
"No entry without a doctor!" Brazil Snake Island is known as the forbidden land of human beings, there are more than 4,000 poisonous snakes on the island, scientists: only one step away from death! To say that the creepiest animals are


"No entry without a doctor!" Brazil Snake Island is known as the forbidden land of human beings, there are more than 4,000 poisonous snakes on the island, scientists: only one step away from death!

To say what the creepiest animals are, the "viper" must be on the list. Not only its cold appearance, but also the deadly venom in its mouth.

On a small island on brazil's Atlantic coast, there are more than 4,000 terrifying poisonous snakes, known as the forbidden land of mankind!

The island is called Brazil Snake Island and is famous for having the deadliest venomous snakes on the island. The size of the island is small, only 0.43 square kilometers, but the number of venomous snakes on the island is very diverse, and surveys have shown that the average snake per square meter is measured.

And the most terrifying thing is that the poisonous snake here is 5 times more poisonous than the land relatives, which means that if you visit the island alone, you may immediately become a "corpse", which is definitely not alarmist.

This is the residence of a poisonous snake called the golden spearhead, this snake is not large, the longest is less than 1 meter, the whole body is pale golden yellow, it looks very beautiful, but it is a very deadly poisonous snake, in South America's highly venomous snake rankings "among the best".

According to relevant data, in Brazil, most of the "tragic cases" that occur every year to be bitten by poisonous snakes are ghosts of golden spearhead pit vipers.

However, there are so many snake islands in the world, why is the snake venom of the Brazilian snake island so strong? And also classified as a "forbidden land"?

In fact, the Brazilian snake island was not an isolated island 10,000 years ago, but was connected to other continental plates, and the "indigenous snakes" who lived here at that time could also obtain food from the inland and live very happily.

However, as sea levels rise, The Brazilian Snake Island gradually drifts inland and becomes a closed island. Therefore, the mammals that remain on the island have no food supply, some of them starve to death, and some become the "plate food" of the golden spearhead viper, but the number is also getting smaller and smaller, until it becomes extinct.

The golden spearhead viper has no mammals as their food source, and they can only extend their "claws" to the migratory birds that occasionally visit the isolated island.

However, migratory birds only have a short time to "rest" in the trees, and if they do not grasp the timing or the snake venom is not deadly enough, then the migratory birds may still escape.

Therefore, in order to survive and reproduce better, the golden spearhead viper has gradually "evolved" in hunting again and again, not only moving quickly when catching prey, but also becoming more and more toxic. There are even scientific studies that show that its toxicity is 5 times that of close relatives on land! And that's why they thrive on this isolated island.

Due to the abundance of food and the fact that there are no natural enemies on the island, the Golden Spearhead Viper is able to live leisurely here. However, "fame" still brings it "the disaster of killing".

Although the Brazilian snake island is known as a forbidden place for human beings, driven by money, many people still go to it privately every year.

Because the golden spearhead viper has a deadly toxicity, its venom is also a precious medicinal material. Hunters know that as long as they catch them and sell them on the black market, they can make high profits. As a result, many golden vipers become the "darlings" of the black market every year.

In this way, with the indiscriminate hunting and killing of humans, the deterioration of the ecological environment on the island and the inbreeding behavior of snakes in the enclosed space, the golden spearhead viper has gradually become an endangered species.

Today, the Brazilian government has issued a ban on human travel to the island. No one knows where the fate of The Brazilian Snake Island will go without human intervention, but if the human hunting behavior is not stopped, I am afraid that this snake island will soon disappear! #人人能科普, there are new knowledge ##knowledge ##蛇 everywhere #

Author: Eat La Xiao Zheng

"No entry without a doctor!" Brazil Snake Island is known as the forbidden land of human beings, there are more than 4,000 poisonous snakes on the island, scientists: only one step away from death! To say that the creepiest animals are
"No entry without a doctor!" Brazil Snake Island is known as the forbidden land of human beings, there are more than 4,000 poisonous snakes on the island, scientists: only one step away from death! To say that the creepiest animals are
"No entry without a doctor!" Brazil Snake Island is known as the forbidden land of human beings, there are more than 4,000 poisonous snakes on the island, scientists: only one step away from death! To say that the creepiest animals are
"No entry without a doctor!" Brazil Snake Island is known as the forbidden land of human beings, there are more than 4,000 poisonous snakes on the island, scientists: only one step away from death! To say that the creepiest animals are

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