
"Young Victoria" creates the Queen of England who never sets the sun, the grandmother of the European royal family

author:Ding-dong dogs

A baby was born in 1819 at the Royal Palace in London. Two royal uncles, the King of England and the King of Belgium, both tried to control her. But she is destined to become a queen of a generation and rule a great dynasty!

"Young Victoria" creates the Queen of England who never sets the sun, the grandmother of the European royal family

From the moment of birth, Victoria was under the control of her mother. After the death of his father, his mother befriended Sir John and established the Kensington system to restrict Victoria's freedom.

"Young Victoria" creates the Queen of England who never sets the sun, the grandmother of the European royal family

Sir John wanted to take control of the regime and rule England through her mother, Regency, after Victoria succeeded queen.

"Young Victoria" creates the Queen of England who never sets the sun, the grandmother of the European royal family

Victoria's uncle Leopold became King of Belgium through civil war, all because of British support. If he wanted to maintain his rule, he had to continue to make friends with the English king.

"Young Victoria" creates the Queen of England who never sets the sun, the grandmother of the European royal family

In order to control Victoria, who is about to succeed to the throne, he undergoes a series of trainings for his nephew Albert, hoping to facilitate his marriage to Victoria!

"Young Victoria" creates the Queen of England who never sets the sun, the grandmother of the European royal family

The Training of the King of Belgium did not allow Albert to play any role in talking to Victoria!

"Young Victoria" creates the Queen of England who never sets the sun, the grandmother of the European royal family

But she's so pretty! In order to get her heart, Albert removed his disguise and advised her situation.

"Young Victoria" creates the Queen of England who never sets the sun, the grandmother of the European royal family

In order to be able to dance with Victoria, Albert also began dance training.

"Young Victoria" creates the Queen of England who never sets the sun, the grandmother of the European royal family

At the birthday party hosted by the King of England, Victoria finally escaped the control of her mother and Sir John and had the opportunity to meet her uncle, King William.

"Young Victoria" creates the Queen of England who never sets the sun, the grandmother of the European royal family

King William had always wanted to broker the marriage of his niece Victoria and nephew George.

"Young Victoria" creates the Queen of England who never sets the sun, the grandmother of the European royal family

He hated Victoria's mother for taking over the palace rooms and restricted his dealings with Victoria.

"Young Victoria" creates the Queen of England who never sets the sun, the grandmother of the European royal family

The United Kingdom belongs to a two-party system under the parliamentary cabinet system, the Whig Party is the Liberal Party that evolved later and the Tories that evolved later, the Conservative Party.

"Young Victoria" creates the Queen of England who never sets the sun, the grandmother of the European royal family

At the banquet, the Liberal Lord Melbourne immediately became a supporter of Victoria. He replaced Victoria's maid of honor and served as Victoria's personal secretary.

"Young Victoria" creates the Queen of England who never sets the sun, the grandmother of the European royal family

On June 28, 1838, Victoria performed the coronation of the Queen of England, beginning her 64-year reign!

"Young Victoria" creates the Queen of England who never sets the sun, the grandmother of the European royal family

After Buckingham Palace was completed, Victoria, as the first British monarch, moved in.

"Young Victoria" creates the Queen of England who never sets the sun, the grandmother of the European royal family

Everyone is looking at who Victoria's future husband is. Everyone is coercing her to make a choice for their own benefit!

"Young Victoria" creates the Queen of England who never sets the sun, the grandmother of the European royal family

Having just become Queen, Victoria lacked experience in politics, and Lord Melbourne gave her great inspiration and help. She also became increasingly trusting and dependent on him.

"Young Victoria" creates the Queen of England who never sets the sun, the grandmother of the European royal family

Albert slowly discovered Victoria's intentions, and he hurried from Germany to Buckingham Palace in England, hoping to support Victoria when she needed him most.

"Young Victoria" creates the Queen of England who never sets the sun, the grandmother of the European royal family

From Albert, Victoria learned to be patient. Only when she masters the rules of the game can she walk more freely among politicians.

"Young Victoria" creates the Queen of England who never sets the sun, the grandmother of the European royal family

Albert gave Victoria a lot of advice on the living and working conditions of the workers, but all of them were opposed by Lord Melbourne.

"Young Victoria" creates the Queen of England who never sets the sun, the grandmother of the European royal family

To prevent King Leopold of Belgium from once again threatening Victoria's regime, Lord Melbourne had Victoria drive Albert away.

"Young Victoria" creates the Queen of England who never sets the sun, the grandmother of the European royal family

Nevertheless, the two men maintained a correspondence after their separation.

"Young Victoria" creates the Queen of England who never sets the sun, the grandmother of the European royal family

Melbourne's wife, Ponsonby, once had a scandal with the famous poet Byron that was widely circulated in high society.

"Young Victoria" creates the Queen of England who never sets the sun, the grandmother of the European royal family

In 1839, Melbourne resigned in defeat in the parliamentary elections.

"Young Victoria" creates the Queen of England who never sets the sun, the grandmother of the European royal family

Conservative Leader Sir Robert Peel was invited by the Queen to form a government. But he insisted on replacing the maid arranged by the Lord of Melbourne at the Queen's side, but was opposed by Victoria.

"Young Victoria" creates the Queen of England who never sets the sun, the grandmother of the European royal family

With Victoria's support, Lord Melbourne once again formed a government to re-assume office.

"Young Victoria" creates the Queen of England who never sets the sun, the grandmother of the European royal family

The crowd was agitated, insulting Victoria as the lover of Lord Melbourne and seducing him. They were even heavily armed and broke into Buckingham Palace.

"Young Victoria" creates the Queen of England who never sets the sun, the grandmother of the European royal family

Albert had been encouraging her in letters, and the helpless Victoria had invited him back to his side.

"Young Victoria" creates the Queen of England who never sets the sun, the grandmother of the European royal family

This reunion allowed the two to finally get married and come together.

"Young Victoria" creates the Queen of England who never sets the sun, the grandmother of the European royal family

Victoria and Albert were married and soon had their first child.

"Young Victoria" creates the Queen of England who never sets the sun, the grandmother of the European royal family

Albert, who lives in a remote and unappreciated place, helps Victoria carry out a series of reforms, but she questions them.

"Young Victoria" creates the Queen of England who never sets the sun, the grandmother of the European royal family

Victoria would never allow another usurper by her side, and this man was still her husband. The two had a big fight for the first time after marriage.

"Young Victoria" creates the Queen of England who never sets the sun, the grandmother of the European royal family

When they went out to march, the two people still ignored each other because they were angry.

"Young Victoria" creates the Queen of England who never sets the sun, the grandmother of the European royal family

But when the assassins shot at Victoria, Albert got in her way.

"Young Victoria" creates the Queen of England who never sets the sun, the grandmother of the European royal family

Albert's love earned Victoria's trust and the support of Lord Melbourne, becoming the true uncrowned king by the side of his wife Queen Victoria, with whom she ruled England for twenty years.

"Young Victoria" creates the Queen of England who never sets the sun, the grandmother of the European royal family

Victoria and Albert had nine children. These descendants formed the royal families of Great Britain, Spain, Sweden, Norway, Yugoslavia, Russia, Greece, Romania and Germany.

"Young Victoria" creates the Queen of England who never sets the sun, the grandmother of the European royal family

Albert died of typhoid fever at the age of forty-two. In memory of her husband, Victoria sorted out his clothes every day until he died at the age of eighty-one.

"Young Victoria" creates the Queen of England who never sets the sun, the grandmother of the European royal family

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