
#Summer Wars # I like to eat a lot of fruits, I ate jackfruit today, how hard it is to open, how sweet it is when I eat it. Golden in color, full of aroma, biting down on this thick flesh,

author:I'm the skinniest of the kings

#夏日大作战 #

I like to eat a lot of fruits, I ate jackfruit today, how difficult it is when I open it, and how sweet it is when I eat it.

Golden in color and full of aroma, biting down on this fat flesh, the juice is full, and licking the first love.

Jackfruit has mucus, when cutting remember to apply some cooking oil on the knife, so that it is easy to clean after cutting.

Remember to put a few sheets of paper on the bottom of the mat before cutting jackfruit to prevent the slime from flowing to the table and clean up troublesomely.

If you can wear gloves to peel the flesh, try to bring it, prevent mucus from sticking on your hands, and it is not easy to wash your hands.

Although jackfruit is delicious, it should also be noted that jackfruit and honey cannot be eaten together, and the stomach will not be able to stand it. There are also diabetics who can't eat jackfruit, and the body will not be able to stand it.

#Summer Wars # I like to eat a lot of fruits, I ate jackfruit today, how hard it is to open, how sweet it is when I eat it. Golden in color, full of aroma, biting down on this thick flesh,
#Summer Wars # I like to eat a lot of fruits, I ate jackfruit today, how hard it is to open, how sweet it is when I eat it. Golden in color, full of aroma, biting down on this thick flesh,
#Summer Wars # I like to eat a lot of fruits, I ate jackfruit today, how hard it is to open, how sweet it is when I eat it. Golden in color, full of aroma, biting down on this thick flesh,
#Summer Wars # I like to eat a lot of fruits, I ate jackfruit today, how hard it is to open, how sweet it is when I eat it. Golden in color, full of aroma, biting down on this thick flesh,
#Summer Wars # I like to eat a lot of fruits, I ate jackfruit today, how hard it is to open, how sweet it is when I eat it. Golden in color, full of aroma, biting down on this thick flesh,
#Summer Wars # I like to eat a lot of fruits, I ate jackfruit today, how hard it is to open, how sweet it is when I eat it. Golden in color, full of aroma, biting down on this thick flesh,
#Summer Wars # I like to eat a lot of fruits, I ate jackfruit today, how hard it is to open, how sweet it is when I eat it. Golden in color, full of aroma, biting down on this thick flesh,
#Summer Wars # I like to eat a lot of fruits, I ate jackfruit today, how hard it is to open, how sweet it is when I eat it. Golden in color, full of aroma, biting down on this thick flesh,
#Summer Wars # I like to eat a lot of fruits, I ate jackfruit today, how hard it is to open, how sweet it is when I eat it. Golden in color, full of aroma, biting down on this thick flesh,

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