
#Record a Happy Thing Every Day #Look at the meandering, rippled stream, which is still babbling and flowing to the choppy blue world of Poseidon. ----


#Record a happy thing every day#

Look at that twist and turn,

Rippled swirling creek,

Let the mountains and stones block,

It's still babbling and flowing,

Run to the choppy blue world of Poseidon.

----- James Joyce

Du F ä ngst Mich Auf Und L ä sst Mich Fliegen1 "You Catch Me, Take Me Flying" May you survive the loneliness of the world, to meet a better self, to live in this gentle world, like the clouds in the sky gentle, all things lovely!

Helene Fischer

Her voice can make people feel that life is full of hope

#共话中秋 #

#Record a Happy Thing Every Day #Look at the meandering, rippled stream, which is still babbling and flowing to the choppy blue world of Poseidon. ----
#Record a Happy Thing Every Day #Look at the meandering, rippled stream, which is still babbling and flowing to the choppy blue world of Poseidon. ----
#Record a Happy Thing Every Day #Look at the meandering, rippled stream, which is still babbling and flowing to the choppy blue world of Poseidon. ----
#Record a Happy Thing Every Day #Look at the meandering, rippled stream, which is still babbling and flowing to the choppy blue world of Poseidon. ----
#Record a Happy Thing Every Day #Look at the meandering, rippled stream, which is still babbling and flowing to the choppy blue world of Poseidon. ----
#Record a Happy Thing Every Day #Look at the meandering, rippled stream, which is still babbling and flowing to the choppy blue world of Poseidon. ----
#Record a Happy Thing Every Day #Look at the meandering, rippled stream, which is still babbling and flowing to the choppy blue world of Poseidon. ----
#Record a Happy Thing Every Day #Look at the meandering, rippled stream, which is still babbling and flowing to the choppy blue world of Poseidon. ----
#Record a Happy Thing Every Day #Look at the meandering, rippled stream, which is still babbling and flowing to the choppy blue world of Poseidon. ----

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