
Doesn't clover ☘️ bloom in spring? Why is it green and blooming again in winter now, it's strange, I remember at the turn of spring and summer, I saw it green, then bloomed, and then it fell.

author:Don Quixote and his donkey

Doesn't clover ☘️ bloom in spring? Why is it green and blooming again in winter now, it's strange, I remember at the turn of spring and summer, I saw it green, then bloomed, and then it fell.

In winter, I saw it again, it was really bright, after all, in addition to camellias, other flowers, in winter, are relatively rare, you can only look at yellow leaves, and dead grass.

The flowers in the greenhouse lack charm, and the pruned garden flowers have no personality at all, only this inadvertent, wanton opening little flower is cute and tight.

It grows in the brick cracks on the side of the road, and no one fertilizes it, it is quite resistant to barrenness, you can sprinkle a handful and let it open freely, after all, the small pink color is also very good-looking.

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#Tanning the flowers in your shots#

#花草伴我行 #

Doesn't clover ☘️ bloom in spring? Why is it green and blooming again in winter now, it's strange, I remember at the turn of spring and summer, I saw it green, then bloomed, and then it fell.
Doesn't clover ☘️ bloom in spring? Why is it green and blooming again in winter now, it's strange, I remember at the turn of spring and summer, I saw it green, then bloomed, and then it fell.
Doesn't clover ☘️ bloom in spring? Why is it green and blooming again in winter now, it's strange, I remember at the turn of spring and summer, I saw it green, then bloomed, and then it fell.

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