
The anti-Japanese "Mulan" was betrayed by traitors, suffered all the humiliation of the Japanese army and did not yield, and was buried alive

author:Bing said

Author: Hu Xianda

Japan's invasion of China has committed many sins, and its crimes are too numerous to describe.

After the September 18 Incident, the 14-year anti-Japanese struggle began. Countless revolutionary martyrs threw away their heads and spilled their blood to save the people and defend their families and the country. From Zhao Yiman to the eight women to throwing themselves into the river, many "Mulan" emerged in the War of Resistance, who were unyielding and unyielding, resisted to the end, and composed a tragic battle song.

The protagonist we introduce today is the daughter of a patriotic overseas Chinese. Under the humiliation and torture of the Japanese, she was unyielding, regarded death as a homecoming, and her deeds resembled Zhao Yiman. Her name was Chen Kangrong, and she used poetry to directly break the biggest cause of Japan's invasion of China with a poem.

The anti-Japanese "Mulan" was betrayed by traitors, suffered all the humiliation of the Japanese army and did not yield, and was buried alive

Originally living in Burma, Chan joined the revolution after returning to China with his father, joining the organization in 1937.

After the outbreak of the All-out War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Chen Kangrong vigorously preached the anti-Japanese stand through rallies and speeches, calling on the people to bravely stand up and fight against the Japanese aggressors.

In addition, she also organized rehearsals of street dramas such as "Down with the Traitor", "Put Down Your Whip", and "Catch the Traitor", which greatly stimulated the anti-Japanese sentiment of the people, who donated money and food, sent their sons to join the army, went into battle to kill the enemy, and served the motherland.

After the fall of North China, Shanghai, Nanjing, Taiyuan and other places, Chen Kangrong began to work underground, using her status as a teacher to collect intelligence for the organization in the Japanese occupation areas. As a result of her excellent intelligence work, the underground organization and the anti-Japanese activities behind enemy lines reduced a lot of losses.

One weekend in October 1940, she was betrayed by a traitor. The traitor had been her colleague and coveted her beauty and talent. In that era of flames, she was bent on resisting Japan and saving the country, who had the heart to qingqing me and my children? In the face of this person's entanglement, Chen Kangrong sternly refused, advising him to do more to save the japanese and save the dead.

In a fit of rage, this person informed the Japanese of Chen Kangrong's secret anti-Japanese activities, and insisted that she was a member of the underground organization.

On the day Of Chen Kangrong's arrest, the weather was gloomy. Led by traitors, Japanese gendarmes soon surrounded her residence. On this day, Chen Kangrong got up very early and wanted to open the window to breathe. Suddenly, she saw a small group of Japanese gendarmes coming straight to her quarters.

These years of underground work experience told her that something was wrong!

The anti-Japanese "Mulan" was betrayed by traitors, suffered all the humiliation of the Japanese army and did not yield, and was buried alive

Looking at the posture of the Japanese gendarmerie, she knew that she could not escape at this time.

In order not to give the enemy a pretext, Chen Kangrong quickly burned the important intelligence he had collected, and before he could burn it, he tore it into pieces of shredded paper and swallowed it into his stomach.

After the door was kicked open, the Japanese gendarmes searched the room and found nothing suspicious.

After being captured by the Japanese gendarmerie, she called herself a "good citizen", just a teacher, and did not do anything anti-Japanese.

The Japanese did not find anything suspicious in her house, and she was often dumbfounded by the simple inquiry. The angry Japanese gendarmes tortured her and tortured her physically and mentally in different ways.

The anti-Japanese "Mulan" was betrayed by traitors, suffered all the humiliation of the Japanese army and did not yield, and was buried alive

In the torture chamber, she was hanged by Japanese gendarmes and whipped her body with a leather whip. Every time the whip fell, a trail of blood drew from her body, and she endured the pain and cursed the atrocities of the jackals.

"What other contacts do you have?" "Speak up!" "If you don't say it again, you'll die!" A chubby Japanese officer yelled at her viciously.

"I... It's a good citizen, a... Teaching, not doing... What are you talking about. Chen Kang replied angrily.

No matter how the Japanese army interrogated her, she insisted that she was a good citizen with a duty.

At that time, "good people" was a title for Chinese in the Japanese unification area. The reason why she called her identity in this way was so as not to give the Japanese army any excuses.

Seeing that the leather whip could not pry open Chen Kangrong's mouth, the Japanese army changed a new "move" on the third day, trying to mentally destroy her will to resist.

The anti-Japanese "Mulan" was betrayed by traitors, suffered all the humiliation of the Japanese army and did not yield, and was buried alive

You know, Chinese women at that time especially cherished their virginity. Their bodies are a sacred and inviolable forbidden area in life. Once violated, it is a great shame. The weak-willed often cannot bear this humiliation and succumb to the enemy.

They tore open Chen Kangrong's clothes, constantly insulted, and shouted with all their might, "What other contacts do you have?" What intelligence did you get? Speak up quickly. ”

In the face of the humiliation of these beasts, Chen Kangrong, who had been tortured all day, had no strength to scold them, and could only use her angry eyes and words to negotiate with the Japanese army.

Chen Kangrong's hunger strike was already dying, and the Japanese army was not willing to lose, so it opened her mouth and forcibly poured down half a bowl of noodle soup, so that she would not die for a while and a half. After Chen Kangrong gradually woke up, they continued to mentally destroy her will to resist.

This time, their poisonous hands reached out to her body again. They stripped Chen Kangrong of her clothes, which was a major insult to the woman. The Japanese army lured Chen Kangrong, and as long as he confessed his identity and intelligence, he immediately dressed her.

The despicable tricks of the Japanese army were seen through by Chen Kangrong. She never gave in, clenched her teeth, and the Japanese army searched the intestines and scraped her stomach, and there was nothing she could do.

After three days of torture and humiliation, the Japanese were unable to obtain a single useful piece of useful information from Chen Kangrong's mouth, and they were so depressed that they no longer had illusions about her. In the end, the Japanese decided to bury Chen Kangrong alive.

The anti-Japanese "Mulan" was betrayed by traitors, suffered all the humiliation of the Japanese army and did not yield, and was buried alive

Before the sacrifice, Chen Kangrong looked angrily at Him, and shouted with his last strength: "Youth is priceless, reunion should be mentioned, in order to achieve justice, do you have to be afraid of peeling off your skin!" ”

The integrity and ambition of this poem shocked the Japanese troops present. This poem not only shows Chen Kangrongning's indomitable death and the awe-inspiring righteousness of resisting Japan to the end, but also shows the biggest reason why China is invincible and Japan will inevitably be defeated -- the will of resistance that the Chinese military and people cannot crush, which is doomed to China's victory and Japan's defeat!

【Deeply cultivate the history of war, carry forward positive energy, welcome to submit, private messages will be restored】

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