
Love always meets and hates early, love hates late

author:The Covenant of the Golden Peak

Sometimes, in the face of a relationship,

We will be in a hurry,

In the face of a loved one,

We'll be careful,

After getting along for a long time, I was afraid of getting bored,

Contact less fear perfunctory.

Love always meets and hates early, love hates late

More often,

We obviously need each other's company,

But they always talk about separation.

Originally wanted to stay together for a lifetime,

But for various reasons,

Left a regret that was not happy.

The shortest distance between people is honesty,

The longest waiting in love and affection is tolerance.

How far the road is, the feet should know.

How deep the love is, the heart can know.

Be kind to fate and respect feelings.

Love always meets and hates early, love hates late

I mean a lot to you,

You don't care about me

I see you as seeing;

You dismiss me

A lifetime is not long,

Don't let cherishing turn into regret

It is not easy to meet,

Don't turn talking nonsense into something to hide.

There's a saying, a good relationship,

It is the warmth of two hearts,

It is the companionship of each other.

Thinking about it is unconsciously smiling,

It is a warm taste to read.

Never promised, have a peace of mind,

Don't say the oath, never see you again.

Love always meets and hates early, love hates late

You are the vicissitudes and pains that I have hidden for thousands of years,

Can't stand it,

It is also difficult to give up.

You are all I have been in pain all my life,

I wish you were in some part of your momentary pain.

Too many details between us have been ruthlessly covered up by the years,

The waters of my hometown slowly flow through my body in my dreams.

I can't tell you,

I love you on earth is a secret,

My secret is nowhere to be seen before you.

Love always meets and hates early, love hates late

People who truly love you can read your mood,

And the real waiting,

is able to withstand the ups and downs,

It can also withstand blandness.

Whenever you want,

He can give you a pair of trusting hands,

A heart of understanding.

Like is a gust of wind,

But love is waiting for each other.

Rare in this world,

Not a lively landscape,

It is the happiness of companionship.

It is better to spend a journey together than to stay together for a lifetime.

Green silk and white hair, we spend together with affection.

Love always meets and hates early, love hates late

Acquaintance, must know the taste,

Knowing each other, must know the heart,

Get along, you must know.

The heart is intimate, and the love can give birth to affection,

Heart to heart, love can be exchanged,

You salute me a foot, I salute you a foot.

He who loves the lovers always loves,

He who respects others will always respect them.

Why should we have known each other,

Cherishing the meaning lies in people, but also in the heart.

Love always meets and hates early, love hates late
Love always meets and hates early, love hates late

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