
Summer and autumn management of asparagus planting

author:Weishi farmhouse four seasons

Asparagus is a perennial vegetable that can be harvested continuously for 10 to 15 years at a time, and enter the normal harvest period from the beginning of seedlings to the third year. In the following years of harvesting, the annual yield and the quality of asparagus mainly depend on whether the field management technical measures are scientific and reasonable and the level of management.

The harvesting period of asparagus is different from other vegetables, and the harvest period of the product is from April to June, which is determined by the annual growth characteristics of asparagus and the processing time of the processing plant. After the harvest period of the product, the newly produced shoots develop into aboveground stems, begin to grow vegetatively, accumulate nutrients, and lay the foundation for next year's yield. In winter, the aboveground plants dry up and the underground roots overwinter in the open. Therefore, the summer and autumn after the end of the annual harvest of bamboo shoots is a critical period for field management, and the main goal of management is to cultivate robust plants, strengthen water and fertilizer management, control diseases and insect pests, promote photosynthesis, and accumulate nutrients.

1. The management of the bamboo shoot picking period harvests asparagus in time, harvesting once a day in the morning and afternoon, growing to the height of the asparagus that meets the processing requirements, regardless of the thickness and thickness. If it is not cut off, the substandard shoots will continue to grow and branch, consuming a lot of nutrients, affecting the quality and quantity of future shoots. Before starting to harvest the shoots, it is necessary to water properly, and the middle stage of the shoot harvest can be appropriately replenished according to the growth trend, which can improve the quality of the asparagus and extend the harvesting period.

2. After the end of the bamboo shoots, the management removes all the young stems on the ground, and the plot of the white shoots is applied to the ditch with organic fertilizer and phosphate fertilizer, and then the ridge is placed to level the ground; the green shoots should be ditched and fertilized, and the trench position is 20 cm away from the bamboo shoot ridge. Then pour 1 time permeable.

3. Water and fertilizer management during the nutritional growth period This period is the key period of water and fertilizer management, and the growth trend of asparagus in this period determines the production of bamboo shoots in the next year. This period is divided into two topdressing sessions, one in late June and one in early August. The first time is about 20 kg per mu, the second time is 25 kg ~ 30 kg, mainly nitrogen fertilizer, with potassium fertilizer, the amount of topdressing can be appropriately adjusted according to the growth potential and soil. The topdressing method is still to ditch and fertilize, and water in time, and there can be no drought phenomenon. In August, if the number of stems per plant is too much, you can remove the thin and weak stems, and each plant can retain 8 to 10 strong stems, maintain a good ventilation and light transmission state, which is conducive to photosynthesis and disease prevention.

4. Management of the winter period After the aboveground stems dry out in winter, they are removed in time and burned in a concentrated manner, and can also be crushed into feed. Generally do not clean up again in the spring of next year, otherwise it will create conditions for the overwintering of diseases and insects, which is not conducive to the control of diseases and insects. Over the years, it will cause outbreaks of pests and diseases, causing serious losses. In addition, water the ground once before freezing the surface.

5. Although there are many asparagus diseases and insects in the control of diseases and insect pests, in recent years, losses have been caused in asparagus production areas, and the main headaches for producers are stem blight and fourteen-point negative mud worms.

Stem blight is a major disease of asparagus and occurs all over the world. Stem blight occurs mainly in summer and early autumn, and is also the vigorous growth period of asparagus. The diseased plant produces fusiform brown spots on the stem near the ground, and in severe cases, the ring stem is circumferential, and the disease spots can invade the xylem of the stem, and the fir bushes at the top of the stem dry up, causing plant death. Stem drying can be used for prevention and control, coating the diseased part of the plant at the beginning of the epidemic, and spraying 3 times continuously at an interval of 5 days during the epidemic. In addition, at the end of the harvest and during the wintering, the root soil is filled with a medicinal solution, and the liquid is not less than 250 grams per plant at a time.

Fourteen-point negative mud worm is the name of general information, and research is rarely reported. It has been observed that the adults are yellow, have small spots on their backs, have a hard shell, can fly, and have pseudo-death; after the adults on the plant are shaken, they fall to the ground and do not move, do not fly, and then climb up the plant to feed. The sites of harm are the tender tip of asparagus, the scales of the tip of the shoot, and the epidermis of young branches. When it first occurs, it is mostly a juvenile insect without a hard shell, and no larvae have been found, which may be incomplete metamorphosis. Spray early during prevention and treatment, and continuously when epidemics occur. Because it is mostly in the soil of the plant in the winter, it can be prevented by irrigating the roots with medicinal liquid after the winter is cleared and after the harvest is overtaken.

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