
Why did Bruce Lee die young? Ip Man had already predicted: his heels don't touch the ground, and he will be short-lived at first glance

author:Oh Bean Entertainment
Why did Bruce Lee die young? Ip Man had already predicted: his heels don't touch the ground, and he will be short-lived at first glance
Why did Bruce Lee die young? Ip Man had already predicted: his heels don't touch the ground, and he will be short-lived at first glance


The martial arts master died young, and everyone in the world sighed. Among these once peerless warriors, Bruce Lee is undoubtedly the most legendary. The life of this highly regarded kung fu star is as twisty and bizarre as a drama that is unforgettable.

Why did Bruce Lee die young? Ip Man had already predicted: his heels don't touch the ground, and he will be short-lived at first glance

Bruce Lee is extremely talented, and he has been a "little martial arts idiot" since he was a child

He made his first appearance in the movie "Golden Gate Girl" at the age of 3 months, and he had a heroic spirit on his body. Soon after, Bruce Lee worshipped Ip Man, the master of Wing Chun, and began the path of martial arts practice.

Why did Bruce Lee die young? Ip Man had already predicted: his heels don't touch the ground, and he will be short-lived at first glance

Ip Man had extremely high expectations for Bruce Lee. But at the beginning of teaching martial arts, Ip Man noticed a quirky habit of Bruce Lee - his heels never hit the ground when he walked, and the whole person was upside down, like a clown walking on a tightrope on the balance beam.

Why did Bruce Lee die young? Ip Man had already predicted: his heels don't touch the ground, and he will be short-lived at first glance

"Xiaolong, if you go on like this, something big will happen sooner or later!" Ip Man said earnestly, "Our Chinese ancestors have a saying, called 'broken roots', that is, if the soles of people's feet are unstable, the qi and blood will be retrograde and blocked, which is enough to affect health and longevity. "

Why did Bruce Lee die young? Ip Man had already predicted: his heels don't touch the ground, and he will be short-lived at first glance

In this regard, Bruce Lee smiled hippie and disagreed with the master's advice. He allowed himself to continue this strange habit, turning a deaf ear to the ills of flat feet. The young and vigorous little dragon only indulged in martial arts and knew nothing else.

Why did Bruce Lee die young? Ip Man had already predicted: his heels don't touch the ground, and he will be short-lived at first glance

After practicing good martial arts, Bruce Lee is eyeing the development of his film career. In 1966, he began to make guest appearances in some film and television works in the United States, and tried to show the iron armor of the Chinese on the screen, refuting the stereotype of "Chinese and weak physique".

Why did Bruce Lee die young? Ip Man had already predicted: his heels don't touch the ground, and he will be short-lived at first glance

In order to make himself look stronger and more powerful in front of the camera, Bruce Lee did not hesitate to use all kinds of means - steroid injections, strength nutrition, marijuana smoking and other means, coupled with harsh training day after day, so that his physical condition has always been on the verge of sub-health.

Why did Bruce Lee die young? Ip Man had already predicted: his heels don't touch the ground, and he will be short-lived at first glance

Ip Man often admonished Bruce Lee to "rather be angry than exhausted", for fear that his apprentices would collapse their bodies. But Bruce Lee couldn't listen to his master at all, and his pursuit of fame and fortune had reached the point of obsession and paranoia.

Why did Bruce Lee die young? Ip Man had already predicted: his heels don't touch the ground, and he will be short-lived at first glance

Untimely death

After years of strenuous exercise and substance abuse, Bruce Lee died suddenly on July 20, 1973, at the age of 32, after a script meeting. The reason is that the high dose of nutrients taken in large quantities can cause severe hyponatremia and acute cerebral edema.

Why did Bruce Lee die young? Ip Man had already predicted: his heels don't touch the ground, and he will be short-lived at first glance

In this way, this dazzling martial arts superstar fell, like a thrilling drama that came to an abrupt end. And the "short-lived phase" predicted by Ip Man has finally been completely fulfilled in Bruce Lee. In addition to sighing, people also began to reflect on the fact that even if they have lofty ideals, they cannot recklessly harm their bodies.

Why did Bruce Lee die young? Ip Man had already predicted: his heels don't touch the ground, and he will be short-lived at first glance

Bruce Lee unfortunately died young, but he left behind an indelible legacy in the world. Through a series of masterpieces such as "Jingwumen" and "Dragon and Tiger Fight", he effectively pushed Chinese martial arts to the world stage for the first time, and quickly set off a "kung fu fever" in the Western world.

Why did Bruce Lee die young? Ip Man had already predicted: his heels don't touch the ground, and he will be short-lived at first glance

Even now that Bruce Lee is gone, he still has a lasting influence on the promotion and dissemination of Chinese martial arts culture. It was he who created a precedent, and later gave birth to a number of new kung fu superstars such as Jackie Chan and Donnie Yen, which further pushed Chinese martial arts culture to a new height in the world.

