
Mengziyi was originally praising Li Xueqin's profound knowledge, but he exposed his ignorance. When they looked at the stars together, Mengziyi did not know why the stars they saw now were four years ago

author:Cute gossip train

Mengziyi was originally praising Li Xueqin's profound knowledge, but he exposed his ignorance.

When they looked at the stars together, Mengziyi did not know why the stars they saw now were four years ago, and Li Xueqin explained that because the light had to pass a long distance, it entered people's eyes at the speed of light.

It is the most basic knowledge of the universe such as light years and the speed of light in junior high school.

Unexpectedly, Mengziyi praised Li Xueqin for his profound knowledge, to which Li Xueqin said: I said that you praise me for this knowledge point, and it will not make me happy.

After all, it is a graduate of Peking University, and it should be the same as ordinary audiences that this knowledge is just common sense, and people who don't know will appear ignorant.

Think about Guan Xiaotong's solution of a binary equation, which makes those stars around him envious, Qin Xiaoxian can't even write about the filming of "filming", and the cultural level of real stars is also like this.

Speaking of Mengziyi, watching this clip feels that she is very ignorant, but sometimes she feels that although she has no common sense, it does not affect the effect of the program, she feeds horses and waters in the program and does not delay things, emotional intelligence is low but has no impact, is it that the audience is too strict with the star? As long as filming is okay, it doesn't matter if your cultural level is high or low?

#八卦手册 #

Mengziyi was originally praising Li Xueqin's profound knowledge, but he exposed his ignorance. When they looked at the stars together, Mengziyi did not know why the stars they saw now were four years ago
Mengziyi was originally praising Li Xueqin's profound knowledge, but he exposed his ignorance. When they looked at the stars together, Mengziyi did not know why the stars they saw now were four years ago
Mengziyi was originally praising Li Xueqin's profound knowledge, but he exposed his ignorance. When they looked at the stars together, Mengziyi did not know why the stars they saw now were four years ago
Mengziyi was originally praising Li Xueqin's profound knowledge, but he exposed his ignorance. When they looked at the stars together, Mengziyi did not know why the stars they saw now were four years ago
Mengziyi was originally praising Li Xueqin's profound knowledge, but he exposed his ignorance. When they looked at the stars together, Mengziyi did not know why the stars they saw now were four years ago

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