
Niu Ben: Go all the way, your parents passed away, and you have been with your first love for 60 years, what is the current situation in your later years?

author:Oh Bean Entertainment
Niu Ben: Go all the way, your parents passed away, and you have been with your first love for 60 years, what is the current situation in your later years?
Niu Ben: Go all the way, your parents passed away, and you have been with your first love for 60 years, what is the current situation in your later years?


Ben Niu (Ben) is a name that you and I are familiar with, but we may never really know about his life experience. For this veteran actor who has been in the film and television industry for 75 years, everything he has experienced is like a great drama with infinite vicissitudes, which is worth savoring and admiring.

Niu Ben: Go all the way, your parents passed away, and you have been with your first love for 60 years, what is the current situation in your later years?

Poor childhood

Niu Ben, formerly known as Zhang Xuejing, was born in Tianjin in 1934 and came from a very poor family. For as long as he can remember, he had to beg and collect leftovers to get by, and he tasted the hardships of life early. When he was 6 years old, his parents died one after another, and the family of seven became orphans. Fortunately, there is an elder brother Zhang Xuecheng who takes them to depend on each other, and their family is crammed into a dilapidated shack to barely survive.

Niu Ben: Go all the way, your parents passed away, and you have been with your first love for 60 years, what is the current situation in your later years?

The younger brother was photographed by a filmmaker by chance and threw himself into the film industry. Working as a handyman, a small businessman, and the elder brother worked hard to support his family, and also hoped that the younger brother could get rid of the fate of poverty.

Niu Ben: Go all the way, your parents passed away, and you have been with your first love for 60 years, what is the current situation in your later years?

Fate did favor Zhang Xuejing, a child. With chance and his innate talent for acting, he stepped onto the film stage for the first time at the age of 11, working his way up from a small role to a legendary 75-year acting career.

Niu Ben: Go all the way, your parents passed away, and you have been with your first love for 60 years, what is the current situation in your later years?

As a child, Zhang Xuejing showed excellent concentration and learning ability. He only has lines and director's instructions in his eyes, and he knows everything in front of the camera. His acting skills are superb and skillful, and he can easily control complex scenes such as crying scenes and fighting scenes, which is widely praised by the director and the audience.

Niu Ben: Go all the way, your parents passed away, and you have been with your first love for 60 years, what is the current situation in your later years?

He also has a remarkable tenacity. During a filming, he accidentally injured his arm, and the wound was festering and inflamed, but he gritted his teeth and endured the severe pain, insisting on finishing the filming before he was willing to seek medical treatment. Sensible children have long regarded art as their lifeline, leaving everything else behind.

Niu Ben: Go all the way, your parents passed away, and you have been with your first love for 60 years, what is the current situation in your later years?

In this way, Zhang Xuejing broke into the eyes of the entertainment industry and became a well-known child star. Although his income is meager, and the maximum salary is only a few hundred yuan, he has laid the foundation for his future talents, and he has saved some experience and savings little by little.

Niu Ben: Go all the way, your parents passed away, and you have been with your first love for 60 years, what is the current situation in your later years?

The middle-aged transformation is emerging

After becoming an adult, Zhang Xuejing entered a low period of his career, and for a long time, he only played small roles in some small productions to make a living. Approaching middle age, he made up his mind that he must have a breakthrough and make a difference in his career. So, in 1983, at the age of 47, he once again focused on filming the main scene.

Niu Ben: Go all the way, your parents passed away, and you have been with your first love for 60 years, what is the current situation in your later years?

In the movie "Wrangler", he played the role of "Guo Qiaozi", a poor rural person, and staged a classic scene: after being robbed of wealth on a rainy night, the hungry and cold Guo Qiaozi finally returned home, but saw that the family was surrounded by walls, and in anger, he picked up a piece of furniture and smashed it at his wife, shouting: Lao Xu, do you want a wife! The aura is awe-inspiring and emotionally agitated. The audience was fascinated after watching it and gave high praise.

Niu Ben: Go all the way, your parents passed away, and you have been with your first love for 60 years, what is the current situation in your later years?

Niu Ben became an instant hit and won the Golden Rooster Award and the Hundred Flowers Award for Best Supporting Actor that year. Since then, his acting career has reopened a new situation and lived a good life. He frequently appeared in film and television dramas such as "Spring Water Dingdong", "Postal Margin", "Ordinary World", and every time he appeared, he was extremely impressive.

Niu Ben: Go all the way, your parents passed away, and you have been with your first love for 60 years, what is the current situation in your later years?

The wife is scattered, and the evening scene is bleak

At the peak of his acting career, Niu Ben's family life also entered a happy period. He and his first love wife Wang Huiling went from acquaintance and love to giving birth to two sons, all the way to each other, respecting each other like guests. At that time, they were diligent and thrifty, living the life of an ordinary family, and his wife Wang Huiling was in charge of housework, virtuous and kind, and gave advice to her husband's acting career.

