
Nourish yin and nourish blood and eat therapy - oysters

author:Apricot sea forest

Oysters, also known as oysters or oysters, their flesh and shells can be eaten medicinally, for medicinal food dual-purpose food, has the reputation of zinc supplementation. Chinese medicine believes that oyster meat tastes sweet and salty, is flat in nature, returns to the heart meridian, has the function of nourishing yin and nourishing blood, calming the heart and calming the spirit, and is suitable for insufficient yin blood, palpitations, insufficient heart blood, heat and insomnia, night sweats, and uneasiness. Oyster shell taste sweet and salty, flat nature, return to the heart, liver meridian, astringent and astringent, loose phlegm, acid and pain relief, calm the heart and calm the work, suitable for palpitations insomnia, self-sweat night sweats, spermatic slippery sperm, frequent urinary enuresis, avalanche and leakage belt, stomach pain pantothenic acid, fistula phlegm nucleus and so on.

Studies have shown that oysters are rich in zinc and iron, phosphorus, calcium, high-quality protein, sugar and other nutrients. Each 100 grams of oyster meat contains 100 mg of zinc, the highest of all foods. Zinc plays an important role in adolescent growth, the development of male reproductive organs and the enhancement of sexual function. The selenium contained in oysters regulates nerves and stabilizes mood, and regular consumption can relieve symptoms such as irritability, palpitations and insomnia, dizziness and tinnitus. Here are several oysters therapeutic porridge soup for reference.

Nourish yin and nourish blood and eat therapy - oysters


Oyster millet porridge

Nourish yin and nourish blood and eat therapy - oysters

Ingredients: 0.2 kg of fresh oyster meat, 0.1 kg of millet, shredded ginger, cooked lard, soy sauce, salt.

Directions: Wash the millet and add water to the porridge. Soak the oysters in brine for 20 minutes, wash, pour into the porridge, add cooked lard, soy sauce, ginger shreds, salt, mix well, and cook the oysters over low heat. 1 dose per day.

Effect: Nourish yin and tonify kidneys, nourish the heart and calm the mind. It has therapeutic effect on patients with chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer, diabetes, prostatitis, impotence and other symptoms of yin deficiency.


Oyster winter shoot soup

Nourish yin and nourish blood and eat therapy - oysters

Ingredients: 0.25 kg of fresh oyster meat, 20 grams of winter shoots, 20 grams of water fungus, coriander stalks, green onions, ginger shreds, clear soup, salt, cooking wine, sesame oil.

Directions: Fresh oysters brush the sediment, rinse well, pry open the oyster shell with a sharp tool, remove the oyster meat, remove the hard teeth, put the original oyster juice into a bowl, precipitate cleanly, and set aside. Wash the oyster meat to remove impurities, blanch it with boiling water to control the net water, add clear soup, oyster juice, winter shoots, fungus, green onion, ginger shredded, salt, pour the oyster meat and cook until eight ripe, together with the ingredients fished out of the soup plate, the original soup boiled to skim off the foam, add cooking wine, coriander stalks, drizzle with sesame oil, pour the plate and serve.

Effect: Nourish yin and nourish blood, clear lungs and nourish the heart. Suitable for those with a weak constitution.


Oyster lean broth

Nourish yin and nourish blood and eat therapy - oysters

Ingredients: 0.25 kg of fresh oyster meat and 0.25 kg of lean pork.

Directions: Wash and cut the oyster meat and lean pork into thin slices, mix a little starch, boil in water, add salt to taste, eat meat and drink soup.

Effect: Nourishes qi and nourishes blood. It is suitable for women with long-term illness and yin blood deficiency, leakage of blood, lack of food and diet, and malnutrition.


Oyster tonic soup

Nourish yin and nourish blood and eat therapy - oysters

Ingredients: 0.25 kg of fresh oyster meat, 20 g of shiitake mushrooms (water hair), 15 g of goji berries, 20 ml of rice wine, shredded ginger, cooking oil, salt, pepper.

Directions: Wash the oyster meat and wash and chop the shiitake mushrooms. Put the pot on the high heat, pour in the cooking oil, when it is 70% hot, add the oyster meat and stir-fry a few times, then pour in the rice wine, add the appropriate amount of water, add the goji berries, ginger shreds, shiitake mushrooms, salt, boil, change the heat to cook for another 20 minutes, put pepper to taste and eat.

Benefits: Nourishes the liver and kidneys. It is suitable for patients with liver and kidney yin deficiency after surgery or radiotherapy and chemotherapy in tumor patients.

It should be noted that patients with chronic skin diseases such as psoriasis, chronic eczema, neurodermatitis, etc. should avoid oysters. Spleen and stomach deficiency, slippery sperm premature ejaculation, chronic diarrhea, loose stools should not eat more oysters. In addition, oysters should not be eaten with sugar.

Nourish yin and nourish blood and eat therapy - oysters
Nourish yin and nourish blood and eat therapy - oysters

Source: Medicine Wednesday

Image: Network

Editors: Peng Haibo, Zhu Dezhen, Cao Luyuan

Nourish yin and nourish blood and eat therapy - oysters

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