
Li Xueqin's new relationship is sweet and stuns the entire entertainment industry

author:Pavilion said

Who would have thought that the paparazzi previewed the "95 Flowers Exploding Romance" for a long time, and the protagonist was Li Xueqin.

In the camera, Li Xueqin held her boyfriend and shook her little hands.

Li Xueqin's new relationship is sweet and stuns the entire entertainment industry

As she walked, her boyfriend carried her on his back.

Li Xueqin's new relationship is sweet and stuns the entire entertainment industry

The two of them are playing around, and it looks very sweet.

Out of the psychology of protecting amateurs, the paparazzi coded Li Xueqin's boyfriend.

But questioned by netizens:

You told me this guy was an amateur?

Obviously, people even won the Golden Rooster Award.


Li Xueqin's boyfriend is called Wang Yitong.

He was born in 91, 4 years older than Li Xueqin.

He is the screenwriter and starring role of last year's hit movie "Cosmic Exploration Editorial Department".

He doesn't code, he looks like this ⬇

Li Xueqin's new relationship is sweet and stuns the entire entertainment industry

Wang Yitong became a little popular because of acting.

His character is a grotesque young man who lives in Bird's Nest Village, has an aluminum pot on his head, and loves to write poetry.

Li Xueqin's new relationship is sweet and stuns the entire entertainment industry

It's kind of similar to him.

Romantic, strange, literary.

Like a wild man, not very disciplined by the world.

Literary and artistic youth, always like obscure expressions.

So, Wang Yitong hid his good impression of Li Xueqin in the movie.

On the horizontal sign at the door of a family's house, it is written "Calling for love at the end of the universe".

Li Xueqin's new relationship is sweet and stuns the entire entertainment industry

A search of the homeowner's phone showed that the end of the universe was indeed in Tieling.

Li Xueqin's new relationship is sweet and stuns the entire entertainment industry

This is not a one-sided confession.

Li Xueqin also publicly said that she especially admires Wang Yitong's movies.

She used the pot in Wang Yitong's movie as an image on the show.

Write Tibetan poems to the staff on the spot.

The staff member's name is Guo Qian, and the Tibetan poem she wrote is:

The pot can either receive a signal or block it.

Owe me the answer, no one knows.

Li Xueqin's new relationship is sweet and stuns the entire entertainment industry

This kind of secret show of affection is much more poignant than a fair declaration of love.

Many netizens have already called up their CPs, saying that they are the most compatible couple in the entertainment industry.

Li Xueqin's new relationship is sweet and stuns the entire entertainment industry
Li Xueqin's new relationship is sweet and stuns the entire entertainment industry


A large part of the reason why Li Xueqin and Wang Yitong's relationship is favored by the audience is:

They didn't follow the traditional love narrative of the entertainment industry.

The two did not show affection and tell a love story with twists and turns in a big way.

But it's almost like writing the word "match" on your face.

They all came from journalism majors and then devoted themselves to film and television.

The characters are sober and self-humble.

Li Xueqin has come to where she is today, still laughing at herself:

I am the grassroots of the entertainment industry.

Wang Yitong was out of the circle last time, also because of self-deprecation.

As a rookie screenwriter, he won the Golden Rooster Award for Best Screenwriter.

At the award ceremony, he did not burst into tears with excitement and thanked his ancestors and ancestors without words.

Instead, a sentence came:

This is probably the highlight of my life, and I am probably going to go downhill in the future.

Li Xueqin's new relationship is sweet and stuns the entire entertainment industry

amused the bigwigs present.

After winning the award, he still calls himself a "wild director", just like Li Xueqin claims to be a worker.

The most suitable point for two people should be the fit of soul.

Li Xueqin's request for the other half is to "get along well".

She said: "It is inevitable that people like many people in their lives, but in the end, the one who chooses to be together must be the one who is the most pleasant to get along with." ”

This person must understand her fun and preciousness, and heal the injuries she has suffered.

Li Xueqin is a particularly romantic person.

She called everyone to look at the stars together in "Peach Blossom Dock", and said a paragraph of "starry sky literature":

"The closest star we see above us is 4.4 light-years away.

The nearest star to us, they want us to see, and the light it emits has also been gone for more than 4 years.

It just so happened that it came here, just as we looked up, and it was a very romantic encounter, and it was a romance from the universe. ”

Li Xueqin's new relationship is sweet and stuns the entire entertainment industry

In Li Xueqin's poems, there are often words like the moon, the universe, and the stars.

It just so happens that Wang Yitong also likes these elements.

He contracted the poems in the "Space Exploration Editorial Department" and wrote:

If the universe is a poem, each of us is the words that make up the poem.

One day, when this poem is written long enough, I think we can read the meaning of our existence in this poem of the universe.


Li Xueqin's love was once worried by the people around her.

Yang Li asked her what kind of man she liked.

Li Xueqin was helpless: It's not good.

Li Xueqin's new relationship is sweet and stuns the entire entertainment industry

Mao Buyi heard this, and complained on the side:

She likes scumbags.

Li Xueqin's new relationship is sweet and stuns the entire entertainment industry

Li Xueqin's public love experience in the show basically ended in being scum.