Niu Ben: Go all the way, your parents passed away, and you have been with your first love for 60 years, what is the current situation in your later years?

But the good times didn't last long, and in 2019, Wang Huiling passed away due to illness. Niu Ben has since lost the most important pillar and belonging in his life. At the age of 88, he feels the cruelty of the passage of time and the shortness of life even more. In order not to burden his sons, he chose to live in a nursing home by himself.

Niu Ben: Go all the way, your parents passed away, and you have been with your first love for 60 years, what is the current situation in your later years?

Whenever there is a holiday, his sons will ask him out for a big meal, and the family is happy. But Niu Ben felt that this was more like a harassment of his sons. So he planned to live a life that he had longed for: quiet every day, not disturbed, and not bothering others. Only when the film and television crew is notified at short notice, he will gladly go to the appointment and enjoy the last romantic time.

Niu Ben: Go all the way, your parents passed away, and you have been with your first love for 60 years, what is the current situation in your later years?

The 88-year-old has already won a number of awards, including a national first-class actor and a lifetime achievement award. But his life is still as ordinary as an old man, without any shelves; As always, he is committed to sponsoring underprivileged students and charitable causes, and is willing to give back to the community. Frugal, low-key, and kind - this is the portrayal of actor Niu Ben's twilight years.

Niu Ben: Go all the way, your parents passed away, and you have been with your first love for 60 years, what is the current situation in your later years?

From a poor orphan child star, to a tortuous and low point in his career, to a middle-aged popularity, and finally suffered from family changes, and the evening was bleak. Niu Ben's life as an old actor condenses the brilliance of art and destiny, and his achievements and experiences are unprecedented. The trajectory of his life is like a wonderful drama, which is gripping and makes us sigh.

Niu Ben: Go all the way, your parents passed away, and you have been with your first love for 60 years, what is the current situation in your later years?

Willing to give back, never stopping

Although he is nearly ninety years old and has won many honors, including the National First-Class Actor and the Lifetime Achievement Award, Niu Ben's life is still as ordinary as an ordinary old man, without any shelf. As always, he is happy to give back to society in his own way by sponsoring underprivileged students and charity.

Niu Ben: Go all the way, your parents passed away, and you have been with your first love for 60 years, what is the current situation in your later years?

Frugal, low-key, and kind, this is probably the best portrayal of actor Niu Ben's life in his twilight years. Even though he has experienced countless hardships and hardships in life, he still maintains that innocent artistic pursuit and simple moral integrity, as pure as a drop of water.

Niu Ben: Go all the way, your parents passed away, and you have been with your first love for 60 years, what is the current situation in your later years?

As a child star since childhood, transformed in middle age, and faded out in his later years, Niu Ben used his life to interpret the legendary life of "living four lifetimes". His story is destined to inspire future generations and become an immortal story.

Niu Ben: Go all the way, your parents passed away, and you have been with your first love for 60 years, what is the current situation in your later years?

This former orphaned child has now become a movie master, and his life trajectory is the most exciting drama. Those ups and downs of the plot, those fascinating climaxes, have been perfectly staged in his life.

Niu Ben: Go all the way, your parents passed away, and you have been with your first love for 60 years, what is the current situation in your later years?

When reality is far more exciting and moving than film and television dramas, we should calm down and appreciate the drama of life, and taste the glory of art and destiny contained in it.

Niu Ben: Go all the way, your parents passed away, and you have been with your first love for 60 years, what is the current situation in your later years?


Niu Ben's life is legendary, but in the end, he is just an ordinary person in our time. He used his life to interpret a most simple truth: everyone should strive to pursue their inner ideals and dreams, even if they stumble, they must grit their teeth and persevere. At the same time, don't forget to give back to the society, care for others, and always maintain a kind and simple character.

Niu Ben: Go all the way, your parents passed away, and you have been with your first love for 60 years, what is the current situation in your later years?

From the perspective of an actor, Niu Ben's life experience is really wonderful, comparable to an excellent film and television masterpiece. But from the perspective of ordinary people, his life is so simple and unpretentious: born as an orphan, endured hardships, lived a life of inaction, and was lonely in his old age. There is no exaggerated plot, and there are no superfluous shots, everything is as it is, sincere and simple.

Niu Ben: Go all the way, your parents passed away, and you have been with your first love for 60 years, what is the current situation in your later years?

Actors will eventually fade off the screen, but the spiritual fire will never be extinguished. Niu Ben, an old drama bone, is the best interpretation and witness. His footprints will forever remain in this era, becoming a ray of warm sunshine, illuminating the path of future generations to pursue their dreams and maintain a kind and simple life.

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