
Deep in India's National Protected Park, the tiger brothers extended their claws to each other's necks as they looked at the same territory. The two tigers, who were just 3 years old, were in the middle of the blue

author:All things are spiritual

Deep in India's National Protected Park, the tiger brothers extended their claws to each other's necks as they looked at the same territory.

The two tigers, who were just 3 years old, were driven out by the tiger mother when they were in adolescence. The two brothers learned the action of swooping in the process of playing, they had not really participated in the hunt independently, and their sharp claws and fangs had not yet torn off any prey. However, what people did not expect was that the first target of these violent weapons attack was actually to play together to the big brothers.

The older "big baby" first looked at her brother and stared at it for 5 seconds; Although the more docile "Erwa" is unwilling to kill each other, there is no way back at this step. It also turned its head to stare at Dawa, which was considered to be an official acceptance of the challenge.

After only one glance, Dawa roared, announcing that the battle had begun and taking the lead in the attack. It supported its body with its hind legs, and its two forefoots had been raised and slapped Erwa's right shoulder.

When the tiger fights, the tendons that connect the claws and the bone tighten, revealing 10 cm long claws, which are twice as long as lions. Combined with their strength more than ten times that of humans, this claw can easily tear off human faces. Tigers are even more ferocious when fighting their kind, and they have to exert all their strength, even exerting more than 90 times more strength than humans.

The fur on Erwa's chest and shoulders was torn by sharp claws, but its skin and flesh also had enough toughness and defensive power to not open the flesh because of it. But even the most docile tiger was provoked by such a provocation, and Erwa also hit back with her front paws, hitting her brother's jaw at once, and taking advantage of the victory to pursue, several times in a row in an attempt to win or lose the battle.

However, after Erwa pounced several times, her hind legs could not keep up with the body and returned to the state of landing on all fours. At this time, Dawa seized the opportunity and launched a surprise attack condescendingly, pressing her brother's head and body down with two forefoots, followed by a slap on Erwa's neck. The attack worked, and Erwa lost her balance and was knocked to the ground, pointing on all fours, revealing her white belly.

Dawa continued to pursue, not giving the other side a chance to counterattack, in addition to using 10 cm long claws, it also used another weapon - fangs. This is a valuable legacy of their ancestor, the saber-toothed tiger, whose teeth can reach 8 centimeters long, the longest of today's cats.

However, Erwa did not give up, and it was a fatal mistake for Dawa to tear with her mouth, because it would expose her fragile head to the claws of the other party. Sure enough, the two babies were used together, not only using the front paws to tear the scalp of the big baby, but also using the hind legs to make the full kick. This time, Dawa's neck was also scratched, and the severe pain forced her to take a step back. Erwa took the opportunity to turn over and slapped a palm on the bridge of her brother's nose. It could have resulted in his brother's life at once, but his meek and kind character allowed him to regain most of his strength.

Dawa tried to keep her mouth open to attack, but Erwa stopped fighting. The roar gradually subsided as the battle subsided, and Erwa managed to occupy the territory, while Dawa had to travel far to find a new territory.

The Bengal tiger's territory ranges from 10 square kilometers to more than 100 square kilometers, and it is difficult for them to find such a large borderland, so they can only challenge other tiger kings. For a 3-year-old tiger that has just left its mother, it has a lot of time, and in India's Panna National Park, the average age of owning territory and becoming a tiger king is often 6-8 years old, which is the golden time for them to be born.

But in order to achieve this goal, they must first learn to hunt and feed themselves in the wild, and then not only have to fight with some wild beasts to increase their combat experience, but also avoid injuries, so as not to be killed in the wilderness. And for the little tiger who already has territory, it is not easy to hold the territory at such a young age. #Tiger ##Tiger Fight##Tiger King ##我要上微头条 #

Deep in India's National Protected Park, the tiger brothers extended their claws to each other's necks as they looked at the same territory. The two tigers, who were just 3 years old, were in the middle of the blue
Deep in India's National Protected Park, the tiger brothers extended their claws to each other's necks as they looked at the same territory. The two tigers, who were just 3 years old, were in the middle of the blue
Deep in India's National Protected Park, the tiger brothers extended their claws to each other's necks as they looked at the same territory. The two tigers, who were just 3 years old, were in the middle of the blue
Deep in India's National Protected Park, the tiger brothers extended their claws to each other's necks as they looked at the same territory. The two tigers, who were just 3 years old, were in the middle of the blue
Deep in India's National Protected Park, the tiger brothers extended their claws to each other's necks as they looked at the same territory. The two tigers, who were just 3 years old, were in the middle of the blue
Deep in India's National Protected Park, the tiger brothers extended their claws to each other's necks as they looked at the same territory. The two tigers, who were just 3 years old, were in the middle of the blue

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