
Sanmao Wandering: Before committing suicide in the streets of Chengdu, the eyes were full of sorrow, 4 months later hanged himself to commit suicide, born rich, hit by the feelings of frustration, went to other places life bumpy, depressed and finally summary:

author:Jamin Ying-chi

I believe that "Sanmao Wandering" is the memory of many people's childhood, Sanmao is an orphan, born in old Shanghai, living alone on the street. He has no home, no relatives, eats paste for advertising, sleeps in garbage trucks, and wears broken sacks on his body in winter to protect himself from the cold. But he is still full of hope for life and lives every day with his heart.

Later, he was adopted by a rich man, but Sanmao, who was loose in nature, did not like to be restrained, even if he lived a precarious life.

There are many things worth learning from him, and Sanmao's experience can also resonate with most people. In real life, Chen Ping is such a person, she has a spirit of resistance, perseverance, she later directly changed her name to Sanmao.

Sanmao Wandering: Before committing suicide in the streets of Chengdu, the eyes were full of sorrow, 4 months later hanged himself to commit suicide, born rich, hit by the feelings of frustration, went to other places life bumpy, depressed and finally summary:

But it is such a person who is full of enthusiasm for life but is hurt by life, she constantly fights against fate, but perhaps it is the talent of heaven, perhaps it is the fixed number in the dark, she finally failed to escape the judgment of fate, before committing suicide in the streets of Chengdu, her eyes are full of sorrow, and she hanged herself in the hospital 4 months later.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > born rich and taken a hit</h1>

Originally from Dinghai District, Zhoushan City, Zhejiang Province, Chen Ping was born on March 26, 1943 in Huangjueya, Nan'an District, Chongqing, where her father was a lawyer and her mother was also a beautiful woman.

We all know that in 1943 China was in the period of the War of Resistance Against Japan, when the Central Plains were full of wars and the people were not happy. The people at the bottom run every day for their livelihood, but in exchange for hunger and fullness, every day they are afraid that they are falling asleep and throwing a bomb in the sky, and their heads will be separated from their own bodies.

Sanmao Wandering: Before committing suicide in the streets of Chengdu, the eyes were full of sorrow, 4 months later hanged himself to commit suicide, born rich, hit by the feelings of frustration, went to other places life bumpy, depressed and finally summary:

Chen Ping was born with the aura of the protagonist, although it cannot be said that he is pampered, but he is also stronger than more people at that time, and it can be said that he ran ahead of time.

In 1948, the country was in the liberation war, in order to escape the war with her parents moved to Taiwan, in Taiwan she entered a primary school to study, her father found that his daughter and children of the same age are a little different from the same age, she often alone in a daze, rather than like other children get together to play.

In addition, Sanmao is extremely interested in traditional Chinese culture, Sanmao was familiar with "Dream of the Red Chamber" at the age of eleven, and Sanmao read through almost all the world's famous works in junior high school.

Sanmao Wandering: Before committing suicide in the streets of Chengdu, the eyes were full of sorrow, 4 months later hanged himself to commit suicide, born rich, hit by the feelings of frustration, went to other places life bumpy, depressed and finally summary:

However, no one is perfect, and her mathematics pales in comparison to the language that gets a high score every time. Although she studied hard, math was like a chasm, and every time she tried to cross it, reality would always strike her hard.

Finally, after she achieved excellent results in a midterm exam, the teacher was skeptical of her grades, and her math scores were not good, and the math teacher's influence on her was very bad. The teacher asked her to admit her mistake, but Sanmao knew that she had only gotten it by sleeping and forgetting to eat, and she did not cheat at all.

In the end, in order to save her face, the math teacher actually drew two black circles around her eyes with a brush in front of the whole class, and this humiliation made sanmao, who was already sensitive, directly autistic, and since then sanmao has suffered from severe depression and become more sentimental.

