
#Family Food Award#Zobai, also known as 菰 (gu yisheng) bamboo shoots, gourd hands, and high melons, is a unique aquatic vegetable in China, and is known as the three famous dishes in Jiangnan along with lettuce and sea bass. It's not just okay to eat often

author:User tranquility1

#Family Food Awards#

Zhubai, also known as 菰 (gu yisheng) bamboo shoots, gourd hands, and high melon, is a unique aquatic vegetable in China, and is known as the three famous dishes in Jiangnan along with lettuce and sea bass. Eating regularly can not only enhance physical fitness, but also beauty and beauty.

Go to the supermarket to buy vegetables, see the white and bright on the shelves, and can't help but take a few.

Today's lunch menu:

1. Stir-fried shredded pork with white cocoon.

2. Steam edamame rice.

Picture display:

Picture 1: Shredded white, green and red pepper.

Picture 2: Before shredding the white, green and red peppers.

Figure 3: Shredded lean meat.

Figure 4: Stir-fried shredded pork (ingredients: cocoon white, green and red pepper, lean meat, cooking wine, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, half a dried red pepper, salt, vegetable oil).

Picture 5: Dice smoked ham in fruit wood.

Figure 6: Cut dried fragrant and diced.

Figure 7: White shrimp.

Figure 8: Edamame rice.

Figure 9: Steamed edamame rice (ingredients: 1 small bowl of edamame rice, 10 dried fragrant pieces diced, diced ham, 1 handful of dried white shrimp, 2 dried red peppers, salt, vegetable oil, sesame oil).

In addition, I made seaweed egg soup, steamed a potato, and boiled a corn.

I don't know if it's cold, the ingredients are fresh, or my level of "chef" is still okay, and my son complains about how I cook so little rice when he serves rice.

It's really unjust, I obviously put an extra cup when I washed rice today. [Croak]

#Family Food Award#Zobai, also known as 菰 (gu yisheng) bamboo shoots, gourd hands, and high melons, is a unique aquatic vegetable in China, and is known as the three famous dishes in Jiangnan along with lettuce and sea bass. It's not just okay to eat often
#Family Food Award#Zobai, also known as 菰 (gu yisheng) bamboo shoots, gourd hands, and high melons, is a unique aquatic vegetable in China, and is known as the three famous dishes in Jiangnan along with lettuce and sea bass. It's not just okay to eat often
#Family Food Award#Zobai, also known as 菰 (gu yisheng) bamboo shoots, gourd hands, and high melons, is a unique aquatic vegetable in China, and is known as the three famous dishes in Jiangnan along with lettuce and sea bass. It's not just okay to eat often
#Family Food Award#Zobai, also known as 菰 (gu yisheng) bamboo shoots, gourd hands, and high melons, is a unique aquatic vegetable in China, and is known as the three famous dishes in Jiangnan along with lettuce and sea bass. It's not just okay to eat often
#Family Food Award#Zobai, also known as 菰 (gu yisheng) bamboo shoots, gourd hands, and high melons, is a unique aquatic vegetable in China, and is known as the three famous dishes in Jiangnan along with lettuce and sea bass. It's not just okay to eat often
#Family Food Award#Zobai, also known as 菰 (gu yisheng) bamboo shoots, gourd hands, and high melons, is a unique aquatic vegetable in China, and is known as the three famous dishes in Jiangnan along with lettuce and sea bass. It's not just okay to eat often
#Family Food Award#Zobai, also known as 菰 (gu yisheng) bamboo shoots, gourd hands, and high melons, is a unique aquatic vegetable in China, and is known as the three famous dishes in Jiangnan along with lettuce and sea bass. It's not just okay to eat often
#Family Food Award#Zobai, also known as 菰 (gu yisheng) bamboo shoots, gourd hands, and high melons, is a unique aquatic vegetable in China, and is known as the three famous dishes in Jiangnan along with lettuce and sea bass. It's not just okay to eat often
#Family Food Award#Zobai, also known as 菰 (gu yisheng) bamboo shoots, gourd hands, and high melons, is a unique aquatic vegetable in China, and is known as the three famous dishes in Jiangnan along with lettuce and sea bass. It's not just okay to eat often

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