
The twenty-seven-year love story between Ping'er and Jun'er (IX) goes down the river

author:Exclusive account of Xi'an Yang Jun

From September 2012 to the end of 2014, it was the most toothless and unforgettable stage of jun'er's life, with the closeness of love with Ping'er, as well as the competition, quarrel, fight and intrigue between family and other families. These 2 years of more than 2 years of military children bought a SLR camera to learn photography, from September 2013 to June 2015 almost every Saturday and Sunday will go out to take photos as long as the weather is good; these 2 years of more military children work in the company set up by relatives, but did not expect to dig a very deep and piercing pit for the army, more toothless than the dispute with colleagues when working in the restaurant; these 2 years of military children are playing a new trick of hooliganism, this is not a table, hahahaha.

In mid-March 2012, Jun'er took the train to Dongguan, Guangdong Province for the second time, as the last time, bought a ticket for half the distance to Wuhan, played for a few days and took the train to Dongguan again, playing around, the army felt that the experience of setting up a stall in Xi'an in the first half year was very interesting, so he chose to set up a stall in the center of Dongguan Houjie Town, and in early August, he went to a factory in Humen Town to work for more than half a month and then returned to Xi'an on the afternoon of August 31. In the past six months, there has been nothing to do, but the military children are like old ladies crossing the street - nothing is unusual In the period of June and August, bored, simple and sensitive to send someone a few text messages, the content is now ridiculous and childish, at that time, he forgot about the fatal important problem, Ping'er did not say much and did not care about him, the army was happy in it.

The soldiers who returned home in September 2012 were busy buying goods as in previous years and wanted to revitalize the family store again, while busy, several big and small things happened, the most important thing is that the family bungalow was built as a 3-story building at the end of this year, and the soldiers could return home without living on the second floor of the store.

Time is rushing away, jun'er's life is flat, the family shop is still open, jun'er's photography level is constantly improving, the conversation with Ping'er is still intermittent, the heart, will still hurt, I don't know when it will end. Working in a company owned by relatives is to see the funny of rich people and the hypocrisy of literate people. A small company with a few family workshops, doing business for the people to study abroad and study abroad, but reluctant to open a yellow V on Sina Weibo, the army to put forward opinions to open a yellow V, the boss is not very willing, you are not afraid that the army will not be able to lose in the future, the old saying is not to doubt the use of people, suspicious people do not use, this is also hypocritical enough. This is not the end of it, Jun Er said to the boss that he needs to buy some fans for the company's Weibo so that it looks better, the boss agreed and said that when he took the bill to the person in charge of the company for reimbursement, so jun er himself spent more than two hundred yuan to do things, and when the company held a meeting, he took out the bill for reimbursement, the person in charge of the company gave the army cash, turned his head and said with indignation that "the mother's family still reports the account" Funny words, this his mother's military child was still proud when they first met, "I am a classmate who went to MBA together with your uncle", Go to your uncle's bar, the diploma said to buy it, no one laughed at you, except for the military. This fucking is MBA Business Administration, the company has only done one business for more than a year, and finally in October 2014, the company's internal email proposed to suspend operations from November 1, 2014. hehe!!! If it weren't for the fact that the military child's mother had said several times and three times that she was doing a good job, or if the military child had taken a salary of 2,500 wronged heads a month, it would not have taken long for the military child to smash the bowl and smash the pot.

This is not the end, before the army in the email conversation with the boss in the dispute, the military child proposed that the production of the company's website lies in the output of the company's corporate culture, which belongs to the category of the tertiary industry... It is this three industry four words that caused the boss to violently resemble the pregnant woman's pregnancy reaction and the dispute with the military children in the email, yo, Yang Chun Baixue felt that the service people did not meet their own high-end people abroad tall people set position. Then now ask, to the people to do study abroad, study tours and even to the United Kingdom tourism is not to serve people, you do not serve people, why do you let people willingly pay money from people's pockets, flat cake, take thieves on the opposite side, do not have this skill, do not correct their own mentality, can not find the positioning of the company and self, no wonder the company has only done a single business for more than a year. Just like this, look at the subtext of the large paragraphs of text in the email, you don't have to do it with so much trouble, if it weren't for the military mother saying several times that she would do a good job, if it weren't for the military child's salary of two thousand five hundred wronged heads a month, according to the nature of the army, it wouldn't take long to smash the bowl and smash the pot, and the cultured people and pseudo-intellectuals are so hypocritical...

In 2007 or in 2008, when the military children were checking the only child's monthly payment for their mothers on the Internet, they inadvertently saw a post on a large community website to the effect that they did not approve of young children or primary school students studying abroad, such as parents going to foreign countries, they can study abroad at least during the university period under the care of their relatives in China, because young children or primary school students or middle school students studying abroad is during the period of long physical youth development, during which his three views and psychology are grown up in foreign countries, and when they complete their studies, if they return to China, It is impossible to accept domestic human accidents, and if there is no considerable financial resources and contacts abroad, it cannot be accepted by foreigners, middle and upper-class foreigners, which creates a dilemma. This text was looked at by the soldier at that time, associated with reality, he smiled in his heart, waiting to see the joke of the big family, as for the words and events of the army, it was done at the behest of the mother, if he did not do the mother to quarrel with the army, he had no way.

Sure enough, hehe, a bachelor's graduate of a british university that is internationally renowned and famous, did not look for a good job after graduation, and after returning to China in 2013, he said "sell some aphrodisiacs on the Internet now" when he described to the mother of the military, and said to the military on the birthday mat for his grandmother that he intended to clean up the second floor of the medical center opened by his mother in the United Kingdom, and also opened a small shop to sell some sporting goods, and also lobbied the military to teach him how to buy goods, shop goods and so on. Oh, worthy of the Baidu search in a large number of news that he went to an internationally renowned first-class british university? This internationally renowned first-class british university bachelor's graduate, his father also personally said to the military in 2013, "So-and-so he can't accept the personal exchanges when doing things in China", hehe. Jun'er wrote it here, one is to see a joke again, and the other is also a satire on the fact that one of their large families has done some non-human behavior to the jun'er's family for decades, in fact, zi is not a fish knows the pain of fish, maybe people have suffering that others have not known.

Jun Er had not believed in life for more than 20 years, until after 2014, Jun Er believed. November for the military and someone in 2013 and 2014, 4 for the military and someone in 2004 and 2014, can be said to be lucky, blessed and bad.

In November 2014, thanks to many parties to see the army, four ways and six doors and eight parties to the streets of the military children's homes said the above-mentioned right and wrong and questions of the soldiers, the soldiers were seduced after more than two years and sent a few text messages to someone again, "The mind is not busy, there will be an echo" Such words were also sent out, it seems that this time it is impossible to run, indeed, the army has a big disaster, afterwards, Li Ping said "I temporarily suppress you for a while, otherwise I will have to suffer with you again", the army said" The army said, "Some things still have to be done." "Wait a minute, you're not prepared for revenge"...

(To be continued)

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