When she was in college, she fell in love with a boy from the same school.

The response to the confession was, "If you lose weight, I'll be with you." ”

She tried hard to lose weight, and she did lose a lot of weight.

Li Xueqin's new relationship is sweet and stuns the entire entertainment industry

But at a class reunion, the boy hugged her best friend.

Li Xueqin asked the boy enviously how many pounds she had to lose before the boy was willing to hug her.

The answer is, one hundred pounds.

This number is too difficult for Li Xueqin.

So much so that from then on, she didn't like to be hugged.

Until a particularly thin girl on the show picked her up.

Li Xueqin said with surprise and joy, she made me feel that I could be picked up, does that also mean that I can also be liked and loved?

She said that because of the fat thing, she has suffered a lot of emotional injuries.

Some boyfriends said to her:

Because I'm in love with you, my buddies laugh at me.

There are also boys who send her good person cards:

I think you're very good, but I'm looking for someone with better genes.

In the past few years, Li Xueqin's career has been on the rise, but there has been no progress in love.

She is often "pulled by Lang".

Guo Degang is a "daughter-in-law", and he calls it very smoothly.

Li Xueqin's new relationship is sweet and stuns the entire entertainment industry

She and Wang Jianguo's "Snowpiercer" CP is very popular, and fans are keen to see the configuration of funny women and funny men.

I think a boyfriend like Wang Jianguo is especially suitable for Li Xueqin.

In the play, Li Xueqin and the handsome guy play a couple.

Li Xueqin's new relationship is sweet and stuns the entire entertainment industry

Her character is an ordinary-looking street worker with a good personality.

As a result, I fell in love with a gentle and caring handsome doctor.

This emotional line was subject to some controversy at the time.

Because the audience may regard Li Xueqin's role as an unrealistic meal replacement for ordinary girls outside the emotional line of other "Internet celebrities" and "elites" in the play.

Li Xueqin in reality is not a person who loves firewood, rice, oil and salt.

She is romantic, highly sensitive, and has an extremely delicate perception of the world.

I have been depressed, I have committed suicide, and I have been running on the road to healing myself.

Such a person, the realm left in her heart for her lover must not be as humorous and rough as her appearance.

On the contrary, it will be extremely soft, and it will be extremely longing for the border of the soul.

Therefore, those who like to look at the stars should be with people who have the universe in their hearts.

Li Xueqin finally met the right person this time, and it was difficult not to say a blessing to her.


Li Xueqin's career is heading to its peak.

Some even commented:

The talk show is yellow, but Li Xueqin is popular.

Colleagues who used to talk about talk shows relied on Li Xueqin to contact their work.

And Li Xueqin herself ushered in the busiest stage of her career.

starred in "Hot and Hot", resident in "Hello Saturday".

Li Xueqin's new relationship is sweet and stuns the entire entertainment industry

The drama is continuous, and the variety show is continuous.

Li Xueqin's new relationship is sweet and stuns the entire entertainment industry

She herself said that she is very busy at work.

The previous work rhythm was one day of flying, one day of work.

Now flying and working are on the same day.

Li Xueqin's new relationship is sweet and stuns the entire entertainment industry

Moreover, she has lost a lot of weight and has reached a new level of beauty.

Li Xueqin's new relationship is sweet and stuns the entire entertainment industry

Netizens speculated that this was because Li Xueqin was in love and was nourished by the love of boys.

Loving others is like raising flowers, that's the truth.

Li Xueqin's new relationship is sweet and stuns the entire entertainment industry

But I think that the saying that a lover is like a flower should not be understood in this way.

Li Xueqin took the initiative to raise her own flower.

The existence of love only makes her flowers a little more colorful.

She worked hard in her career and didn't dare to relax for a day.

I also worked hard to lose weight, exercise, and diet.

Li Xueqin's new relationship is sweet and stuns the entire entertainment industry

She showed a unique attraction in the stage of her best career, the highest appearance, and the most emotional stability.

People will always meet the most suitable person when their energy is the highest and most stable.

As a result, Li Xueqin has this happiness customized for her.

In the past, the entertainment industry often admired the life model of "big heroine".

No need for love, no need for a soul mate.

Sister only needs career and money.

It's a cool statement, but it's extreme.

A good love and a moving career are not opposites.

As long as you don't get too obsessed with being loved, you ignore your own value.

Proper love is always an important way for people to grow.

Speaking of which, I'd like to share a few of my friend's wedding vows (from the book "Conversations with God").

This vow is not a commitment to laundry, cooking, husband and children in the traditional sense, emphasizing how much they are willing to sacrifice for each other.

It's an agreement of mutual respect to get better together in the marriage relationship:

The goal of our relationships is not to create obligations, but to create opportunities. It's an opportunity for us to grow and be able to express ourselves fully. It allows us to reach our full potential in life. Then our relationship will have a very good start.

May none of us have to sacrifice for love and lose ourselves in our relationships.

It's about looking for opportunities for growth in high-quality love.

So as to become a more independent and beautiful individual, and gain the opportunity to love and be loved.

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