
Hunt the red October starring, shoot and kill people! It resembles the tragic murder of Bruce Lee's son by mistake


Recently, the famous American actor Alec Baldwin accidentally killed a staff member while filming a new play.

Baldwin was practicing with a revolver, only to have the gun go off, the photographer dead, and one other wounded.

Hunt the red October starring, shoot and kill people! It resembles the tragic murder of Bruce Lee's son by mistake

Before practicing, the gun manager told Baldwin that it was a "cold gun," that is, no live ammunition was loaded.

This accident is very similar to the accident that killed Bruce Lee's son, Lee Guo-ho. At that time, Li Guohao was killed by a live bomb while filming.

Hunt the red October starring, shoot and kill people! It resembles the tragic murder of Bruce Lee's son by mistake

The Los Angeles Times reported that in 1993, when Li Guohao was filming a gunfight scene, the opponent actor took a pistol that should be filled with empty packages and shot at Li Guohao, resulting in a fake bullet bullet in the chamber, which was pushed out by the gunpowder gas of the empty package bullet and hit Li Guohao's abdomen. He died after being rushed to hospital at the age of 28.

American actor Hexon starred in "Double Agent" in 1984, using a prop gun to play a Russian roulette game during the shooting gap, resulting in the explosive gas of the empty package bomb severely injuring his temples, resulting in his eventual death.

Hunt the red October starring, shoot and kill people! It resembles the tragic murder of Bruce Lee's son by mistake

In addition, a crew member of Netflix fell while setting up a scene in a Hollywood studio last month, causing serious injuries. In 2017, when Bernak, a veteran stuntman in the American film "Ghost Road", fell from a height, the landing point was less than a meter away from the safety cushion prepared in advance, but it caused him to fall to his death at the age of 33.

Jones, the cast of the 2014 film Midnight Rider, was crushed to death by a train while filming, and her family won the lawsuit, receiving $11.2 million in damages.

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