
Why are the Bellington Terriers less common people don't like to raise them

author:Pet Network

Why there are fewEr Bellington Terriers, we can see that common dogs generally have Xishi dogs, teddy dogs, etc. These dogs are generally relatively easy to domesticate dogs, so many people like to raise such dogs. But dogs like the Bellington Terrier and the Afghan Hound are generally not raised, or there are fewer people, why?

Why are the Bellington Terriers less common people don't like to raise them

Why are there fewer Bellington Terriers

The Bellington Terrier is one of the forbidden dogs in some areas, so the average person rarely keeps it. And its personality is also more fierce, so the average person does not like to raise.

Bellington Terrier personality

1. The Bellington Terrier is bold, strong and agile, resembling a small sheep, but not a small sheep, with a lion-like heart. It has been used to drive away small pests, hunting otters, foxes and so on. The personality is very different from the beautiful appearance, the fighting heart is strong, and it is a breed with a strong jaw.

2. The Bellington Terrier retains the need for strong psychological stimulation, and if there is insufficient exercise, it may be fatal to it. Generally suitable for children, suitable for city life, can adapt to both hot weather and cold climate, is an excellent gatekeeper dog, loyal family dog.

Why are the Bellington Terriers less common people don't like to raise them

Is the Bellington Terrier fierce

1. The Bellington Terrier is native to England and originated in the 19th century. Originally named Ross Behring Terrier by origin, it was heavier and shorter than the current breed and was used to hunt foxes, hares and badgers. The appearance resembles a small sheep, but the personality is not like a small sheep, and has a lion-like heart. It has been used to drive away small pests, hunting otters, foxes and so on. The personality is very different from the beautiful appearance, the fighting heart is strong, and it is a breed with a strong jaw.

2. The Bellington Terrier has its ancestral pedigree, has a combative personality, is generally suitable for children, suitable for urban life, can adapt to both hot weather and cold climate, and is an excellent gatekeeper dog and a loyal family dog.

3. The Bellington Terrier is brave and confident. Is a smart partner with strong athleticism.

Good temper, gentle by nature, mighty, but not shy or nervous. Sleeps gently, but wakes up courageous.

4. The Bellington Terrier is fierce, but is a good family dog that can protect small children.

Why are the Bellington Terriers less common people don't like to raise them

How to pick a Bellington Terrier puppy

Learn the following four points and choose an excellent and healthy Bellington Terrier puppy:

1. Please be sure to see the dog dad and mom when buying a dog.

2. Look at the back line.

It can't be flat-backed, and the Bellington backline is streamlined.

3. Look at the color.

There are only two colors of Bellington puppies: black and coffee, the colors of the adult Bellington that everyone sees are gradually changed by black and coffee after they grow up, and the coat color needs to go through several times, generally until one and a half years old to stabilize. Now some Of the Bellington puppies are white, yellow... These are all impure quality dogs, so if you buy a white little Bellington is likely to be skewered with a poodle, the puppy must be dark. General black may reflect gray, blue and other different shades, there are also reflected out of white, coffee color generally reflect yellow, sand color, pig liver color, white and so on.

The coat color of a Bellington puppy determines the color of its nose, which varies mainly depending on the shade of color.

4. See if there are any stalks.

Home knows that Bellington is a terrier dog that it must have terrier hair, generally look at Bellington does not look carefully on the feeling that Bellington is a color of hair, in fact, everyone will find that its hair is divided into two kinds, a fine as cotton yarn is very soft and fluffy and elastic, the other is a dark terrier hair, the hair is relatively coarse, not very soft, when Bellington bathed you will find that its hair once there is water after the hair is very small, the coat color becomes darker. This is because its hairs are very thin and have stalk hairs.

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