Why did Bruce Lee die young? Ip Man had already predicted: his heels don't touch the ground, and he will be short-lived at first glance

Spiritual wealth and life legacy

Today, Chinese wushu has become an excellent sport recognized by the world, and its achievements in major events such as the Olympic Games are obvious to all. The righteousness and philosophical wisdom contained in martial arts are regarded as a unique cultural heritage and are respected by the world.

Why did Bruce Lee die young? Ip Man had already predicted: his heels don't touch the ground, and he will be short-lived at first glance

"The road of kung fu is important in self-cultivation, not only the art of offense and defense, but also the exercise of a tolerant mind." This is a phrase that Ip Man often said before his death. We can imagine what kind of life outcome Bruce Lee would have had if he had really been humble and practiced martial arts with a humble heart?

Why did Bruce Lee die young? Ip Man had already predicted: his heels don't touch the ground, and he will be short-lived at first glance

If he hadn't been too paranoid about creating a "Chinese image", he would have abused drugs to endanger his life; If he hadn't rested on his laurels and turned a deaf ear to his teacher's teachings, maybe he wouldn't have passed away young, and he would have left us more and more wonderful martial arts masterpieces.

Why did Bruce Lee die young? Ip Man had already predicted: his heels don't touch the ground, and he will be short-lived at first glance

Although life is short, it has also shone brightly. Even though it was in full swing and fell silent, what was left behind was a brilliant light and eternal ideals. Perhaps this is Bruce Lee's most valuable spiritual wealth and life legacy.

Why did Bruce Lee die young? Ip Man had already predicted: his heels don't touch the ground, and he will be short-lived at first glance

A generation of grandmasters has long since passed away, and there have been several master-apprentice grievances, and this family drama connected by flesh and blood has finally come to an end. But their story will be passed on by word of mouth, and it will forever become a classic in the hearts of martial arts lovers - the wisdom of the predecessors, the pride of the posterity, and the regretful ending at the end.

Why did Bruce Lee die young? Ip Man had already predicted: his heels don't touch the ground, and he will be short-lived at first glance

It will always be remembered as a seemingly regrettable legend, but it also shows the true meaning of martial arts practice - both internal and external, and the cultivation of qi and shape, is the highest state of great wisdom to the circle. May this light of wisdom stay in the martial arts forever!

Why did Bruce Lee die young? Ip Man had already predicted: his heels don't touch the ground, and he will be short-lived at first glance

Bruce Lee has made indelible contributions to the promotion and dissemination of Chinese martial arts culture internationally, and this influence is huge and far-reaching.

First of all, his series of martial arts films, such as "Jingwumen" and "Enter the Dragon", showed Chinese martial arts to the world with a new strength and beauty for the first time. These works completely break the stereotyped impression of Chinese martial arts by foreigners, and show the charm of Chinese kung fu in a unique aesthetic way.

Why did Bruce Lee die young? Ip Man had already predicted: his heels don't touch the ground, and he will be short-lived at first glance

Secondly, it was Bruce Lee's groundbreaking works that first set off a "kung fu fever" in the Western world. Countless foreign audiences have developed a strong interest in the oriental martial arts culture from his films, which was an unprecedented cultural phenomenon in the environment at that time.

Why did Bruce Lee die young? Ip Man had already predicted: his heels don't touch the ground, and he will be short-lived at first glance

Moreover, Bruce Lee's personal martial arts attainments and acting skills broke through the influence of the later Hollywood film and television industry. He broke the ceiling of Chinese actors and opened up a new path for Jackie Chan, Donnie Yen and others.

Why did Bruce Lee die young? Ip Man had already predicted: his heels don't touch the ground, and he will be short-lived at first glance

More importantly, it was with Bruce Lee as a pioneer that Chinese martial arts culture was able to continue to be promoted around the world, and gradually recognized as an excellent sport and a unique cultural heritage.

Why did Bruce Lee die young? Ip Man had already predicted: his heels don't touch the ground, and he will be short-lived at first glance

Today, Chinese martial arts has become an official Olympic sport, and more martial arts stars are also shining in Hollywood, thanks to the "martial arts fire" lit by Bruce Lee's first torch that year.

Why did Bruce Lee die young? Ip Man had already predicted: his heels don't touch the ground, and he will be short-lived at first glance

It can be said that without Bruce Lee's contributions, Chinese martial arts culture would not have been able to receive such high attention and respect around the world as it does today. His life can be described as an important milestone for Chinese martial arts to the world.

Why did Bruce Lee die young? Ip Man had already predicted: his heels don't touch the ground, and he will be short-lived at first glance

As the audience said, Bruce Lee's legendary life is full of challenges and regrets, but what he left behind is a valuable cultural heritage, and it also shows the true meaning of martial arts that cultivates both inside and outside, and nourishes qi and shape. This spirit has always shone with the light of wisdom and will always illuminate the future of martial arts!

Okay, that's all for today's entertainment information, are you happy eating melons? See you next time!

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