Sanmao Wandering: Before committing suicide in the streets of Chengdu, the eyes were full of sorrow, 4 months later hanged himself to commit suicide, born rich, hit by the feelings of frustration, went to other places life bumpy, depressed and finally summary:

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > emotionally frustrated and traveled to other places</h1>

We always say that heaven will close a door for you and always open a window for you, and that her depression was even worse in the second year of Sanmao's junior high school, but fortunately, her father hired a tutor for her, and her mother was also a well-informed person who could assist in teaching at home.

Sanmao also tried his best to play his strengths, abandoning his headache in mathematics and concentrating on studying Chinese. Gifted and with no friends, Sanmao studied honestly, and in 1964, under the permission of Mr. Zhang Qiyun, Sanmao came to the Cultural University as an auditor in his philosophy department.

What is secretly surprising is that even if he has not received a complete high school education, Sanmao's results are among the best in the university. During her college years, she met the writer Liang Guangming, and the two people had the same ambitions and became each other's confidants.

Sanmao Wandering: Before committing suicide in the streets of Chengdu, the eyes were full of sorrow, 4 months later hanged himself to commit suicide, born rich, hit by the feelings of frustration, went to other places life bumpy, depressed and finally summary:

In the relationship with Liang Guangming, Sanmao gradually found the goal of life, the age of her thought that she found love, she launched a fierce pursuit of Liang Guangming, who knows that the flow of water has no intention of falling flowers, Liang Guangming just regarded her as a good friend with like-mindedness, and Sanmao's dedication to love really frightened Liang Guangming, and this relationship unfortunately ended in failure.

Frustrated, Sanmao was tired of this place that made her sad, and finally in 1967, Sanmao went to Spain to study literature and entered the Faculty of Literature and Philosophy of the University of Madrid, but did not know that her decision profoundly affected the second half of her life, that is, in Spain to meet her lifelong love Jose.

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > life is bumpy and depressed</h1>

I remember the first time I saw Jose or Sanmao went to her friend's banquet, jose was still an eighteen-year-old child, but Sanmao was already twenty-four years old.

Sanmao Wandering: Before committing suicide in the streets of Chengdu, the eyes were full of sorrow, 4 months later hanged himself to commit suicide, born rich, hit by the feelings of frustration, went to other places life bumpy, depressed and finally summary:

Jose was attracted by her oriental temperament at the first sight of Sanmao, and immediately decided to pursue Sanmao, and acted more quickly and pursued more enthusiastically. Unfortunately, at this time, Sanmao only regarded him as a disciple, and did not think too much about it.

Jose and Sanmao told her that she must wait for him for six years when they were separated, and when he retired from college, he would marry Sanmao and return home, but Sanmao did not take this sentence to heart, she thought that the age gap between the two people was a bit large, and she did not want to have a transnational love.

After graduation, Sanmao returned to Taiwan and met his fiancé, a young professor in Taiwan, through blind dates, but the weather was unpredictable, and just when they were preparing to get married, the professor actually died of a sudden heart attack.

Sanmao Wandering: Before committing suicide in the streets of Chengdu, the eyes were full of sorrow, 4 months later hanged himself to commit suicide, born rich, hit by the feelings of frustration, went to other places life bumpy, depressed and finally summary:

Sanmao was once again tricked by fate and decided to return to Spain to relax, but he did not expect to return to Spain and met Jose, who had just returned from retirement. The two men resurrected, and under another fierce pursuit by Jose, Sanmao finally decided to accept him. The two moved to the Sahara Desert, a place far from the world, Sanmao's favorite place.

But Jose, who was a diver herself, died a few years after marriage, which was like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, which made Sanmao completely lose the confidence to live and made her depression more and more serious.


Sanmao Wandering: Before committing suicide in the streets of Chengdu, the eyes were full of sorrow, 4 months later hanged himself to commit suicide, born rich, hit by the feelings of frustration, went to other places life bumpy, depressed and finally summary:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > summary:</h1>

People say that Sanmao is the most miserable woman, she has the courage to fight against fate, but finally has to succumb to fate. Perhaps she used the anime image of Sanmao to describe herself because in the anime, Sanmao's optimistic face of fate, free and unconstrained personality resonated with her. Although she eventually left us, her spirit is worth learning.

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