
In 1 year, the photographer and the octopus went from strange to intersecting, like lovers, like love

author:Salted fish de ears

Octopuses should be one of the few highly intelligent animals in the world. They have 8 brains and 3 hearts, super mimetic ability, and are like extraterrestrial creatures. In addition to not having a language, they have super learning ability and problem-solving ability, in addition, they have a wealth of feelings.

Today I want to tell a story of people and octopuses who know each other. Their interactions are like lovers, from strangeness to contact and trust to separation, every time it is heart-wrenching and touching.

Zoologist Craig is also an animal photographer and enjoys photographing different animals on the ocean floor. The first time he photographed undersea animals in Africa, he didn't recognize Jenny the octopus.

In 1 year, the photographer and the octopus went from strange to intersecting, like lovers, like love

At that time, Jenny wrapped herself in a shell, like a shell ball. Even the fish in the sea are completely unrecognizable. Craig was curious, and when she raised her camera to shoot, Jenny threw away the shell and ran away quickly.

Driven by curiosity, Craig chased after him. When Jenny noticed that Craig was trailing, she swam quickly into the seaweed and watched Craig's every move with her small eyes.

In 1 year, the photographer and the octopus went from strange to intersecting, like lovers, like love

After a few seconds, Jenny catapulted away quickly, but Craig found his home anyway.

To reassure Jenny, Craig put the camera in Jenny's doorway and swam away quickly. Curious but threatened, Jenny spits sand at the camera and attacks, finding that there is no threat, she uses her tentacles to perceive the camera.

In 1 year, the photographer and the octopus went from strange to intersecting, like lovers, like love

Each tentacle of the octopus has an independent consciousness, and using the tentacles to perceive things is a common skill of the octopus.

Craig saw this and thought that as long as he had a long contact with the octopus, could he be treated the same as the camera?

For the next 25 days, Craig was like a boy who pursued girls, appearing at Jenny's doorstep on time every day, turning into a candid photographer and tailing every day.

In 1 year, the photographer and the octopus went from strange to intersecting, like lovers, like love

On the 26th day, Craig arrived at Jenny's door punctually, Jenny opened her eyes and saw Craig, Craig stretched out a finger to slowly touch Jenny, Jenny hesitated for a moment, and even extended her tentacle to Craig. The two hands slowly intersected, which was a very magical feeling. Craig was almost like an electric shock.

In 1 year, the photographer and the octopus went from strange to intersecting, like lovers, like love

Like a boy holding a girl's hand for the first time, that kind of trust and acceptance is very pleasant.

In the days that followed, Craig and Jenny had a peaceful and wonderful time. They swim together, and Craig observes Jenny's changes, mimesis, and hunting.

Jenny is happy like a child at the bottom of the sea, walking with two tentacles and mimicking seaweed.

In 1 year, the photographer and the octopus went from strange to intersecting, like lovers, like love

The octopus is an animal that lives independently, and from the moment it is born, the octopus lives alone, it learns survival skills, it learns to mimic, it learns to walk, it learns to prey, all of which it does on its own.

The days of good peace were not eternal, and on the 52nd day of their acquaintance, Craig's camera lid fell off, which frightened Jenny, and it ran away like crazy. This time, though, it didn't go home, and even Craig couldn't find it.

Craig was extremely remorseful and uncomfortable, and he found information and maps, outlining where Jenny might be going, and looking for them every day.

In 1 year, the photographer and the octopus went from strange to intersecting, like lovers, like love

Finally the kung fu paid off, and a week later, Craig found Jenny again, and when Jenny saw Craig, she immediately swam over and attached her tentacles to his body. They actually reconciled.

In 1 year, the photographer and the octopus went from strange to intersecting, like lovers, like love

How like lovers after a quarrel, separated for a period of reunion.

On day 125, Jenny encounters her most powerful enemy since birth, the Nightgown Shark. This is a shark with a keen sense of smell, and even though Jenny has super camouflage, she is still powerless, and it is forced into a corner and bitten off by a nightgown shark to survive.

In 1 year, the photographer and the octopus went from strange to intersecting, like lovers, like love

Originally, Craig had the ability to drive away the sharks, but considering that the laws of nature could not be interfered with by humans, he silently prayed that Jenny could get through the difficulties. Afterwards, Jenny returned home, completely white, not eating or drinking, even if Craig brought food for it, there was no response. Craig blamed herself so much that a week later, Jenny grew tentacles, albeit small.

In 1 year, the photographer and the octopus went from strange to intersecting, like lovers, like love

On day 250, Jenny's tentacles have recovered as before.

After this test, Jenny's escape ability and adaptability have been greatly improved. On the 278th day, Jenny encountered the nightgown shark again, but this time it was very calm and calm, it wrapped itself in a shell, and no matter how the shark tore, it could not succeed, and finally had to walk away in sorrow.

In 1 year, the photographer and the octopus went from strange to intersecting, like lovers, like love

For 321 days, Jenny had one last physical contact with Craig. Instead of foraging as usual, it played with the fish for a long time. Then suddenly swam toward Craig, lying on his chest, as if saying goodbye.

In 1 year, the photographer and the octopus went from strange to intersecting, like lovers, like love

For 324 days, Jenny had an additional male octopus in her home, and for the next few days, Jenny didn't eat or drink, and then began to lay eggs, laying a staggering number of eggs. At the same time it is getting weaker and weaker. By the time the eggs hatched, Jenny was dead. Its body was eaten by schools of passing fish.

In 1 year, the photographer and the octopus went from strange to intersecting, like lovers, like love

The lifespan of an octopus is only one year, during which it learns all kinds of knowledge and dies when reproduction is complete. Life is short, but it's also gorgeous.

Craig can't accept the fact that Jenny is gone for a long time, Jenny also seems to be a lover who can't speak, she will also be spoiled and angry, and she knows when to leave, and she will cling to it, and love is just like that!

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