDE | Do "healing department work" old things reformer? Is it because there is no financial pressure?
COSMOTUDE | Do "healing department work" old things reformer? Is it because there is no financial pressure?

Freud's "Interpretation of Dreams" has been read by psychoanalysts again and again, but what does it mean for modern people living in the urban jungle? Is it important? What is the significance of it being recorded? Zhang Yu tried to pick up the paintbrush and respond to this proposition, which is still mysterious until now. Returning to the original intention of the original creation, he first felt that dreams were interesting, "It is an irrational parallel life, which can make people live longer and more interesting in subjective time." In dreams, even mediocre people have imaginations. Only by dreaming can you put two things that don't matter together. ”

Of course, dreams are not important, they don't even need to be recorded, but the process of recording may be crucial for Zhang. "I still remember my childhood dreams, such as imagining that the contour line of the building is a giant, and the mold on the wall is an honor guard..." The art hall he entered after him, and the paintings of Magritte, who had the deepest influence on Zhang, and even the entire surreal genre, are inextricably linked to dreams.

COSMOTUDE | Do "healing department work" old things reformer? Is it because there is no financial pressure?

Dream Beast ▎

The New World as a whole, collective portraits of animals are presented here

The composition mimics the imaginations of the monsters of the East in the Age of Discovery

So he tried to find a way to process artistic material randomly like a dream. At night, the material is given to the computer script, and the commands such as deformation and superposition are randomly executed, and the different materials are combined into a picture; the next morning, I get up to see what it generates. Zhang Wei went from exploring offline alone to developing an online shop that restores dreams with like-minded Wansha and two "Ono Girls": two picks up one dream.

Since the release of the creative plan, the team has hardly received happy dreams, "maybe happy dreams do not have the urge to come and talk." "Fog, encounters, oblivion, death, goodbye, separation... It is a term that often appears in customer dream descriptions. "Being late, too late, is the most dream." Because of various circumstances, people are always unable to arrive, and they are always blocked in their dreams, like a reflection of real life. "Until this year, Zhang Yu received a dream that she particularly liked," the whole big scene is in the amusement park, she dreams that she is a crocodile, chased by an octopus with a beautiful girl's head on the tentacles, she runs along the track of the roller coaster, and finally crashes into a stone lion. But the repression and difficulty of restoring people's spiritual world is not complete, and in the Internet age, the dreams received by customer service have become much lighter: "Many times, some words we may not tell to people we know, but confide in strangers, sometimes only talk, do not need to respond." 」 ”

COSMOTUDE | Do "healing department work" old things reformer? Is it because there is no financial pressure?

New world - Paris station ▎

At the subway station, these faces flashed like a mirage in the crowd

A few petals on the wet black branches

Two picks up one dream refers to the entrusted customer as the dreamer. An anonymous dreamer once sent such a dream: "I dreamed of my childhood, my parents were very young, and there were lush trees and red tomatoes in the courtyard, and I wanted to meet my parents again when I was young." In kindergarten, the picture of her father riding a bicycle to pick her up from school instantly appeared in front of her, and the customer service lady in the store replied to the dreamer like this: "I also want to meet my mother when I was young, and see the woman who let my father hold in her hand when she was young, the face that has not yet wrinkled and the shy smile." ”

"Leave a dream for a stranger; take a dream and collect it well." The dream is more like a tree hole, and the dreamer shouts to the tree hole, trying to depict and retain the fleeting beauty in the dream. Tell the dream to the tree hole, and the process of pouring out will make people feel healed. In fact, this tree hole is not only listening, it will also travel through time and space, sending a "reply", the letter is a painting of the dream.

COSMOTUDE | Do "healing department work" old things reformer? Is it because there is no financial pressure?

Lenin Tower ▎

The dark sea is strangely together with the wasteland

It seems that no amount of water can make the desert come alive

Soviet-style architecture stands tall

Extrudes a metaphysical aesthetic that has long been overlooked

COSMO: Have you changed your creative style since you started your art with other people's dreams as nourishment? Have the dreams you experienced changed?

Zhang: I don't rely entirely on other people's dreams, dreams are often the beginning of a motivation, and in terms of creative style, I am more and more inclined to give up myself and embrace automation.

COSMO: If the language expression is still unsatisfactory, how do we view the distortion and artistic processing in the process of the restoration of the dream?

Zhang: I talked to the AI engineers at Taobao about whether we can output something completely different through machine learning when we enter dreams. Machines generate scripts and even images, which are like dreams. On a practical level, it is relatively easy to do. One is automatic painting; the other is to cooperate with electronic musicians with psychedelic colors, using the accumulated images and audio tracks to synchronize loops, and each performance is random. I will also explore the digital NFT field, using generated features to construct 10,000 digital characters and incorporate their own physical symbols. I hope that after my physical death, the digital self can always exist.

Article source: Fashion COSMO October issue

Editor: Wang Yimin

Text: A K

Photography: Ma Chicheng, Bao Yanzhou, Mi, VIN Chen Yun

Makeup and hair: An Yang, Lei Ming, Li Jingjing

Styling: NaNa

Vision: Yuqing

Illustration: Foam

Editorial Assistants: Liu Yingzhou, Fang Yu

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Fashion COSMO / Respondents offer

COSMOTUDE | Do "healing department work" old things reformer? Is it because there is no financial pressure?
COSMOTUDE | Do "healing department work" old things reformer? Is it because there is no financial pressure?
COSMOTUDE | Do "healing department work" old things reformer? Is it because there is no financial pressure?
COSMOTUDE | Do "healing department work" old things reformer? Is it because there is no financial pressure?

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