
Rainbow Pass Riot Broken Leg Ice Rink Hug Beauty Back to Handsome Brother Turning Path to Wild Japanese Female Fans Tears This poem is written by the legendary Turkish star Ilkhan, who left a shock at the 2002 World Cup

author:Green as the wind

Rainbow breaks legs

The ice rink embraces the beauty

The handsome guy turned to the road

Japanese female fans shed tears in the air

The poem is written by the legendary Turkish star Il Khan, who left a stunning glimpse at the 2002 World Cup, the rainbow played Carlos, killed the dark horse Senegal, coupled with the handsome appearance, known as the "Turkish Xiaobei", became the idol of thousands of girls.

However, he was best at later, he turned into a professional figure skater and almost competed in the Winter Olympics.

Although as a footballer and figure skater, he is not considered a top star in the world, but his legendary experience is unique in the world, and this life is worth it.

Rainbow Pass Riot Broken Leg Ice Rink Hug Beauty Back to Handsome Brother Turning Path to Wild Japanese Female Fans Tears This poem is written by the legendary Turkish star Ilkhan, who left a shock at the 2002 World Cup
Rainbow Pass Riot Broken Leg Ice Rink Hug Beauty Back to Handsome Brother Turning Path to Wild Japanese Female Fans Tears This poem is written by the legendary Turkish star Ilkhan, who left a shock at the 2002 World Cup
Rainbow Pass Riot Broken Leg Ice Rink Hug Beauty Back to Handsome Brother Turning Path to Wild Japanese Female Fans Tears This poem is written by the legendary Turkish star Ilkhan, who left a shock at the 2002 World Cup
Rainbow Pass Riot Broken Leg Ice Rink Hug Beauty Back to Handsome Brother Turning Path to Wild Japanese Female Fans Tears This poem is written by the legendary Turkish star Ilkhan, who left a shock at the 2002 World Cup
Rainbow Pass Riot Broken Leg Ice Rink Hug Beauty Back to Handsome Brother Turning Path to Wild Japanese Female Fans Tears This poem is written by the legendary Turkish star Ilkhan, who left a shock at the 2002 World Cup
Rainbow Pass Riot Broken Leg Ice Rink Hug Beauty Back to Handsome Brother Turning Path to Wild Japanese Female Fans Tears This poem is written by the legendary Turkish star Ilkhan, who left a shock at the 2002 World Cup

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